Valentine's Day Coloring Pages - The Teaching Aunt (2024)

  • February 7, 2023
  • 1:43 am

Valentine's Day Coloring Pages - The Teaching Aunt (1)

Make this season colorful through these Valentine’s Day Coloring Pages Free Printable! These free coloring pages for Valentine’s Day are perfect for pre-k, preschool, and kindergarten. To get your free printable, click the button of your preferred paper size (A4 or 8.5 x 11) and the preschool coloring pages will download automatically.

Valentine's Day Coloring Pages - The Teaching Aunt (2)

Valentine’s Day Coloring Pages for Kids

Coloring is more than just putting crayon to paper. It’s a fantastic activity for several reasons:

  • Expression of Love: Coloring allows kids to express themselves creatively. It’s like giving them a canvas to showcase their love and imagination.
  • Fine Motor Skills Boost: Holding crayons, choosing colors, and staying within the lines—all these actions enhance fine motor skills. It’s a subtle way to prepare those little fingers for future writing endeavors.
  • Focus and Relaxation: Engaging in coloring requires focus, helping kids develop their concentration skills. Plus, it’s a soothing and calming activity, perfect for winding down.
  • Thematic Learning: Love Day coloring pages often feature love-themed images. It’s a delightful way to introduce and discuss the concept of love, friendship, and kindness.
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Valentine's Day Coloring Pages - The Teaching Aunt (4)
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Valentine's Day Coloring Pages - The Teaching Aunt (8)
Valentine's Day Coloring Pages - The Teaching Aunt (9)

Valentine’s Day Coloring Pages A4

Valentine’s Day Coloring Pages 8.5 x 11

More Valentine’s Day-Themed Worksheets

  • Valentine’s Day Card Templates
  • Counting Valentine’s Day Themed Worksheets
  • Maze Worksheets
  • Preschool Worksheets
  • Coloring Pages about Heart’s Day
  • Alphabet Heart Puzzles
  • Valentine’s Day Themed Counting Clip Cards
  • I Spy Game for Valentine’s Day
  • Word Search Puzzles
  • Valentine Tracing Worksheets

Cute Valentine’s Day Coloring Pages

Valentine's Day Coloring Pages - The Teaching Aunt (10)

Animal Puns Coloring Pages

In celebration of love and laughter, I’ve curated a special addition to your coloring adventures—Valentine’s Day Animal Puns Coloring Pages! Your little artists can now bring adorable animals to life while enjoying clever puns that are sure to elicit giggles and smiles. Click the button below to download this whimsical set of coloring pages.

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Valentine's Day Coloring Pages - The Teaching Aunt (12)
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Valentine's Day Coloring Pages - The Teaching Aunt (16)
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Valentine's Day Coloring Pages - The Teaching Aunt (22)
Valentine's Day Coloring Pages - The Teaching Aunt (23)
Valentine's Day Coloring Pages - The Teaching Aunt (24)
Valentine's Day Coloring Pages - The Teaching Aunt (25)

How to Make Coloring Time Special:

  • Create a Cozy Space: Set up a cozy corner with coloring supplies. Make it inviting, and let your child know it’s a special space for their artistic adventures.
  • Explore Various Mediums: While crayons are classic, feel free to explore other coloring mediums like colored pencils or markers. It adds an extra layer of excitement to the activity.
  • Talk About Colors: Engage your child in conversation about colors. What’s their favorite color? How do they feel about using different shades? It’s a wonderful opportunity for language development.
  • Display Their Masterpieces: Once the coloring session is done, proudly display their artwork. Whether on the fridge or a dedicated art wall, this boosts their confidence and makes them feel accomplished.
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Valentine's Day Coloring Pages - The Teaching Aunt (27)
Valentine's Day Coloring Pages - The Teaching Aunt (28)
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Valentine's Day Coloring Pages - The Teaching Aunt (32)
Valentine's Day Coloring Pages - The Teaching Aunt (33)
Valentine's Day Coloring Pages - The Teaching Aunt (34)
Valentine's Day Coloring Pages - The Teaching Aunt (35)
Valentine's Day Coloring Pages - The Teaching Aunt (36)
Valentine's Day Coloring Pages - The Teaching Aunt (37)
Valentine's Day Coloring Pages - The Teaching Aunt (38)
Valentine's Day Coloring Pages - The Teaching Aunt (39)
Valentine's Day Coloring Pages - The Teaching Aunt (40)

Download Your Valentine’s Day Coloring Sheets:

To make this Love Day extra special, I’ve prepared a set of charming coloring pages filled with love-themed illustrations. Your little artists can bring to life images of hearts, flowers, and adorable Valentine’s Day characters.

Valentine's Day Coloring Pages - The Teaching Aunt (41)

Valentine’s Day Animal Pun Coloring Pages A4

Valentine’s Day Animal Pun Coloring Pages 8.5 x 11

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Valentine's Day Coloring Pages - The Teaching Aunt (43)
Valentine's Day Coloring Pages - The Teaching Aunt (44)
Valentine's Day Coloring Pages - The Teaching Aunt (45)
Valentine's Day Coloring Pages - The Teaching Aunt (46)

May your Valentine’s Day be filled with the sweet sound of crayons gliding across paper and the joy of artistic expression. Happy coloring!

Visit myFree Printable Pagefor more!

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Happy learning,

Last Updated: January 16, 2024

Valentine's Day Coloring Pages - The Teaching Aunt (49)

Teacher Nessy

Teacher Nessy has more than a decade of experience teaching preschool students.She is an expert at creating educational activities and designing learning materials for children. She hopes to help parents by equipping them with knowledge on how they can prepare their children so they are ready for school when they come of age. And to provide them more materials so their children can rock preschool big time!

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2 Responses

  1. Thank you so much for these Valentine’s Day coloring pages!


    1. Happy to serve! I’m glad you liked our free Valentine’s Day coloring pages. Happy learning! ❤️ And Happy Valentine’s Day!



Valentine's Day Coloring Pages - The Teaching Aunt (50)

Hi! My name is Nessy. I’m a preschool teacher and I’ve just recently added “doting aunt” to my title. I have tons of teacher-approved and child-friendly activities (as young as toddler years!) that I would like to share with you. Happy reading!



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Get this Alphabet Activities for Kids E-Workbook for free when you subscribe!

Valentine's Day Coloring Pages - The Teaching Aunt (2024)


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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.