The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)

Temperature Record p- Noon Yesterday 44 't Noon Today 48 High Last 24 Hours 52 Low Last 24 Hours 30 he Evening Times The Weather Fair tonight with low in low to mid 30s. Cloudy and a little milder Tuesday, high in low to mid 50s. Vol. LXXXIV No. 207 SAYRE ATHENS, WAVERLY, N.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1974 PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS laicals 0 asBi with Rocky Aide Says Nothing Sinister in $550,000 Gifts 1M rohce as Ronan, who is currently the unsalaried head of the Port of New York and New Jersey, York state administration, was scheduled to be the lead-off witness in the Senate caucus room to explain why Rockefeller gave him $550,000, all but $40,000 of it in the form of forgiven loans. Arrives nun Mm TOKYO (AP) Some 400 helmeted radicals clashed with armored riot police today as President Ford arrived in Japan and about half of them were arrested. Another 2,000 demonstrators shouted anti-Ford slogans. The outbursts took place two miles from the airport where Ford landed for the briefest of welcomes and did not mar the ceremonies. Ford then took a helicopter to downtown Tokyo for an Sirica Orders Special Hearing On Hunt Memo WASHINGTON (AP) U.

S. District Judge John J. Sirica today ordered a special hearing to clear up how a crucial memo written by Watergate conspirator E. Howard Hunt Jr. came to show up at the Watergate cover-up trial.

Sirica said Watergate prosecutors should call William O. Bitt-man, a former Hunt lawyer who once denied knowledge of the memo before a federal grand jury and then turned it over a year later to the prosecution. A half-hour after Sirica ordered the hearing, associate special prosecutor James F. Neal said he had arranged for lawyers from Bittman's old law firm to testify Tuesday afternoon. The hearing will continue Wednesday afternoon with the jury out of the courtroom.

In the memo, Hunt said that the original Watergate defendants expected pardons and large cash payments two months before they stood trial in January 1973 for the original break-in. Neal stunned the courtroom Nov. 4 by announcing that Bitt-man volunteered a copy of the memo after Hunt testified to writing it. Sirica said that besides Bitt-man, he also wants the testimony of lawyers from the Washington legal firm of Hogan and Hartson, for whom Bittman worked at the time he represented Hunt. Neal said Bittman turned over the memo only after members of Hogan and Hartson acknowledged having seen it long before the cover-up trial began.

The attorney for Kenneth W. Parkinson, the defendant most directly affected by the memo's existence, has called the revelation "a cover-up within a cover-up." Sirica said he would call Bittman as a court witness, mean- U.S. Steel Threatens To CI ose Plants if Coal Strike Continues as a trustee of the New York Power Authority. In his testimony last week Rockefeller described his gifts to Ronan and others in New York state government as an outgrowth of the Rockefeller family's tradition of sharing with others. "I have been dismayed by the embarrassment that has been brought to persons who, without exception, are innocent of the slightest impropriety in accepting the help that I could give them," Rockefeller said.

He said the loans and gifts were made with out corrupt motives and that the financial aid was not intended to influence or reward the official conduct of those who received it. Ronan served Rockefeller first as chief of staff in his office, and in 1964 was deputy director of his unsuccessful campaign to gain the Republican presidential nomination. He later became chairman of the Metropolitan Commuter Transportation Authority which was expended two years later to take over the New York City Transit Authority and the Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority. The consolidation was aided by an agreement for the Chase Manhattan Bank to transfer $367 million of debt from the old Triborough Authority to the new Metropolitan Transportation Authority. The transfer of the debt was arranged by Gov.

Rockefeller and his brother, David, president of Chase Manhattan. Ronan was a key princiupal in the negotiation. In his testimony, Rockefeller referred to a recent book in which Ronan's role in the consolidation of the transportation agencies was described as part of a secret deal with the Rockefeller brothers to benefit the family's financial interests. Rockefeller called this accusation false and irresponsible and "totally' 'untrue." PITTSBURGH (AP) U.S. Steel the nation's largest steelmaker, today warned that it would be forced to close down complete steel plants if coal miners do not return to work by Dec.

1. The company also announced that it is experiencing a natural gas shortage because of cutbacks and the situation is particularly serious in Ohio. U.S. Steel, which laid off 13.700 employes last week during the first week of the strike, said it is continuing with the facility shutdown schedule it announced. "The company is doing everything possible to maintain maximum operations with the limited coal inventory available in order to maintain maximum employment," the company said.

It said it could not be more specific about either how many plants will be closed or their location. "The situation is too fluid," a spokesman said. "There is just no way to tell at this point." Last week, U.S. Steel cut back its raw steel production by 25 per Nixon Goes Home Former President Richard M. Nixon, ending a 23-day stay at the Long Beach Memorial Hospital, is helped from a wheelchair into an automobile as he returns to his San Clemente home.

(AP Wirephoto) Farmers May Be Hit $1,000 To 510,000 in Dairylea Deficit WASHINGTON (AP) William J. Ronan told Congress today there was nothing sinister involv- ed in $550,000 in gifts to him from i Vice President designate Nelson A. Rockefeller. 'There is nothing in my rela tionship with Nelson Rockefeller for which I need apologize," said Ronan, who has been a close per sonal aide and adviser to the for mer New York governor for more than 18 years. Ronan told the Senate Rules Committee that he could not have been influenced by the gifts, most of them in the form of forgiven loans, because he never held a job in which he could enhance the interests of the Rock efeller familv.

In particular Ronan denied any wrong-doing by either himself or Rockefeller in the transfer of the Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority to the new Metro politan Transportation Authority, which is responsible for running all mass transit facilities in the New York City area. Allegations have been made that Ronan played a key role in negotiations that created the au thority and may have had the opportunity to favor the interests of the Chase Manhattan Bank, which is headed by Rockefeller's brother, David. The Chase Manhattan Bank represented the bond holders of the Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Au-, thority and at one point had sued to prevent the transfer of the authority's surplus funds to sub sidize the running of the subways The suit eventually was settled and the new authority, headed by Ronan, was created. Rockefeller loaned Ronan 000 in a series of six installments beginning in 1963. Last May, just before Ronan be came the senior adviser in the office of the Rocke feller family, Rockefeller forgave the loans and gave him an addi tional $40,000.

Ronan testified the loans and gifts were made to help him pro vide for his family' future and for his own retirement. Sen. Howard W. Cannon, D- committee chairman, predicted Sunday the Senate will vote to confirm Rockefeller soon after Thanksgiving and that he expects to vote for confirmation "on the basis of what I know now." Cannon spoke on ABC's "Issues and Answers." Cannon convened the committee hearings today for the fourth and final session of the nationally televised inquiry. Rockefeller himself will be back on the witness stand as hearings begin later this week before the House Judiciary Committee.

The approval of both the Senate and House is needed to confirm the nomination. William .1. Fonan, for 17 years key aide in Rockefeller's New Take Keys Out Of Your Car! Sayre police today issued a request for motorists of the Valley to be sure to take the keys out of the ignition of their cars, and thn- lock the vehicle even if ''only left for a few minutes. There has been a rash of stolen car reports in the Valley lately, and nine out of 10 are the result of keys being left in the machines, they report. In addition, the leaving of keys in cars is in violation of a section of the Motor Vehicle Code, they advise.

The cooperation of the public In this matter will be greatly appreciated by the police who are the ones who have to locate the vehicles after they are stolen. Ford overnight rest In a heavily guarded palace. After a 15-hour flight from Washington across the International Date Line, the first American President to visit Japan scheduled a 17-hour respite to rest up before calling on Emperor Hirohito Tuesday and opening talks with Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka. To minimize the chance of interference by radical leftists opposed to the President's visit, neither the emperor nor Tanaka went to the airport, and the arrival ceremony there lasted only 11 minutes. Busloads of carefully screened Japanese waved American and Japanese flags and applauded as Ford left Air Force One and shook hands with U.

S. Ambassador James Hodgson, Takeshi Yasukawa, the Japanese ambassador to the United States, and Japanese protocol officials. Howitzers fired a 21-gun salute required by protocol, and the President waved to the crowd as he was escorted to a waiting helicopter for the 10-minute trip to the Wasaksaka Palace in downtown Tokyo. Leftist demonstrations against the President's visit have so far been largely non-violent. But the government threw a massive security screen around the presidential visit, with 25,000 Tokyo police on full alert and another 100,000 on standby orders in other parts of the country.

The threat of demonstrations and the uncertain political future of Prime Minister Tanaka, who is accused of using his official position to profit financially, caus- (Continued on Page 10, Column 7) "Good hits were reported, and the vessels returned safely," said an Israeli spokesman. The Lebanese communique said there was no assessment of casualties yet. But it claimed that fire from coastal guns and Lebanese tanks forced the gunboats to retreat. The Palestine guerrillas said there were two attacks, before and aftpr m'dnigb, and the southern half of the refugee camp was heavily shelled. It also gave no report of casualties.

It was the seventh successive day of Israeli action against guerrilla bases in south Lebanon. Ele-en Palestinians and Lebanese were reported killed in the earlier attacks. The Israelis shelled the Rashidiye camp on Oct. 31, charging that guerrillas based there were preparing to make a commando raid along the coast. Maaa Palestine Youths Defy Riot Police in Jerusalem Judge Addresses Jury Panel as IMenna Trial Opens draws a $100,000 annual sajary as a senior adviser to the Rocke feller family and $12,500 yearly estimated that up.

lot. 10 per cent of Dairylea's farmers might be driven out of business by the assessment, the Times reported. They said other farmers, perhaps 10 per cent more, might desert Dairylea when their contracts expired and join other milk cooperatives. Dairylea earlier this year paid a $150,000 penalty after admitting to adulterating and mislabeling milk and milk prolucts. The special assessment proposal, however, is not directly related to Dairylea's legal problems.

Dairylea's $18-million deficit has accumulated over the past several years, according to a treasurer's report submitted last month. Hot Dragging Feet on Food -Butz WASHINGTON (AP) Agriculture Secretary Earl L. Butz said today the United States is "quietly going about its business" of providing food to hungry countries and charges that the Ford administration is dragging its feet on aid are unfounded. Butz said a proposal urged by three Democratic senators at the World Food Conference in Rome last week to increase food aid by one million tons immediately was rejected by the administration for sound reasons, including its possible impact on U. S.

food prices. The proposal, urged by Sens. George McGovem of South Dako ta, Hubert H. Humphrey of Minnesota and Dick Clark of Iowa, may have been initiated in good faith but then emerged as a parti san political gesture, Butz said. Dorothy Severn for Girl Scout Troop 707; Ralph Meyer, administrator of the Robert Packer Hospital and Fred Kauffman, administrator of the Tioga General Hospital.

Each spoke briefly on what the money would be used for and praised the Sayre Chapter of UNICO for its thoughtfulness. Mr thanked the members of UNICO's committee who were responsible for the success of the Columbus Day Ball which made last night's presentations possible. Paul Carachilo, district governor of UNICO for the state of Pennsylvania, spoke briefly praising the work of the Sayre cent and its hot metal production by 30 per cent, banking 17 blast furnaces. "The reduced operations and the possibility of closing down complete plants is a very unpleasant task at any time, and particularly now in light of the upcoming holiday season," a company spokesman said. The company however, said the problem is greater because of the natural gas supply cuts.

"If some modification in the natural gas reduction is not made, particularly in the state of Ohio, a further cutback that was not otherwise anticipated could result." It said it has its natural gas supplies, used as a substitution or coal in heating boilers, for example, reduced twice in the last six weeks in Ohio. It also said its co*ke oven gas taken from its co*king operation at the nearby Clairton Works and used for heating area homes, has been reduced because the co*ke-making operation has been (Continued on Page 10, Column 5) miles north of the Israeli border on the southern edge of the city of Tyre, has a population of 30,000 Palestinians. The communique said Israeli troops intercepted the guerrillas on the coast Sunday morning, killed one in a gun battle and captured the other. There were no Israeli casualties, the communique said. Both were members of Al Fatah, the guerrilla organization headed by Yasir Arafat, the chief of the Palestine Liberation Organization, the communique said.

It said part of their mission was "to plant explosives in market places and other crowded places." The Lebanese government said Israeli naval forces made two attacks during the night on the Rashidiye camp. The Israeli military command said the target was "a terrorist departure base" south of Rashidiye. ,41 1 JL tA ii.Miiiiiiiiiiiiiii'a'-iiiiiini ii i ii it Ling neither prosecution nor de fense must vouch for his credibil ity. As the prosecution began the "(Continued on Page 10, Column 8) GERARD McKENNA sonal, but that the attorneys had reasons for asking these questions. The lawyers told the jurors that they were searching for persons who would make "fair and impartial He asked them to "search your heart, mind and soul" when being questioned by either the prosecuting or defense attorneys.

McKenna, Shuman said, is charged with murder in the first degree and this carries a maximum sentence of life in prison, and then read a list of witnesses which he said the state may call during the progress of the trial. The list included Bradford County State Police officers; Erie N. Y. police officers; police from New Orleans, La. and Philadelphia, and medical doctors and technicians.

The actual selection of a jury got under way at 11 o'clock and the first name drawn was that of Mrs. Sandra Mills, 28, of Wy-alusing RD 2. She was questioned at length by both the prosecution and defense attorneys, and it was during this questioning by Attorney Walrath that it was revealed that the Commonwealth will probably submit as evidence a crime committed in 1967 against an 18-year-old girl in New Orleans for which McKenna was sentenced to 15 years In prison. 'J YORK (AP) management of Dairylea Cooperative, has recommended an assessment that could cost individual farmers $1,000 to in a bid to make an $18-million deficit, the New York Times reported today. The proposed assessment is scheduled to be considered at a meeting of Dairylea's board of directors Tuesday.

It would affect 8,000 dairy farmers in New York, Pennsylvania, western Connecticut and Massachusetts and countless hired hands and members of the agric-business community, the Times said. Dairylea, one of the nation's oldest and largest dairy coopera tives, handles 3.5 billion pounds of milk a year for its farm members. Its sales last year totaled $Cu9 million. Some dairy experts in Albany and in the Hudson- River Valley Father-irirlaw Held in Death BETHLEHEM, Pa. (AP) Jose Marrero was stabbed to death during an apparent family argument, police said; Joseph Reichel, Northampton County coroner, said Sunday Gu-mersido Morales, the victim's father-in-law was arrested and charged in the killing.

Morales is being held in the Northampton County prison in lieu $50,000 bond. Pa. Holiday Double Play HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) -The winning six-digit number in to day's Holiday Double Play lottery is 130222. The winning five-digit numbers is 01086.

later explained the meaning of the letters as unity, neighboru-ness, integrity, charity and opportunity. Thomas Palumbo, awards chairman, spoke briefly on the supporting the mentally and physically handicapped which is the aim of UNICO. Recipients of the awards were: Penn-York Opportunities, accepted by Martin Cotter of the board of directors; Jan Richwalder for the Special Education Classes in Waverly; Alan Jones, superintendent of Sayre Area School for the Special Education Classes in that school; Philip Lombard for the Athens Area School System; Carol Birne and Arlene Snedicor for Intermediate Unit 17; George Geise for Boy Scout Troop 90; By The Associated Press Hundreds of Palestinian youths defied Israeli riot police and shouted "Palestine is ours" in Jerusalem today in the first Arab protest in the Holy City in four years. Israeli gunboats shelled a Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon during, the night, and the Israeli government announced that an Arab terrorist had been killed and a second captured after they swam into Israeli waters with guns and explosives in floats. Demonstrations in support of guerrilla leader Yasir Arafat erupted inside and outside the old citv walls of Jerusalem, and the Palestinian flag was hoisted brief ly at a U.N.-run high school in a northern suburb.

Arab youths managed to swing shut the massive Damascus gate a scenic wonder of Jerusalem before steel-helmeted border troops moved in from behind and forced them open. Police turned a water cannon on other demonstrators at nearby Herods Gate. Security squads grabbed demonstrators and known agitators and led them into police vans. Police said 96 demonstrators were detained and 10 persons were injured, including three policemen. By early afternoon po lice and troops had cleared the streets and tourists were again strolling quietly in the winding alleyways.

Shouting nro-guemlla slogans, Arabs also marched in JBethle-hem, Ramallah and other" West Bank towns today. Demonstrations and riots broke out in several Arab towns dur-ine the weekend on the Israeli- occupied West Bank, where defiance of Israeli rule has grown since an Arab summit conference endorsed the guerrilla Palestine Liberation Organization as leader of all Palestinians. Lt. Gen. Mordechai Gur, Israe li chief of start, announced on the state radio that Israeli forces would remain on alert until Syria agreed to renew the mandate for the United Nations disengage ment force on the Golan Heights.

The mandate expires at the end of the month. Gur said November would continue to be a ner- time for the Middle East. An Israeli communique said the two guerrillas were briefed for their mission at the Rashidiye refugee camp, the target of the Israeli shelling. Rashidiye, 12 Bradford County Judge Evans S. Williams told 140 county residents who are prospective jurors, present in Court Room No.

1 "to fulfill one of your obligations as a citizen" as the selection of a jury for the Sharron Coston murder trial got under way at 9:30 a.m. this morning. On trial for rape and murder is Gerard McKenna, 41, formerly of Sayre. Miss Coston, who was 16 years of age at the time of her death, was last seen on Oct. 24, 1973, when she left the home of her parents to go downtown in Sayre to get a pack of cigarettes.

Her nude, mutilated body was found by a hunter just off the Mile Lane Road beyond the Blue Swan Airport on Saturday, Nov. 3. Following an intensive investigation by Pennsylvania State Police, McKenna was charged with the rape and murder, but at the time was serving a prison term in Lackawanna County, N. Y. Fol lowing a lengthy delay, extradi tion proceedings were started which brought McKenna -back to Bradford County for trial.

This morning. Judge Williams stressed to the possible jurors who will decide his fate the im portance of the case, and revealed for the first time that the 14 jurors selected will be sequestered during the trial. He further noted that the selection of a jury will start at 9 a.m. each day and close at 4 p.m. until the 14 have been chosen, and added that he had "no idea when the trial will Present in the court room this morning were the prosecutors for the Commonwealth, Bradford County District Attorney Maurice Epstein and Attorney Arthur P.

Shuman of Philadelphia, a special prosecutor hired for this case; defense attorneys William Hebe, Thomas Walrath and Bradford County Public Defender Lon-nie Frawley; Mrs. Vera McKenna, mother of the accused, and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Coston, parents of the slain girl. Both the prosecuting and defense attorneys stressed to the prospective jurors what Judge Williams previously stated, asking them to perform their duties as citizens.

Attorney Shuman warned them that some of the questions to be asked during the jury selection would be very per- UNICO Makes Handicapped Awards The sum of $1,600 was presented to various Valley organiza- tions last night at the seventh annual UNICO Awards dinner held 1 at Tomasso's Restaurant in Wa- 7 Awards were presented to rep- resentatives of the organizations 1 involved in working with the men-' tally retarded and physically han dicapped throughout the Valley. Anthony Lampazzi, president of the Sayre Chapter of UNICO, pre- sided at the affair which opened Charged in Family's Deaths Police officer escorts Ronald J. DeFeo, right, after he was booked at Hauppauge, N. on charges of murdering six members of his family. DeFeo, 23, was charged with six counts of second-degree murder in the deaths of his parents, two brothers and two sisters in their Amityville, N.

Y. home. (AP Wirephoto) with the UNICO Prayer by Frank Altieri. The awards money Is from pro-f ceeds realized from the annual Columbus Day Ball held at Shep- krd Hills Country Club. Mr.

Lampazzi introduced the of-fieers of the Sayre Chapter and (Continued on Page 10, Column 1).

The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)


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