Star-Gazette from Elmira, New York (2024)

PAGE EIGHT, APRIL 21, 1931. STAR-GAZETTK International More than SO years ago be operated a stage coach between Watkins Glen and Weston. Mr. Green Is survived by his Police Seek Glen Girl? 14, Vicinity Obituaries widow, and six children, Mrs. De ty of Kent, England.

When a young girl she came to this country with her Her maiden name was Miss Elizabeth Hatcher. She is survived by her husband and five children: Milton and Ray of Reading Center, John, Dorothy and Helen of this village; also two brothers, John Hatcher of Starkey, and Charles Hatcher of Milo, and one sister, Mrs. Charles Shultz of Penn Four More Forest Blazes Subdued in Northern Tier; Move to Protect Gas Wells von Allen, Esther and Edward Green of Watkins Glen. Cora M. of Montour Falls, and Stewart and Lester of Tyrone.

The funeral will be held in Tyrone and will be in charge of the Masonic Lodge. Interment will be in the Tyrone Cemetery MRS. MATILDA AUSTIN Canton, April tl. Matilda day evening at the Steele Memorial Library. More than 25 members attended the session which was presided over by Mrs.

Wickham B. Smith. Plans were made for the annual meeting of the association May 26 at the library. During the course of the evening reports from the delegates were heard, and plans for a tentative program for the annual Spring Conference of the association, to be held at the George M. Diven School Saturday, May 23, were drawn up.

Mrs. H. M. Babco*ck will be the leader, assisted by Mrs. P.

Hor-ton, district chairman from Hor-nelL Chairmen were announced as follows: Mrs. Harry Baits, press; Mrs. Charles Abbott luncheon; Mrs. Henry Ellett, luncheon; Miss Emma E. King-ley, registrar, assisted by Miss Florence Dobber-tein and Mrs.

Ralph Austin and Mrs. H. J. Atherton, luncheon The Spring Conference will bring together representatives from the South Central District of the Association. Miss Ethel Phillips of the Visit Tioga and Bradford County Wardens and Crews Bring Four Blazes Under Control Tioga Fires Burn Over 200 Acres-Officials Report Stiff Wind Fanning Forests', Ask Help In Locating Fires.

MRS. IDA WOOD. Troy, April 21. Mrs Ida Wood, 70, died at her home at Columbia Cross Roads early- Monday evening. She is survived by her husband, W.

C. Wood, and a niece, Mrs. Nettie Packard of Elmira. A prayer service will be held. at the home Thursday at noon and funeral services will be conducted at Woodlawn chapel At Elmira by the Rev.

Glen Dewey. Interment will be in Woodlawn Cemetery. OTTO JENSEN Penn Yan, April XI. Otto Jensen, 62, died Saturday afternoon. He drove his automobile to the Sprague garage on East Elm Street, stopped his motor and expired before he could open the door of the car and step to the ground.

Surviving are his widow; three sons, Henry of Hall, Hilbert of Geneva and Walter of Dresden four daughters, Mrs. Soren Larsen of Geneva, Jensen of Benton, Mrs. Johanna Jensen of Penn Yan and Mrs. Mabel Jensen of Hall; also 26 grandchildren. The funeral was held today at 2:30 p.

m. at the Danish Lutheran Church, the Rev. Hans P. Berthelsen officiating. Burial in Lake View Cemetery.

Austin, widow of Iral Austin, one of the pioneer residents of eastern Tioga County, died at her home near Qgdensburg Saturday aged 76 years. She is survived by the following children: Clarence and Alfred Austin at home," Thomas Alexander of Binghamton' andMrs. Walter Porter. The funeral Was held Monday at the home and later at the Ogdensburg Union Church in charge of the Rev. J.

W. Faust of the Methodist Church, Burial was in the nearby Cemetery. ANN1CE n. KENNEDY Wellsboro, April 2L Annice Ruth Kennedy, 11-year-old daughter! of Mr. and Mrs.

L. Kennedy, died at her home in Kennedyville Sunday. She is survived by her parents and four sisters, Kathleen, Florence, Dorothy and Maude. The will be held Wednesday at 2 m. at the Kennedyville Church, The Rev.

Mr. Klotsbach of the Middle Ridge Methodist Church Four, forest fire In Tioga and Bradford Counties. Washington Authorities on Look-out For Pratt of Watkins Glen, Who Disappeared Without Leaving Any. Clue, Washington, April 21 Police of this city have been requested to look for 14-year-old Pauline -Pratt of Watkins Glen. Her mother, said the girl had disappeared from home and it was feared she had been kidnaped or had run away to Washington, where she former- ly lived.

Local police were Informed the girl left home April 13, but had no money. There had been no family quarrels, her mother said, and the girl left no note. Nor has anyone been found who bsw her since she -left school that day. TO CHOOSE DELEGATES. Tioga County Well Progress Is Detailed Davey Well Near Mansfield Is Down 170 Feet, Palmer Operation Down 3,460 Continue Operations on Adams Well.

were brought under control Monday afternoon after several hundreds of acres of woodland had been laid waste. Near Morris, Tioga County, 100 acres of land were seared by the flames that are reported to have started on ing Nurses 'Association discussed the Robinson farm and licked their way into state lands. tne arive oy ia association kkb'1161 tuberculosis in the "teen age, a national drive of which is now effect throughout the country. It was also urged that Mother's Day be made more prominent through the promotion of pre-natal health, and the lessening of maternity mortality rates. BIRTHS ANNOUNCED will officiate and interment will be in the Kennedyville Cemetery.

MRS. ALEXANDEF. ABBOTT -Bath, April tl. Mrs. Alexander Abbott died Monday after an extended illness.

She was a daughter of Albert and Emma Haliday Wheeler. She was born and passed her life of 82 years In this community and survived her husband more than 15 years. She leaves no survivors except several cousins. The funeral will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Samuel R. Faucett on West Washington Avenue at 2 p. m. Wednesday Burial will be in Grove Cemetery. MRS.

ANNA M. LYNN Penn Yan, April tl. -Mrs. Anna M. Lynn, 83, died at her home on Sheppard Street, Sunday, She is survived by one son, Floyd of Penn Yan; two daughters, Mrs.

Cora Cleveland of Union, and Mrs. Charles Davey of Penn Yan, and seven grandchildren. The funeral was held today at 2:30 p. m. at the home, the Rev.

R. N. Jessup officiating. Burial was in Lake View Cemetery. MRS.

A. K. WYANT Penn Yan, April 21 Mrs. Agnes K. Wyant died at her home on Main Street Monday morning.

She was a registered nurse. She leaves one son, J. Anderson Wyant. ft student at the University of Buffalo Medical College; two brothers, John Lynch of Olean and Enos A. Lynch of Geneva; four sisters, Mrs.

J. V. Robertson, Miss Ellen and Miss Elizabeth Lynch of Penn Yan, and Mrs. Frances L. Poole of Ho-boken.

The funeral will be hjeld Wednesday at 9 a. at St Michael's Church, with Interment in St Michael's Cemetery. EDWARD GREEN. Watklns Glen, April 81. Edward Green.

59. drooDed dead Mnndsv The second fire was at Johnson Brook oa the' Tioga-Potter County line. It was estimated that about 100 acres were left smouldering by the blaze. Bradford -County Urea Tioga County wardens received reports of two fires in Bradford County. One was, at Stevensville and the other was near Rummer, field.

In each case more than 50 acres were reported to have been burned over. All these fires were reported as being under control before nightfall. Fire wardens report a stiff wind from the south that has reached almost gale proportions In the forest. This, coupled with the unseasonable haze and smoke from fires, has made the work of sighting fires extremely difficult. Mansfield, April Jl Drillers on the W.

A. Davey well near here were working at a depth' of 170 feet, the Wellsboro office of the Allegany Company an nounced. No information Is be ing released from the drill floor and no one not connected directly with the operation is per mitted to go near the derrick. morning as he was his work as day watchman at the International Salt Company. Death Avoca, April 2L Mr.

and Mrs. Vern D. Parker are the parent? of a daughter born at the Bath Hospital Monday. She has been named Joyce Carolyn. Mr.

and Mrs. Jay B. Saxton are the parents of a son born at their home Friday, April was aue to a heart attack Mr. Green we born in Tyrone, Oct. 16.

1872. He fwnt nraPtloallv Wellsboro, April 21. -L. M. Sim- erson of Covington; R.

W. Samp- son and Ray Collins of Crooked Creek, and Gale C. Gerow and Fred Erway of Wellsboro, breeders oft purebred Holsteln-Freslan 1 cattle; 1 are among the Pennsylvania can-1 didates for election as delegates to represent the black and white breed at 46th annual convention of -the Holstein-Freslan Association of America, to be held at Syracuse June 3. There will be 734 national delegates. Ballots will be mailed in the near future to the 31,000 active members of the association, the sections where fires had been Two men were injured at Tompkins Sunday while combatting a fire that burned over more than 100 acres of land.

Both men returned to their work after medical, attention, wardens reported. Protect Gas Wells Apprehension exists in sections where capped gas wells exist and operators are taking precautions to guard the wells from fire damage. Operators report that a grass fire probably would do little damage to a well but that a forest fire of sufficient size to send flames over the top of the capped shafts could take the temper from the pipes and valves and thus release gas into the air. Wooden rigs would fall ah easy prey to forest fires and even steel derricks can be damaged by the flames. In many cases operators are having mounds of earth and stones thrown up about their drill locations to prevent fire from reaching the wells.

Canton Woman Hurt In Collision Of Cars all his life in that village, where he operated a farm. For the last two years ne had been employed at the PRESENT COMEDY FRIDAY. Fall, April 21. The Speech Arts Department of Cook Academy will present its comedy, "Are You a Mason at the local town hall Friday evening, April 24. wardens toaay issued an appeal for help in locating fires.

Anyone seeing smoke rising from format la elri tn iAmmnnlrlt with P. T. Council Plans Spring Conferences Wellsboro, April 21 Progress on the several gas wells being drilled in the Tioga field today was Reported as follows: The Allegany Company reports Its Palmer well in Farmington as down 3,460 feet; its well on the Claude Learn farm in Farmington 1,200 feet; rigging up on the C. A. Smith farm in Farmington and building rig on the Leon Manning farm in Farmington.

Drilling is being continued on the Adams well by the Adams Oil A Oas Company at a depth of 4,721 Onondaga lime or Oriskany sand. Queen-Flaherty today were drilling at ft depth of 1,500 feet oa their location on the William Bache farm in Farmington, The Sylvattta Corporation drilling on the Elliott Heirs' farm in Farmington, was down 1,800 feet. ThevPennsylvania Power Light was down 470 feet on its location on the M. A. Burdette farm in Lawrence.

This operation is three quarters of ft mile northeast of the Meaker well. the wardens immediately. Guards today were posted about ELMIRA MAN MRS. LOREN CORNISH Dundee, April 21-The funeral of Mrs. Loren Cornish was held at the Dewey undertaking parlors this afternoon, the Rev.

Thomas Carter and the ReV. M. Chaplin officiating. Burial was the cemetery at Milo. Mrs.

Cornsh had been ill only a few days and her death was unexpected She was 50 years of age OMIT COURT TERM I a i'M'i Wellsboro, April 21. By agreement between attorneys, the May civil term of the Tioga County court will be omitted. Unless plans change however, the regular criminal sessions will be held, convening Mohday, May 25. AUXILIARY TO MEET Waverly, April 81. The Waverly branch of the Tioga County General Hospital Auxiliary will hold an all-day meeting Thursday at the home of Mrs.

George Atwood on Orange Street. A picnic dinner will be served at noon. The regular monthly meeting of the Elmira Council of the Parent- reet. The drillers expect to go about 160 feet before striking MADE ANEW Teacher Association was held Mon and was born in Bioomneid, Coun Canton. April 21.

Mrs. William Smith received serious cut and bruises and her two-year-old daughter injuries to her back Sun Mr. Christopher F. Plateau, 815 Spauldlng St, Elmira, N. Feels like New Man.

day evening when, returning from Williamsport to their home in Mon- roeton in a car driven oy Mr, Smith, they collided with one driven by Eugene McName of Ralston at a point a mile north of that was bothered with liver trouble, biliousness and loss of appetite," states Mr. Plateau, "and I knew that this condition was because of a sluggish liver and general run-down condition. I had no place. Both machines were wrecked, the Smith car being towed to Can ton Monday. All of the occupants of the Smith car were pitched out on the roadway and were fortunate in escaping more serious injuries.

III llll I I T. 1 Paper BLAZE EXTINGUISHED Penn Yan, April 21. A chimney energy or ambition to go. I was feeling miserable all of the time. "After my appetite failed me I thought It was high time to do something so I started taking JUVENOI it Immediately put my live? into perfect working order, the bilious attacks stopped and today I am full of pep and energy.

JUVENOL. has done me a lot of good." 41TVENOL and ACITABS are old In Elmira by Geo. B. Parkinson, 12S Lake Street, and 108 West Water Street. Advertisem*nt.

burning out at the residence of Mrs. Eugene Coans, 113 Henry Street, Monday morning called out the fire trucks and the blase was extinguished before it had gained great head way. Damage to the ceiling and woodwork in the kitchen is placed at approximately $50. 1 I I I I i a vvi (Safe 4 -it 'A 1 -j HI ffrrrf s''f CLOSED HIS DOORS Entire stock of his store and warehouse will be offered to the buying public at what we honestly believe the lowest truthful prices ever offered anywhere or any place. Far below all so-called low down, rock bottom, and actual give away prices you so often see In big bold typo The PLAZA ttti Bterry, President John O.

Owes. Maaagcr TbeCOPLtV-PLAZA The SAVOY PLAZA Arthur Kc, A. Bom nsui Managing Director HOTGLS of DJ5TI IKTIOn cr3 Hie Copley-Plata is in the fashionable Back Bay iectloh, Convenient to everything, Boston attest hoc telryj fates up, The Plaza and The Savoy-Plaza, ate on tippet Fifth Avenue at the entrance to Central Park. Single teesasi est I W-OO-ap J)nUrotnaalBstkJ $8.00 ttp STARTS i- 1 PROMPTLY AT 9 Barvatioas far the sTational Hetel el "may be ttade at THB TLAXA THB SAVOY.7 IlA XRB COFUTr-PbAlA. MORNING "Prospecting For Oil and Gas" Of Which Mr.

L. Panyity, Experienced Geologist, is the Author ee Tomorrow's Da oly Paper For ther Particulars-bf This is a book of much interest throughout this section at the present time. Methods of leading gas companies are described briefly. How geologists locate probable gas and oil Bearing territory is told. The book is profusely illustrated.

It sells for $3.25 postpaid, from I S.i i Mever-To- Forsotteim L. S. PANYITY, 66 Main Street Bradford, Pa. Or From Any Bookstore Quick' Disposal Salle SALESMEN WANTED EXPERIENCED 0F n)(g(l 0 WGD STORE CLOSED THURSDAY MORNING DANCING Are you an "Old-Time Fox Come and be brought up-to-date. Dance as New Torkefa are dafieingths hew etep the new rhythm.

MISS JENNIE M. CURTIS Vill Reopen Het Tuesday Evening Class For Young People For si Special Spring Session THIS EVENING APRIL 21 Trinity Club House Lesson From to 9 o'clock Informal Dane ins 9 to 11 o'clock FURNITURE OR RUG APPLY AT ONCE FunnrruRE and rugs Elmira Heights 129-131 Fourtoonth Stroot 1.

Star-Gazette from Elmira, New York (2024)


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Name: Lidia Grady

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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.