Messages for Jimmy (Diesel) | 2008 Busa Bash (2024)

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  • May 1, 2008
  • #21

Hey Jimmy,
Best wishes on your recovery. Stay strong and make your decisions about the future as they come and only when they need made. If you want to ride again that's cool, don't let the hip thing stop you if that's what's really in your heart. Weigh your risks and live your life. I've been riding & racing (& wrecking) with a prosthetic hip. One bad fall could change life as I now know it but until then I'm going to really live that life.

Messages for Jimmy (Diesel) | 2008 Busa Bash (2)

think about it!
If you choose to no longer ride that's cool too, as long as it's what is in your heart.

Messages for Jimmy (Diesel) | 2008 Busa Bash (3)

Stay strong and do what the physical therapy Nazi's tell you to. They're mean & they hurt but you'll be better for it in the long run! You appear to be in good shape (from pics) and everyone else is confirming that so this will help you recovery quicker.
It's a long road but one worth taking! Stay strong & let us know what you need, even if it's just an ear to vent!
Best Wishes,


I'm outta here!!!!

Donating Member


  • May 1, 2008
  • #22

Heal well. Sorry for your accident.


Mr. January

Donating Member


  • May 1, 2008
  • #23

Keep your head up Jimmy. Stay on the board whatever you decide to do, your friends here will be there to help you through the hard times ahead however we can, it could have been anyone of us following DO3. Stay strong brother.

Messages for Jimmy (Diesel) | 2008 Busa Bash (6)

proud dad


  • May 1, 2008
  • #24

I know it's easy to say....Keep a positive mind,push hard on therapy and the healing will come sooner.Prayer your way.


Just call me B.O.B



  • May 1, 2008
  • #25

Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Take your time and do what's best for you and yours. If you need a hand we would be more than happy to help out! Stay strong and know that a whole bunch of folks on here care about you even though some of us didn't get the chance to meet ya.

God Bless,

Busa Jules

Little blue pill, M.Ed.

Donating Member


  • May 1, 2008
  • #26


Glad you are still with us to read this. Like they say.. it's not IF, it's WHEN... just sucks it was at the BASH! You have been in my prayers since the first night. Keep you head up, hang in there and God will do with you what he has planned... GREAT THINGS!

Hope to see you again one day!




  • May 1, 2008
  • #27

I'm not worried, with a name like DIESEL you've got to come back stronger than ever!! You are already well on your way, stay encouraged and find strength through your family and friends!

Messages for Jimmy (Diesel) | 2008 Busa Bash (11)


Emerging from slumber...

Donating Member


  • May 1, 2008
  • #28

Hey Jim sorry we had to actually meet while you were on your back after the incident but it was good to be there with you bro, hela up quickly but carefully and I am sure we will ride again. My best wishes for a speedy recovery, hang in there.

Messages for Jimmy (Diesel) | 2008 Busa Bash (13)




  • May 1, 2008
  • #29

don't know you never met.seems you were riding around in a helicopter around the time we were getting up there.hope every thing goes well in your recovery.florida roads are safer,08 is faster.get back home and lets ride.

el stumpo


  • May 1, 2008
  • #30

Hope everything goes well with your recovery and you come back 110%

Messages for Jimmy (Diesel) | 2008 Busa Bash (15)


The BMW Parts Guy

Donating Member


  • May 1, 2008
  • #31

BlondeOnaBusa @ May 01 2008 said:

Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Take your time and do what's best for you and yours. If you need a hand we would be more than happy to help out! Stay strong and know that a whole bunch of folks on here care about you even though some of us didn't get the chance to meet ya.

God Bless,

What she said



Sometimes Dopey fits too

Donating Member


  • May 1, 2008
  • #32

Hang in Bud, do whatever they tell you even though it hurts. You will be much happier in the long run. Our rides and rules will be forever changed because of this and sorry it took this to wake us up... My wife and I wer 30-45 seconds back and rolled up on it. Just a bad scene all around, we stayed till the bikes were loaded into the trailer and then rode back in the rain.

It could have gone much worse, be thankful you are alive. I am the one that climbed over the guardrail and down the hill to look for and found the wheel chunk, if you guys had gone over the side this would be a much different post.

Be strong!!!


Poster formerly know as qrychefanus


  • May 1, 2008
  • #33

Hnag in there Jimmy, i hope for a speedy recovery for ya...


Donating Member


  • May 1, 2008
  • #34

Prayers sent for a speedy recovery. Hang in there brother

Messages for Jimmy (Diesel) | 2008 Busa Bash (20)


The milkman cometh!!!

Donating Member


  • May 1, 2008
  • #35

Praying for you and wishiong for a speedy recovery. Remember, nose to the grind stone. Do what they say. Something very similar happend to my dad 2 years ago. Not pretty, but at 65 he got back in the saddle a year later with his screwed and plated pelvis. The choice is yours and yours alone, just don't make an impulsive decision. We back you 100% in what ever you decide. If you need anything at all post it up and it will be taken care of.
Prayers and wishes. KEEP YOUR HEAD UP.



  • May 1, 2008
  • #36

Sorry to hear about the crash.

Don't focus on all of the negative things that could and can happen. Stay focused and stay positive. Most of of all, focus on God.

There are many people praying for you. We all want to see you better and riding again.


Faith, Trust, Pixie Dust!

Donating Member


  • May 1, 2008
  • #37

DNGrumpy @ May 01 2008 said:

Hang in Bud, do whatever they tell you even though it hurts. You will be much happier in the long run. Our rides and rules will be forever changed because of this and sorry it took this to wake us up... My wife and I wer 30-45 seconds back and rolled up on it. Just a bad scene all around, we stayed till the bikes were loaded into the trailer and then rode back in the rain.

It could have gone much worse, be thankful you are alive. I am the one that climbed over the guardrail and down the hill to look for and found the wheel chunk, if you guys had gone over the side this would be a much different post.

Be strong!!!

Hey Jimmy,

I was one of the women sitting with you while we were waiting for the ambulance. Sorry we had to meet under those conditions. I wish you speedy and safe recovery. Like Dave said, we were just seconds behind you guys. Stay strong. We're here if you need anything.

05 Busa LE

Donating Member


  • May 1, 2008
  • #38

Prayers for a speedy recovery

Messages for Jimmy (Diesel) | 2008 Busa Bash (25)


Fun Times!

Donating Member

  • May 1, 2008
  • #39

Jimmy, like others have said, do what the doctors say and get well for your family. I will be praying for you as well as many others.




Donating Member


  • May 1, 2008
  • #40

MrsGrumpy @ May 01 2008 said:

DNGrumpy @ May 01 2008 said:

Hang in Bud, do whatever they tell you even though it hurts. You will be much happier in the long run. Our rides and rules will be forever changed because of this and sorry it took this to wake us up... My wife and I wer 30-45 seconds back and rolled up on it. Just a bad scene all around, we stayed till the bikes were loaded into the trailer and then rode back in the rain.

It could have gone much worse, be thankful you are alive. I am the one that climbed over the guardrail and down the hill to look for and found the wheel chunk, if you guys had gone over the side this would be a much different post.

Be strong!!!

Hey Jimmy,

I was one of the women sitting with you while we were waiting for the ambulance. Sorry we had to meet under those conditions. I wish you speedy and safe recovery. Like Dave said, we were just seconds behind you guys. Stay strong. We're here if you need anything.

Can't thank you enough for did a terrific job of keeping Jimmy calm until the ambulances arrived. I believe I even asked you if you were a professional.

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Messages for Jimmy (Diesel) | 2008 Busa Bash (2024)


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