The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

4 THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1954 87 EDN'S THREAT CASES HALT FAIR WORK Works Wait to See Path Of lurricane Before Continuing Greened, Sept. 10-Police will maintaina headquarters, at the FranklinCounty week in a traer loaned by the Brownie's Trar sales. The headquarters wilbe equipped with a telephone. Fire fief Stephen Zanieski has plans thave an engine and three men althe grounds during the four di period starting Sunday. Billings, fire prevention a safety officer of the departme, will be on the grounds to che for hazards.

Polis officers on duty in the ground will be paid by the fair will paid outsidhe The while hose grounds ground will hum with activity during 1 week. end as plans are comped the event. The dange of hurricane damage may result a postponement of some of the reparations until all danger has tased on Saturday. GREENFIELD Day at the Fair Greenfield, Sept. 10-All town employees will be given Wednesday afternoon to attend Franklin County Fair, the slectmen ruled today.

All of town offices will be closed. The board in a meeting voted 10. replace sidewalks St. from Main St. some distar.ce north where it is now in bad condition and on Beacon St.

in front of on Holy Trinity School. Church will officiate. Burial will be Monday at 1.30 p. 01. in Hope Cemetery, Worcester.

Friends may call at the funeral home Saturday evening. Old Court House Getting Rebuilt Without New Roof Greenfield. Sept. 10 Selectmen, at their mecting today agreed not to change the plans for renovation of the old Court House to include roof over the entrance. The roof over the entrance was a part of the original building.

now in the process of being restored, but this roof was omitted in the plans to save money. T. Cranston Albro, the architect who has planned the change, said that he would prefer the entrance now being planned without the roof and it will save some $800 on costs. Work should be completed in a month. Small pane windows will be installed next week and the sand blasting work is due to start soon.

When completed the building will offer the same appearance it offered when first constructed. It was reconstructed several years ago when the entrance and the windows were altered. Joint Fund Seeks $22,500 in October Greenfield, Sept. 10 Laurence DI. Pitman, chairman and campaign manager for the Franklin County Joint Fund, today announced a goal $22,500.

The amount was recommended by budget committee of Walter J. Danoahue of Millers Falls, Arthur D. Platt of Mount Hermon, John F. Dahowski of South Deerfield, and D. M.

Kelley of Shelburne Falls. The amount is close to that collected last year but is $1725 less than the 1954 goal. The Franklin County Hospital would receive $7538, the SPCC $7305, the Health Camp $1277, the United Defense Fund $300, the Boy Scouts $5680, and $400 would go to reserves. Pitman and Orvil M. Mirtz of Mount Hermon, are directing the campaign without salary.

For that reason a decrease of $1000 is possible in campaign expense. Headquarters are at the YMCA with Arthur Bessette acting as secretary. The campaign opens October. BPW Club Officers Leave For Meeting at Cape Cod Greenfield, Sept. 10-The following members of the Franklin County Business and Professional (omen's left today to attend the fall board meeting at Chatham Bars on Cape Cod, president.

Mrs. Rosamond Ordway; vice-president, Miss Mary Falvey; recording secretary, Mrs. Claire, Brooks; public affairs chairman, Miss Anna Houdek; finance chairman, Miss Anna Pulaski; civil defense chairman, Agnes Melnick; legislation chairman, Mrs. Margaret Starbuck, and radio and TV chairman, Miss 'Edna Farr. The meeting opens Saturday at 9:30 and closes Sunday at 11:30.

Principal speaker at the will dinner be meeting Saturday evening Mrs. Edward R. Collier, director of publicity at Boston University. First Meeting Tuesday For School Committee Greenfield, Sept. 10-The School Committee will meet Tuesday evening in the Junior High School.

The meeting was postponed one week so that the first day enrollment figures can be considered. A complete summary figures has been prepared by School Supt. Frederick W. Porter. GREENFIELD BRIEFS Greenfield, Sept.

10-The board of directors of the Franklin County Branch, American Association of University Women, will mect at the home of the president, Mrs. at p. Tuesday. Samuel J. Yeager, 4 48 Vernon St.

Faith Women of the Funeral of Mrs. Mary Roscoe of 15 Alden St. took place this morn; at the McCarthy funeral home with a requiem mass in Holy Trinity Church. Rev. James WV.

Casey, pastor, said the mass. Burial was in Calvary with Rev. Thomas E. Lynes ing the committal prayers. The bearers were Marcel Bonnette.

Charles and Fritz Keller and Elden Nourse. Up-Country Radio WHAL GREENFIELD, 1210 KO SATURDAY 5.47 Farm Hour 6.55 Nepa 7.00 Weatherman 7.05 Timetable 7.25 Weather 7.30 Newa 7.35 Timetable 7.15 County News 8.00 News 8.15 Shelb Falls 8.30 S. Deerfield 8.45 Northfield 9.00 News 9.15 Air Newspaper 9.30 Chapel Time 10.00 News 10.05 Boy Scouts 10.20 Religion 10.30 Headlines 10.35 Stork Club 10.40 Britain Farm 10.55 News 11.00 Motor Pgm. 11.05 Music WARE, 6.00 Neighbor 7 30 News 7.43 Neighbor $. News 8.35 Neighbor 9.00 Religious News 9.15 Pub.

Service 9.30 Proudly Hail .0.00 Melodies 10.30 News 19.35 Melodies 11.00 Music Magio 11.30 Polka Party 12.30 12.45 Rural Roundup Know the Candidates Seek Nomination On 14th The Springfield Union this morning publishes pictures and sketches of candidates for offices in Franklin County in the primary elections on Sept. 14. In Register of Deeds Contest HAROLD CARRIER WILLARD HASKELL RICHARD GUY MISS HELEN JOHNSON Greenfield, Sept. 10-Miss Helen G. Johnson of Greenfield, register of deeds for Frankin County since 1953, faces opposition from three county residents for the Republinomination in the Sept.

14 primary. The other candidates are Richard O. Guy of Turners Falls and Willard A. Haskell and Harold G. Carrier of Greenfield.

Next month Miss Johnson will have completed 42 years in office. She was born. in Greenfield. attended local schools and was graduated from Greenfield Iligh School. She has long been a leader of Robbins Memorial Church and the church school.

She started her work in the registry as a clerk in October, 1912 and has served under three registers. On Dec. 1, 1919, she was named assistant register and was appointed register when Fred B. named associate com-1 missioner of public works. Carrier, proprietor Carrier's Barbershop in Ames resides at 110 Franklin St.

He a veteran of World War I and has long been active in the American Legion. Ile is a past commander of Charlemont and the Greenfield Posts. lIe is a trustee of war memorials. He has long been active in First Congregational Church and the Odd Fellows. He is a past president of Greenfield Auxiliary Firemen.

Guy was born in Turners Falls, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Guy of 19 Goddard Ave. He is a momber of St. Andrew's Church, the Montague School Committee, Republican Town Committee.

past partment Western Massachusetts Electric Co. in Greenfield. He is single and lives with his parpresident of the Turners Falls Athletic Club. and is active in the Masons and a member of the Moose. He was graduated from Turners Falls ligh School in 1915.

He served for two years in the Navy during the war. He attended Bryant College in Providence, R. I. and is employed in the clerical deents. Ilaskell has been active in public life and is assistant treasurer of the Franklin Savings Institution.

He was born in South Deerfield, attended the schools there and was graduated from Deerfield Academy and University of Massachusetts. He served in the Navy during. of World the War I and and he the is Le- a gion. He is a Greenfield water commissioner, has been a member Committee and trustee of the A. K.

Warner Fund. He member of the auxiliary police and a special officer. He has been director of the Rod and Gun Club and was treasurer of the USO er of the Greenfield Health Camp. during the a war, is former treasurformer president of the Greenfield Taxpayers Association, treasurer of Robbins Memorial Church and Camp Wiyake, a past president of the Franklin County Federation Church Brotherhoods and Men's Clubs. Seek County Commission Seat FRANK H.

REED ARTHUR E. BURGESS EMILE E. DENEAULT, JR. Greenfield, Sept. 10-A six-way contest for county commissioner will enliven the Republican primal'y on Sept.

14. Samuel U. Streeter of Greenfield, veteran board member, is not seeking re-election. Those contesting for the nomination are Arthur E. Burgess, Howard F.

Burnham and Emile E. Deneault, all of Greenfield, Fred A. Donaldson of Bernardston, Frank H. Reed of Greenfield and Atty. Raymond M.

Trudel of 4 Inc. of Chicago, publishers of the World Book Encyclopedia. He is married to the former Anne L. Beagarie. They have two sons.

He was assistant treasurer of the Greenfield Community Chest on its capacity for five years. is a incorporation and served pie that charter member of the YMCA and is a town meeting member. Burnham, a former chairman of the Greenfield selectmen, is a native of Greenfield and attended local schools. He attended the University of Maine for one year and received his BBA degree at Bryant College, Providence, R. I.

He was junior accountant for four months with E. WV. Merrill and Son of Gardner and in 1932 he opened his own office in Greenfield. He served for eight years as a Greenfield asis a director of the Greenfield Cosessor, five years as He operative Bank. He is married to the former, Eleanor Gillies of Troy, They have two children, Sandra and Ronald.

Deneault is chairman of the Greenfield Housing Authority and 2 member and former chairman of the Republican, Town Committee. He chairman of the publicity committec. lie was a delegate to the preprimary Republican state convention in 1952 and 1954. He is a veteran of World War II. He is a native of Greenficid and was from Greenfield High School in 1935.

He atsetts. He is treasurer Greenfield tended University of. MassachuAppliance, and assistant disaster chairman for the Red Cross. He is married to the former Janet Parker. They have two daughters.

Donaldson has been a county resident for 31 years, 23 at the Ryther House in Bernardston. He was for eight years in the postal service. At one time he manufactured men's ties and mailing bags. lIe once operated the Portland, Me. Furniture Exchange and later was sales and general manager of ice cream a plants for Turnbull Co.

He then was an executive with H. P. Hood and Sons, and was western Massachusetts chairman of the New England Ice Cream Manufacturers Association. Ie once owned a hotel in Phoeni-5 cia, N. and diner in East Hartford, Conn.

Ile is president of the Cushman Library trustees, trustee of Powers Institute, Cushman Hall and Cushman Park in Bernardston. lie was A delegate to the Republican convention in 1952 and 1951. He incorporator of Franklin County Hospital, former chairman of the hospital organ fund, on the Bernardston Finance Committee, a former Bernardston water commissioner, a chief ground observer during World War I and former Civil Defense director. In 1913 he was married to the HOWARD F. BURNHAM former Grace M.

Lyon of Orleans, Vt. They have one son and one daughter. and three grandchildren. Reed, 55, is a lifelong resident of Greenfield. He was graduated from Greenfield Ilign School and attended Worcesters Academy and University Massachusetts.

He has operated the Wayside Farm Creamery for more than 30 years. He is married to the former Ruth F. Wall of Worcester. They have a daughter. He is a veteran of World He served on the Board of Health for 21 years, several years as chairman, and retired two years ago.

During World War II he was on the Emergency Food Committee and a CD auxiliary fireman. He is a trustee of FrankCounty Hospital. a director of the Greenfield Library, Association, secretary of the Federal St. Cemetery Association, a trustee of the Franklin Savings Institution, a director of the GreenCommunity Chest and a RAYMOND M. TRUDEL member of the Greenfield Visiting Nurse Association.

Trudel is A native of Holyoke and has lived in Montague since childhood. Ile was graduated from Turners Falls High School arder from Northeastern Law School in 1940 when he was admitted to the bar. He served in the Air Transport Command during the war since 1947 has maintained a taw, office in Turners Falls. He is a Montague selectman. He is chairman of the Montague Fire District Prudential Committee and a member of the Montague Republican Town Committee, Franklin County Selectmen's Association and executive committee of the state association.

He is a director of Franklin County Chapter SPCC, has been chairman of the Franklin County Joint Fund drives, has worked on other drives. He is a veteran of World War II and is CD, Public Utilities Set To Cope With Hurricane Greenfield, 10-Seasoned by the cleanup from hurricane Carol Franklin County residents braced themselves tonight for the big blow by hurricane Edna wondered just what steps could be taken to avoid serious, damage to shade trees and lines if gale winds hit here. Virtually every public service agency in the county was well prepared and has been since early this afternoon when reports consistently indicated that the storm would hit the New England area sometime during the early morning hours. First to be placed on a stand-by by I basis were those in civil defense and William F. Casey, chairman, said tonight the pattern set by the state is to be followed.

The units are all prepared to go into action at a moment's notice, he said, and if there are orders to sound the air raid warning signals it can be done on short notice. He is awaiting orders from headquarters before issuing them to his organization, he said. Meanwhile all regular, reserve and auxiliary police were placed on the alert by Police Chief William O'Connell. None are to be beyond call without permission from the chief or Capt. John F.

Murphy. Chief Stephen Zanieski made last minute preparations at the fire station where all reserve and auxiliary forces were prepared for an immediate mobilization if needed. At the state police barracks at Shelburne Falls all troopers were ready for what might come. Sgt. Stephen Milosh said it is an emergency organization as is and is I merely prepared for any kind of eventuality.

It was planned to maintain rigid patrols as the storm nears. State police radio broadcasts indicated that preparations were completed for the arrival of the storm at about daybreak. All county Boy Scouts were alerted this afternoon. Each trrop has been asked by Robert Varley, field scout executive, to send two Explorer scouts to the scout office after the worst of the storm has passed. One scout will go to the Red Cross office and one to the Fire Department, to lend any aid needed.

In the outside districts scouts are to report at their regular meeting places for orders. Perhaps the most concerned tonight were the utility executives and employees who have little more than ended the work created by Carol. They were prepared for the worst tonight and ready to roll the minute the trouble starts. Utilities expect to be the first to feel the storm as toppling trees tear down wires. Richard Campbell, district manager of the Western Massachusetts Electric said tonight full crews are standing ready.

Clarke, manager of the Telephone Co. made A similar report. Some of the telephone men have just returned from the castern part of the state and many have had little more than a chance to catch a few hours sleep as the new storm approaches. Taking special precautions tonight was Richard Coleman of the Coleman Brothers Shows. in the process of setting up equipment at the Franklyn County fairgrounds for the opening of the fair on Sunday.

He is not planning to set up any more than necessary 'and all canwas and other materials which will blow in the wind will be removed. A fleet of trucks will be used to offer protection when the wind arrives. For Coleman it is a second experience for he had equipment in operation in New London, when the storm Carol struck there. The average householder took every precaution possible before retiring tonight. Radio reports consistantly warned of the dangers of the storm and about the only thing which most home owners could do little about were television antennas which tumbled in large numbers during Carol's passing.

Taking special precautions before workmen left the job tonight was Alfred Gass. contractor in charge of renovation of the old court house. The cupola has just about been completed but it is thought that the roof might not withstand A gale sO steps were taken to make it more secure. ASHFIELD in New Salem, N. Y.

Aug. 30. The bride was graduated from Redlands University, and is employed kindergarten teachin Shrub Oaks. N. Y.

They will live in Crum Pond. N. Y. aid's: Ruth Howes Clark attended and a Mrs. meeting Donof the Department of Woman's Work of the Massachusetts Congregational Christian Conference at its Conference Center in Framingham today.

They were accompanied by Mrs. Deane Jones and Mrs. Robert Wishart of Shelburne Falls. SCOTT HEADS GRANGE Ashfield, Sept. 10-Clifton W.

Scott was elected master of AshGrange last night. Others elected: Norman Pike, overseer; Mrs. Amy Guilford, lecturer: Leslie Guilford, steward; Robert Harris, assistant steward; Mrs. Ismay Sears, chaplain; Albert Howes. gatekeeper; Frank Gray, treasurer: Mrs.

Mildred Scott, secretary: Mrs. Dorothy Guilford, Ceres: Mrs. Isabelle Howes, Pomona; Doris Howes. FloPauline Graves, lady assistant steward; David Gray. exccutive committee three years; Donald Howes, years; Mrs.

Edna Kelley, pianist. Navy Chaplain and Mrs. Morris M. Leonard announce the marriage of their daughter, Marjorie Anita, to Thomas Hanco*ck of Mt. Vernon, N.

Y. wedding took place in the Presbyterian church appeal agent for the Franklin County Draft Board. He is a member of the Turners Falls Chamber of Commerce and Montague! Grange. He is married and has four children. COLRAIN Colrain Youth Reported Away On Alaska Trek Colrain, Sept.

10 Police were SHELBURNE FALLS Donors Are Sought For Bloodmobile Shelburne Falls, Sept. 10-The committee in charge of the Red Cross bloodmobile visit here Sept. 17 in Cora Smith Hall is extending an urgent residents of Ashfield, Buckland, Colrain, Shelburne and other surrounding towns to make appointments possible for their donations. Call Mrs. Walter Loomis Helen Kendrick for appointments.

Officers will' be nominated at tonight's meeting of North Star Rebekah Lodge. Mrs. Ruth Rush will be in charge of the Musical program and the renewal of obligation will be by the Noble Grand. Mrs. Eunice Messer is in charge of refreshments.

Mrs. Dorothy Spencer and Mrs. Stella Sobieski co-hostesses Thursday for there BET bowling club. Members of Kappa-Beta are reminded that the first fall meeting will be conducted Tuesday evening in Cora Smith Hall. 4 SOUTH DEERFIELD To Continue Agency South Deerfield Mrs.

Alice Morrissey of 36 South Main widow of Leo F. Morrissey, anpounced, on today the that W. she H. is Morrissey planning Insurance Agency in South Deerfielded by Mrs. the Morrissey selectmen has to serve as town clerk and treasurer to succeed her husband until the elections take place in the spring.

South Deerfield, Sept. 10-The annual outing of the South Deerfield Rod and Gun Club will be Sunday at Roxy's Grove in the Mill River Section. Chowder will be served at 11 a. m. and barbecue chicken dinner will served at 2 p.

m. On the program is a variety, of entertainment and a turkey shoot. The Garden Club will conduct their first fall meeting Tuesday at 8 p. m. at the home of Mrs.

Francis Gorey on Main St. Mrs. George E. Bell will speak on herb growing. A meeting of the Deerfield High School Alumni Association will take place Monday at 8 p.

in. the high school to discuss plans for the annual minstrel show. The show will be offered in November and proceeds are used for the scholarship fund. The annual chicken pie supper of the Ladies Aid Society of the Congregational Church will take place Sept. 30 in the parish house.

Servings will be at 5.30 and and Mrs. Clinton David will be the chairman for the 26th year. Sunday services in the Congregational Church will be at 10.45 J. Rohrs, preaching the sermon a. m.

with the pastor, Sacrament Rev. a Henry and serving the Communion. His sermon topic will be "Jesus said, 'Remember TURNERS FALLS Turners Falls, Sept. 10-A Turners Falls business man, Julius Blassberg, will receive special honors "in recognition of his outstanding service to Israel and his leadership of New England Jewry" at the third annual New Bonds England Conference Israel at the Hotel Bradford in Boston Sept. The Turners, Falls High School band one of seven school musical organizations to take part in a parade sponsored by Gribbons Music store Saturday after- part noon.

Other bands taking will be Brattleboro, Hinsdale, Academy, Orange and Arms Greenfield. The Democratic Town Committee will meet in the American House on Thursday evenings until the November election. Public schools will be closed Wednesday to allow pupils tend the Franklin County Fair. Wednesday has been designated as Youth Day. The first in a series of semimonthly whist parties, to be sponsored by St.

Cecelia Choir of Our Lady of Czestochowa Church, will be held Sept. 21. Tickets can be obtained at the door or Mem- from members of the committee. bers of the choir voted $10 for the Ted Martineau fund at their last meeting. The Chapel Sunday School at Montague City will open Sept.

19 at 9.30 3. n1. Mrs. Carl Koch will be in charge. LEVERETT Sept.

10-Leverett Congregational Church, Rev. Walter Blackmer, guest minister. Sunday service at 11. The Field family will attend church in a body as part of their reunion celebration. Music at the morning service will be provided by Stuart Childs, organist, and members of the Field family.

Moores Corner Church, Sunday School at 10; service and sermon 11. The World Friendship Club will per in the Town Hall There sponsor the annual chicken supwill be servings at 5.30 and 6.30 Mrs. Peter Suprenant and Mrs. Donald Woodard are cochairman, assisted by Mrs. Elmer Osgood, Mrs.

Ruth Birge, Mrs. Stella Cleveland, Mrs. Carl S. Roys, Mrs. John Westcott.

The Ladies' Benevolent Society will meet at 3 p. m. Sept. 13 in the Town Hall. The Standing Committee of the Congregational Church appointed Thomas Grow, James Reed and Henry Mangels a fund committee for the proposed painting and redecoration of the interior of the church.

The polls at the Consolidated School for primary elections will be open Tuesday from 2 to 8 p. m. asked tonight to aid in locating Calvin Donald Call, 15, son of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin P.

Call of Colrain, who has not been home since he left for his classes at Arms Academy, Shelburne Falls, Wednesday morning. A note he had written was found today by his parents. It indicated he might try to reach Reuben. Alaska where he has a brother, The youth left for school clad in a suede jacket, gray flannel pants, white buck shoes and a blue sport shirt. It was learned today that had hidden a valise in which he is believed to be carrying extra clothing.

He is described as six feet tall, weighs about 165 pounds and has blonde hair with a crew cut, his eyes are blue and he has well formed white teeth. He has dark rimmed glasses which he frequently wears. His father said tonight that he had expressed a distate for returning to classes in the sophom*ore class at Arms Academy and has on occasions spoken of wanting to take a trip to Alaska. MILLERS FALLS Chuch Women Elect Delegate Greeield, Sept. 10 The Second Cgregational Church Women's Aociation's executive board met Thsday in the summer home of Mr.

Russell Alexander. Mrs. Stuart Sinclair, president. presied andIrs. J.

Frederick Zappey, chapla led devotions. The embers voted to send Mrs. Kenne R. Henley to th eMinister's Ves Retreat Sept. 21 and 22 at the inference Center.

Included in theeports given was one by Mrs. Her Mackintosh who read fincial report and presented the 1955 budget which was discussednd accepted. Mrs'inclair, Mrs. Henley and Miss phia Woodman plan to attend meeting in Framingham this Sirday at which reports will be me on the meetings of the Worldouncil of Churches recently in linois. Theext meeting is scheduled for St.

22. This will be a supper meeti with Miss Helen Kenyon as spker. Tethers Plan Mann Benefit Grefield, Sept. 10-The Greenfield befit card party for Miss eachers Club will sponsor Mary. Mann on Sept.

16 at 8 p. mt MisMann, who has been seriGreen River School. ouslyll since January, now Brattle- residest 108 Prospect boro, With 27 years of service in trGreenfield schools she was formly the principal at the Main nool and is now first gradteacher and principal at the Cony Ave St. in Schomunity affairs for maryears she served as director of tl Greenfield Health Camp until health forced her to resign. She a charter, member of the Trir and appeared in lead; roles.

Grge R. Jonelunas, president, has amed, Catherine L. Carney, Paue Stone, Vivian M. Jam Roland A. Gagnier and Starv L.

Benjamin to plan the ever Sunday Services Gmfield, Sept. 10-Second Congregonal Church, Rev. Dr. 10.45, Henley, minster. lead by the minister.

Rev. Dr. hald J. Tamblyn, will preach the, St.aul's mon. Lutheran Church, Char F.

Boehner, pastor. 10.30, serv: of reconsecration of the newl decorated church auditorium; reacher, Rev. Dr. David Goodn Jaxheimer, assistant to the of the United Lutheran mod of New York; special mus by the junior and senior choi: Zeb Trexler, member of of tl United" Lutheran Church of the uff of the stewardship office Amca, will be present. Fi Baptist Church, Rev.

Ralph L. Fd. pastor. 10. church school; 10.

en's class; 11 sermon, "This planf God." Stames Episcopal Church, Rev. RevRoger B. Nichols, rector. 8, Holy Communion, 11, morning pra" and sermon. Sermon topic wille the second in a series entitle "What Episcopalians believ' Fit Congregational Church, RevHarold W.

Curtis, minister. 11, rmon, "Help from the sanctuar' ASouls Unitarian Church, Rev. Paul. Chapman, minister. 10.45, serve of worship and sermon.

Fit Church of Christ, Scientist. 11, unday service and school. is the lesson-sermon AIRS. HAZEN E. HOYT Genfield, Sept.

10-Mrs. Alma R. aas) Hoyt. 55. wife of Hazen E.

oyt. of 77 Newton dicd ear this morning at the lin aunty Public Hospital following short illness. Hoyt was born in Worcester of and Emma (Herrmann) on larch 22, 1899. the daughter Ha: and had resided in this town sin: 1936. Prior to that time she hadived 'in Shelburne Falls and Woester.

Is. Hoyt was a member of the Sead Congregational Church and Arna Lodge, Order of Eastern Sta She had been a Gray Lady up the time her illness. Eides her husband, she leaves onedaughter, Mrs. Francis E. Allo of Houston, a son, All: E.

home; two sisters Mrs. Hugo Hagerstrom of Shirsbury, and Miss Lydia Haas of breester; two brothers, Hermaraas of Somers, and Albe Haas of Worcester and one grarlaughter. Fural will take place Sunday at 2) p. m. at the Smith funeraome.

Rev. Kenneth R. Henley the Second Congregational WIN TOP PRIZES Millers Falls, Sept. 10-Over 200 people viewed unusual floral displays the seventh annual Garden Club flower show Thursday in the library. Judges Prof.

Donald Ross, Prof. Clark Thayer and Frederick Knowles, all of UM, awarded the grand prize for the best entry in the show to Mrs. Walter Mastaliz of South Deerfield. A special award was given Anthony Wasielieski, local blind man, for his wishing well display. Other first place winners: Mrs.

Sydney Merriott. Mrs. Victor Giard, Mrs. Arnold Maddern, Mrs. Sarah Shattuck, Mrs.

C. Sadoski, Mrs. Arthur Stratton, Mrs. Thelma Mrs. Sauski, Leon Mrs.

Momaney, Joseph Mrs. Hicks tienng Hicks, Mrs. Mildred Aitken, Mrs. Herbert Leland, Mrs. Gass, Beverly Woolfram, Mary Lou Currier, Barbara Hieken.

There will be a special meeting of the St. Stanislaus Sunday afternoon at St. Stanislaus Hall. Services in First Congregational Church will be resumed Sunday, with Rev. T.

Albert Lawrence, officiating at the 10:45 day school will not open until Sept. 26. The Polish-American Women's Club will meet Monday at T. 1 4 Television- -VHF CHANNEL WBZ, Boston. Mass.

SATURDAY 9.00 Down to Earth 0,20 News 9.30 Mt. Tales 5.30 Roy Rogers 10.30 Friend Club 6 00 Cowboy G- Men 11.00 Radio Patrol 6.30 Film 11.15 Film 7.00 You Asked, It 11,30 Don Winslow 7.30 Ethel 11.50 Purple Sage 8.00 Mickey Rooney 12.00 News 8.30 Amateur Hr. 12.15 Film 9.00 All -Star Revue 12.45 Rig Brother 10.30 Hit Parade 1.30 Film 11.00 News 1.4% Football 11.03 Wrestling 4.50 Young Ideas 12.05 Nen's CHANNEL WBZ, Boston, Mass. SUNDAY 0.45 Film 3.30 Playhouse 10 30 World, 4.30 Zo0 Parade 10.00 Science. 4.04 Amer.

Forum 11.00 Catholic 5.00 Hall of Fame 11.30 Christophers 6.00 Playhouse 12.00 News 7.00 Ranze Rider Film 7.30 Spectacular 12 30 Auditions 9.00 TV Playhouse 1.00 Crossroads 10.00 Loretta Young 1.30 Mr. Wizard 10.30 Justice 0.00 Cinema 11.00 Meet Press 3.00 Liberace 11.30 Owl Theater CHANNEL 10 WJAR, Providence, R. 1. SATURDAY 8.30 Sat. Cowboy 5.00 The Goldberg 9.30 Capt.

Alidnite 5.30 Badga 714 10.00 Cartoons 6.00 Anywhere USA 10.15 Animal Time 6.30 Intermezzo 10.30 Ed McConnell 6.45 News 11.00 Mr. Wizard 7.00 Beat 11.30 Annie Oakley 7.30 Cavalcade 12.04) Big Top 8.00 Family Pride 1.00 Lone Ranger 8,30 Amateur Hr. 1.30 Film 9.00 Theater 1.43 Cartoons 10.00 Playhouse 2.00 This World 10.30 Defender 3.00 R. I. Portrait 11.00 Late News 3.15 Film 11.10 The Stranger 4.00 700 Parade 11.45 Wrestling 1.30 Film 12.43 News CHANNEL 10 WJAR, Providence, R.

SUNDAY 10.30 Faith 5.00 You Aaked It 11.00 Frontiers 5.30 Adventure 11.30 Religion 6.00 Meet Press 12.00 This Is Life 6.30 Range Rider 12.30 Super Circus 7.00 Theater 1.00 20 Questions 7.30 Spectacular 1.30 You Are There 9.00 Playhouse 2.00 Playhouse 10.00 Favorite Story 2.30 Hurricane Film 10.30 Ellery Queen' 3.30 Great Life 11.00 Late NeWs 4.00 Dollars 11.10 Feature Then 4.30 Roy Rogers 12.43 News WRGB, Schenectady Channel Six SATURDAY 9.00 Test Pattern 3.00 Soundstage 9.15 Mr. Wizard 3.30 News and You 9.15 Cartoona 3.43 GL Americans 10.00 Super Circus 6.00 Red Skelton 10.30 Cartoons 6.30 You Are There 11.00 Space Patrol 7.00 Sportscope 11.30 Ed M'Connell 7.30 You Asked 12.00 Big Top 8.0) Playhouse 1.00 Roy Rogers 8.30 Amateur Hour 1.30 HolidAv 9.00 Revue 1.45 Pro Football 10.30 Hit Parade 4.30 Two In Love 11.00 Wrestling SUNDAY 8.43 Test Pattern 3.30 Play Time 9.0) Faith 4.00 Strike It Rich 9.30 Frontiers 4 30 7,00 Parade 10.00 Marine Band 5.00 Western 10.30 The Life 6. The Press 11,00 Your Trouble 6.30 News Review 11.13 Capt. Midnight 6.45 Sports Spot 11.45 Jo Stafford 7.00 Fashions 12.00 Little Margie 7.15 Kieran 12.30 Lone Ranger 7.30 MAr Liehman 1.00 Intrigue 9.00 00 GF Theater 1.30 Burns- 9.30 Defender 2.00 The Goldberes 10.00 0.00 TV Plavhouse 2.30 With Father 11.00 Loretta Young 3.00 New Power 11.30 Name Tune Television--UHF CRANNEL 30 WKNB, New Rritain, Conn. SATURDAY 11.0 Cant 7.00 Range Rider 11.80 Film 7.30 Beat Clock 12.00 Western 8.00 Stage Show 1.00 Film 9.00 2 For Money 2.00 Matinee 9.30 Film 4.00 Racing 10.00 Ed Mayehoff 5.00 Fun Show 10.30 Two In Love 6 00 Serial 11.00 Chronoscope 30 Paul Killiam 11.15 Late Show 6.45 Lefty Gomez 11 13 Science 11.30 Music Varlety 1.01 News 1.15 Country Squire 1.35 Red Sox Ganie 4.55 News 5.00 Music Time 5.30 Social Sec.

5.45 Music Time 6.00 News 6.10 Music Time 6 25 Weather 6.30 Music Time 6.43 Sportileht 7.00 7.30 Word Of Life 8.00 True Or False 8.00 Jamboree 9.00 Hawaii Calls 9.30 Lombardoland 0.00 Chi. Theater 11.00 News 11.15 Dance Orch. WARE. 1500 KO SATURDAY 1.00 Matinee 1.30 News 2 1250 Club 2 1250 Club 8288838 1250 News News News Matinee Club 4.35 1250 Club 5.30 News, Sports 5.45 6.00 Enchantment 8.00 Bradley Field 3 FRED A. DONALDSON tague.

Burgess was born in Orange and has lived in Greenfield since 1919. He was graduated from Greenfield High School and worked at the First National Bank and Trust Co. for more than 16 years. He was then office manager of the Franklin County Lumber Co. two years.

Later he was employed at the Greenfield Savings Bank more than five years. He is now area manager for Field Enterprises, CHANNEL 30 WENB. New Britain. Conn. SUNDAY 12.00 Big Picture 6.30 Kit Carson 12.30 Carnival 7.00 Amer.

Portrait 1.00 Family Thee 7.30 Ann Sothern 2.00 Matinee 8.00 Playhouse 3.00 God's World. 9.00 Theater 3.30 The World 9.30 Into Night 4.30 What World 10.00 The Web 5.00 Man of Week 10.30 This Is Life 5.30 Youth's Stand 11.00 Late Show 6.00 Amer, Week CHANNEL Pitt SATURDAY 5.43 Film 7.00 Hopalone 6.15 Party 8.00 Double Feature 6.30 Cartoon 11.00 News 6.40 Around CHANNEL 74 WMGT, Pittafleld SUNDAY 6.00 Christophers 1.30 Film 6.15 Sport Den 8.00 Theater 6.30 Made USA 10.00 Break Bank 7.00 Sea Power 10.30 News i. 3.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.