Get Well Wishes: What to Write in a Get Well Card | Hallmark Ideas & Inspiration (2024)

Get Well Wishes: What to Write in a Get Well Card | Hallmark Ideas & Inspiration (1)

By Keely Chace on August 30, 2018

It’s not always easy finding the words to write in a get-well card. We want to offer what comfort we can. We want to bring a smile in the middle of a tough day. We definitely DON’T want to say something insensitive.

Well, relax, because there are plenty of warm, hopeful, encouraging and even funny things you can say to someone who’s injured or ill. And whatever you write, the simple gesture of reaching out with a card will go a long way toward lifting that person’s spirits.

The get-well wishes you write will depend a lot on your recipient and his or her specific health situation. Whether it’s a minor injury or a serious illness, Hallmark’s writers have message ideas to guide you. We hope our tips take some of the pressure off and help you extend a little heartfelt caring to someone who needs it.

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What to Write in a Get-Well Card

  • Get-Well Wishes
  • For Family or Friends
  • For a Child
  • Offer to Help
  • Serious Injury or Illness
  • Terminal Illness
  • Warm Closings

Get-Well Wishes

You don’t have to write a whole lot to lift your recipient’s spirits in a big way. It’s fine to keep your personal message short, sweet and upbeat—especially when the card itself has already said quite a bit.


  • “Hope you get to feeling better soon!”
  • “Looking forward to seeing you back at practice when you’re ready.”
  • “Wishing you well.”
  • “Take extra good care!”
  • “Here’s to you—steadier, stronger and better every day.”
  • “We hope you’re taking it slow and easy right now.”
  • “Take your sweet time getting well!”
  • “Sending good, healthy vibes your way.”
  • “Warmest wishes for a speedy recovery!”
  • “Miss you around here!”
  • “Lifting you up in my prayers during your treatments.”
  • “I’m sure you’ll be up to your old tricks again in no time!”
  • “Hope you feel a little better every day.”
  • “You’re in all our warmest thoughts as you recover from your accident.”
  • “Hope it won’t be long till you’re out of the hospital.”
  • “Think of this as the universe telling you to watch more TV.”
  • “Hope you’re catching up on your cookbook reading!”

Writing tip: A short “miss you” message can be great for a classmate, co-worker or neighbor confined to a hospital or home because of an injury or illness. It’s a nice little reminder that they’re important to you.

For Family or Friends

Get-well wishes expressing love, gratitude and support are great for family or friends facing illness or injury. A healthy dose of humor can also make a nice, uplifting message for someone you know well.


  • “You mean so much to me. Hope you’re feeling better very soon.”
  • “Hope it helps a little to know how lovingly you’re thought of.”
  • “God bless you through your recovery.”
  • “Just sending a little get-well sunshine your way because you’re always a bright spot in my days.”
  • “Love you and think of you all the time.”
  • “Love you…hate that you’re sick.”
  • “I know you, and I know you’ll beat this.”
  • “Ugh. I hate it when my favorite people get hurt.”
  • “I have faith that you’ll be better really soon.”
  • “Sending hugs and love.”
  • “Saying extra prayers for your recovery.”
  • “No fair. You’re way too nice to be this sick.”
  • “The things you’ll do for attention! 😉 Well, you’ve got mine for as long as this takes.”
  • “Get better and get back to your amazing self soon!”
  • “I realize just how much I need you when you’re out of commission.”
  • “If you need me to come over and tell you that you don’t look sick, call me.”
  • “Go ahead and milk this as long as you can. I would.”

Writing tip: Steer clear of serious advice about treating a health issue, but feel free to offer more general and lighthearted tips about resting up, healing and passing the time. Those should come as a welcome distraction and day brightener.

For a Child

A get-well message to a child is a chance to encourage, send a hug or a smile, and take their mind off the scary or unpleasant stuff for a little while.


  • “Use your superpowers and get well soon!”
  • “You’re being so brave, [Princess]. Love you lots.”
  • “[Baxter] and I are thinking about you. He says ‘Woof,’ which is doggy for ‘Feel better soon!’”
  • “There are easier ways to get out of school, you know. Glad you’re on the mend.”
  • “I know things are tough right now. I know you’re tougher.”
  • “You are way cooler than this. You’ll be back to your awesome self soon.”
  • “Please come back home from the hospital soon! Your toys really miss you.”
  • “Wishing on every star that you get better soon.”
  • “Can’t wait to see you smiling again!”
  • “Sorry things are so un-fun right now. Hoping that changes soon.”
  • “Sick stinks. You rock. Get well soon!”
  • “Even school is cool when you’re here. Hope to see you back soon.”
  • “Like a big ol’ basketball, you’ll bounce back!”
  • “I bet your friends miss you at school. You’re very miss-able.”
  • “See? You’re so great, even germs like you!”
  • “Ouch! I’m so sorry about your broken leg, [Emma]. Sending you lots of feel-better hugs.”
  • “So sorry to hear your ankle will keep you out of action for the rest of the season. Hope you’re able to focus on resting, healing and coming back stronger than ever next year!”
  • “Bye-bye tonsils. Hello feeling lots better!”

Writing tip: If you’re sending a get-well gift along with your card, you could mention it in your message: “I hope hugging this teddy bear helps you feel better!”

Offer to Help

If you’re able to help with meals, housework, childcare or something else while your recipient is laid up, then feel free to include an offer to do so as part of your message. Just be sure to follow up and follow through.


  • “I’d love to help around the house until you’re up and around again. I’ll text to see about a good time to come over.”
  • “You’re going to beat this thing! Until then, don’t worry about the lawn. We’ve got it covered.”
  • “You need it, I got it. Whatever it is.”
  • “For now, let somebody else do all the doing. I’d love to bring over some meals, for starters.”
  • “I promise I won’t pretend that I can cook for you. How’s takeout sound?”
  • “No matter what, no matter when, I want to be there for you. I’ll be in touch soon.”
  • “We’re having fun getting [Ella] to and from school with us. Hope that makes one less thing to worry about as you heal up.”
  • “Don’t worry about a thing while you’re in the hospital. There’s a whole crew of ‘elves’ taking care of everything. Hope those doctors are taking good care of you!”
  • “I’m here for you. For whatever. For as long as you need.”
  • “We’ll pick up and clean up. You rest up.”

Writing tip: In general, the more specific your offer of help, the better. And no task is too small.

Serious Injury or Illness

Don’t let your fear of saying the wrong thing keep you from saying anything at all to someone facing a serious injury or illness. Writing a few lines in a card is a relatively comfortable way to reach out—and your caring will come through loud and clear, whatever you write.


  • “I was so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Sending lots of caring thoughts your way as you begin treatment.”
  • “Praying you’ll feel God’s healing hand at work in you.”
  • “I don’t know why bad things like cancer have to happen to good people like you. But I want you to know how much I’m thinking about you and how much I want to help in whatever way I can.”
  • “Whatever makes you feel better, that’s what I wish for you as you work through your physical therapy.”
  • “Praying with you.”
  • “I don’t know what to say, except I love you and I’m thinking of you.”
  • “Let’s hang out. As soon as you’re ready, I’m ready.”
  • “Wishing you some well-deserved good days to make up for all the crummy ones lately.”
  • “This is some serious @#$%. I’m ready to take it on together.”
  • “Call me when you’re up to it. It would be great to hear your voice.”
  • “I’ve seen a million of your smiles, and I’m gonna see a million more…”

Writing tip: If you don’t know what to say, it’s fine to admit it. Your recipient will still appreciate hearing from you, along with your willingness to be honest and real with them.

Terminal Illness

Even when we know for sure that someone is not going to get well, it’s still important to reach out in caring.


  • “Thinking about you every day. Have [Steve] let me know if you’d like a visitor sometime.”
  • “Thoughts of you are always some of my happiest. Always will be.”
  • “It’s good to know you’re receiving wonderful care.”
  • “Praying with you.”
  • “In my heart and in my prayers. Always…especially now.”
  • “Thinking about you today and hoping it’s a good one for you.”
  • “It’s always so great when we get together and talk about everything and nothing. I would love for us to do that again soon.”
  • “I’m praying for a miracle cure. Hey, doesn’t hurt to ask!”
  • “Just wanted to remind you how important you are to me.”
  • “You’re in all our warmest thoughts and prayers.”
  • “Hope you feel all the love surrounding you right now.”

Writing tip: Near the end of life, there’s a natural opportunity, not only to speak, but also to listen. Consider making your written message an offer to call or visit and do just that.

Warm Closings

A warm closing before your signature is a perfect way to wrap up any get-well message. Choose one of ours, or come up with one of your own.

  • Warmly,
  • Love,
  • With love,
  • Lots of love,
  • Love always,
  • Love and prayers,
  • Thinking of you,
  • Take care,
  • Take extra good care,
  • Best wishes as you recover,
  • Wishing you healing,
  • Wishing you rest,
  • Wishing you health,
  • Good health to you,
  • Happy healing,
  • Gratefully,
  • Blessings,
  • God bless you,
  • Be well,
  • Tags:
  • greeting card messages
  • Credits:
  • Additional contributions from Allyson Cook, Jake Gahr, Matt Gowen, Megan Haave and Molly Wigand.

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    Get Well Wishes: What to Write in a Get Well Card | Hallmark Ideas & Inspiration (2024)


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    Take good care of yourself. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Sending get well wishes!

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    Take good care of yourself. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Sending get well wishes!

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    For Family or Friends
    1. “You mean so much to me. ...
    2. “Hope it helps a little to know how lovingly you're thought of.”
    3. “God bless you through your recovery.”
    4. “Just sending a little get-well sunshine your way because you're always a bright spot in my days.”
    5. “Love you and think of you all the time.”
    6. “Love you…
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    Get Well Wishes
    1. Feel better soon!
    2. Hope you feel better soon.
    3. Hoping you find strength with each new day. ...
    4. Have a speedy recovery!
    5. I hope each new day brings you closer to a full and speedy recovery!
    6. May good health envelop you, spurring a quick recovery.
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    2. Feel better.
    3. Take it easy.
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    6. Thinking of you.
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    End with a Warm Closing
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    2. Hoping you feel better every day.
    3. Warmest wishes for a speedy recovery.
    4. Thinking of you, and sending healing thoughts. You're such a strong person, and I've always admired your courage and strength.

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    2. I'll take care of the housework. You just work on feeling better!
    3. Hope you're not faking this so I'll cook for you!


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    Name: Arline Emard IV

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