Super Smash Bros Ultimate Spirit Ideas: Franchises (2024)

This page is for spirits from playable fighters' franchises.


  • 1 Super Smash Bros.
  • 2 Super Mario Bros.
  • 3 Donkey Kong
  • 4 The Legend of Zelda
  • 5 Metroid
  • 6 Yoshi
  • 7 Kirby
  • 8 Pokémon
  • 9 MOTHER/EarthBound
  • 10 Fire Emblem
  • 12 Kid Icarus
  • 13 Wario
  • 14 Metal Gear
  • 15 Sonic the Hedgehog
  • 16 Pikmin
  • 17 Animal Crossing
  • 18 Mega Man
  • 19 Punch-Out!!
  • 20 Pac-Man
  • 21 Xenoblade Chronicles
  • 22 Street Fighter
  • 23 Final Fantasy
  • 24 Splatoon
  • 25 Castlevania
  • 26 Persona
  • 27 Dragon Quest
  • 28 Banjo-Kazooie
  • 29 Fatal Fury
  • 30 ARMS
  • 31 Minecraft
  • 32 Tekken
  • 33 Kingdom Hearts

Super Smash Bros.[]

Super Smash Bros. 64

  • Kirby Hats is an Advanced Attack support spirit battle where you fight 8 of the original Super Smash Bros fighters in their pink alts (or closest to pink) on Dream Land N64. They appear when one is defeated and they all spam Neutral Specials, obviously. When defeated, they offer a powered up neutral special.
  • Fighting Polygon Team would be an Ace Nuetral spirit represented by 3 purple Marios, violet Donkey Kongs, dark blue Links, purple Samuses, purple Yoshis, purple Kirbys, purple Foxes, blue Pikachus, purple Luigis, purple Nesses, red Captain Falcons, and bow-wearing Jigglypuffs (a rounded up approximation of fighters each to reference the 30-man battle in the original game) on Battlefield form Final Destination. The large number of fighters aside, the battle is otherwise straightforward. Fortunately, all the opponents are easy to launch. In the player's hands, the Fighting Polygon Team would be a support spirit that grants KOs Heal Damage.
  • Target (Super Smash Bros) would be a Novice Defense spirit represented by 5 red Kirbys and 5 white Kirbys on 75m. It's a timed Stamina match and the Kirbys all have 1 HP. In the player's hands, it'd be a support spirit giving Floaty Jumps, as reference to the fact almost every target floats in the air.

Super Smash Bros. Melee

  • Fighting Wire Frames would be an Advanced horde battle against six Zeldas and Captain Falcons, representing who the wire frames are based on. The battlefield is Fountain of Dreams Battlefield, a Melee stage. In the player's hands, it'd be a primary neutral spirit with mediocre battle stats and 2 slots.
  • The Coins from the Grab the Coins/Coin Battle mode that was introduced in this game would an Advanced Defense spirit represented by five mini golden Marios on Golden Plains, a stage with a lot of coins. The Marios will spam their Up Special, which produces non-collectable coins. Otherwise, it's just a straightforward battle, and once in the player's hands, they'd be a support spirit granting Item Gravitation.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

  • Nagagog is an Advanced Primary Attack Spirit represented by three Incineroars (tiny blue, regular orange, and giant white) representing the Nagagog's ability to grow each time it takes a hit until it becomes giant. These would be fought in Gerudo Valley, representing the Battlefield Fortress, one of the levels in The Subspace Emissary where Nagagogs appear. The giant white Incineroar's speed power is decreased, and all of the Incineroars have decreased defense power. The battle theme is Step: The Plain. When defeated, the spirit would offer no special abilities but would have overall low battle stats, and one slot.

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U

  • The Fighting Mii Team are in the game, but do not have a spirit, and thus no spirit battle. If they did, though, they'd be an Advanced spirit represented by three Mii Brawlers, Mii Swordfighters, and Mii Gunners each on Battlefield. It's a straightfoward horde battle, and once in the player's hands, the Fighting Mii Team would be a neutral-type primary spirit with overall low battle stats, and three slots.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

  • The Fake Smash Ball is an Ace attack spirit that would be represented by 4 Kirbies (Color 8) on Final Destination. The Fake Smash Ball Itself appears as the item, and Explosions don't do as much damage against the enemies referencing that the Fake Smash Ball doesn't damage to anybody that doesn't hit unless if close to it. The Battle Theme is Ultimate's Version of Final Destination. When Defeated, The Spirit would that would grant Explosion Attack Up, and cost 2.

Super Mario Bros.[]

Mario Bros.

  • Mario Bros. is an Ace support spirit where you fight a blue/pink Mario and a yellow/green Luigi on the original Mario Bros. stage. Both favor neutral specials, and are easily distracted by items where they will attack and jump under the enemies or attack them to pick them up and throw them at you. Freezies and POW Blocks will occasionally spawn, and they will be distracted by those too. When defeated, they grant you a POW Block.

Super Mario Bros. 2

  • Birdo (Super Mario Bros. 2) is a Novice Neutral support spirit represented by a pink Yoshi who favors up specials. The spirit increases the power of your grabs and throws.
  • Tryclyde is an Advanced Attack spirit against 3 red Charizards and their fire attack is increased. The spirit increases the power of fire attacks.
  • Fry Guy is a Novice Attack support spirit fight against a red curry Bowser and he splits into 4 small Bowsers when defeated. The enemy favors neutral specials and their neutral special has increased power. When defeated, the spirit equips you with curry.
  • Clawgrip is an Advanced Grab spirit against King Dedede who favors side specials. He has super armor and it will be hard for him to flinch or launch but you can deflect his Gordos. The spirit increases your grabs and throws.
  • Phanto is an Ace Neutral Primary spirit against 2 red Meta Knights. They will temporarily turn invisible and occasionally have increased move and jump speed. The spirit offers no special abilities.
  • Mario, Luigi, Peach, and Toad is a Legend Grab Primary spirit where you fight in a Stamina battle against the original cast where a Mii Brawler represents Toad. Peach favors her down special and Toad favors his neutral special (The Mii Brawler's shot put). The enemy's grabs and throws have increased power and lots of grass items spawn as well as edible vegetables and Koopa shells. Very rarely Heart Containers can be pulled out of the grass which can painfully prolong the battle so make sure not to let that happen. Of course, they will be constantly pulling grass the entire time so that's what makes this battle a legend. The stage is Mushroom Kingdom II obviously, battlefield form though. When collected, the spirit increases your throwing power and has three slots.

Super Mario Bros. 3

  • Dry Bones is an Advanced Shield Primary Spirit represented by 3 Squirtles in their 7th Color fought on Mushroom Kingdom U (Slide Lift Tower). They have super armor and are hard to launch or make flinch (referencing that they revive themselves after getting stomped), and Reinforcements will appear after an enemy is KO'd. The Battle Theme is Castle / Boss Fortress - Super Mario World / SMB 3. When Defeated, The Spirit would offer no special abilities, have medium-low battle stats, and have 0 Slots.
  • Angry Sun is a novice attack spirit represented by an Orange Kirby fought on Mushroomy Kingdom. He Equips Curry (representing the Sun itself being covered in fire), and The Enemy favors dash attacks. The Battle Theme is The Super Mario Bros. 3 Medley. When Defeated, Its Spirit would be a support that offers you Fire and Explosion Attack Up, and 1 Cost.
  • Spike is a Novice Grab Spirit represented by 3 green Kirbies fought on Super Mario Maker (Battlefield Form Super Mario Bros 3 Portion only). The Unira Items will appear, and the enemies start off with Uniras representing the Spike Balls they spit out of their mouths then throw, and the enemies are distracted by items. The Battle Theme is Ground Theme - Super Mario Bros. 3 (Melee) When Defeated, Its Spirit would be a support that gain 1 cost, and Offer you a Unira.

Super Mario World

  • Reznor is an advanced novice Attack spirit represented by 4 Black King K. Rools fought on Mushroom Kingdom U (Slide Lift Tower). They Equip Curry representing that they are known for being fire-spitting Triceratopses. The Battle Theme is Fortress Boss - Super Mario World. When defeated, the spirit would be a support that offers you mouthful of curry, and 2 Cost.

Super Mario RPG

  • Croco is a novice grab spirit represented by a blue King K. Rool fought on Golden Plains. His speed power increases referencing croco running away three times, and being a fast runner in cutscenes, and items will be gravitated towards him referencing Croco's career as a bandit. The battle theme is Try, Try, Again. When Defeated, the Spirit would be a support that would offer Item Gravitation, and 1 cost.
  • Booster is an Ace Neutral primary red biker Wario accompanied by three Mii Gunners with a Shy Guy mask in a close approximation to the Snifits. They fight in 3D Land, given that it's a scrolling stage to reference the minigame where Mario pursues Booster up the hill to Marrymore. When Defeated, it would have medium-high battle stats and 3 slots.
  • The Axem Rangers are an Ace Attack primary spirit where they grant you increased weapon attack power. It takes place on Halberd and you fight against a red Roy (as Axem Red), a black Marth (as Axem Black), a yellow Ike (as Axem Yellow), a green Robin (as Axem Green), and a pink Corrin (as Axem Pink). Their weapons and magic have increased power and they will spawn 3 at a time.
  • Smithy is a Legend Neutral attack spirit represented by a gray metal King Dedede focusing on using the down special to supplement his hammer-based attacks, given that Smithy uses the hammer for combat. There will also be gray Mr. Game & Watches accompanying him as mooks. The only items are hammers, and the opponent can swing the hammer for a long time. When Defeated, it would be a support that offers Hammer Duration Up.

Super Mario 64

  • Vanish Block is an Advanced Defense support spirit where you fight an invisible Mario, Luigi, Wario, and Yoshi on Peach's Castle N64. Smoke Balls will rarely appear to help you find the invisible fighters. When defeated, the spirit offers invisibility.
  • Bully would be an advanced shield spirit represented by three black Kirbies (the black color palette represents the modern color palette the Bully enemy has), and fought on Norfair (Final Destination form). The enemies are metal and favor dash attacks (referencing the Bullies' ability to charge into player characters). The battle theme is Main Theme - Super Mario 64. When defeated, it would be a support spirit, grant Made of Metal, and have a cost of one slot.
  • Scuttlebug would be an Advanced Attack spirit represented by a bunch of orange Kirbys on the Great Cave Offensive, an obvious deadringer for Hazy Maze Cave. It's a stamina match with poisonous fog being present throughout the match. The Kirbys would wander around where they spawned and would only attack you if you approached them. Upon defeat, it'd be a support spirit that increases the power of dash attacks.

Mario Party

  • Koopa Kid would be an Advanced Spirit represented by, well, a mini Bowser on 3D Land. But before you can fight the main Bowser, you must first fight three other mini Bowsers — one with a red alt, one with a blue alt, and one with a green alt — in reference to how Koopa Kid sometimes splits into multicolored versions of himself. And while doing this, you sometimes take damage, in reference to the mischief Koopa Kid causes. In the player's hand, he'd be a Neutral Support Spirit granting Item Gravitation.

Paper Mario 64

  • Mario's Party (Paper Mario) is a stamina battle against Mario and his partners from the first game. It is an Ace blue spirit with one support slot (a reference to Mario being the primary character and having one partner at a time as support). The battle takes place on the Paper Mario stage Battlefield form and two enemies spawn at a time. The order the partners are fought is an orange Kirby (Goombario), a blue Squirtle (Kooper), a pink Mii Gunner girl who prefers bomb attacks (Bombette), a blonde Pit (Parakarry), a Jigglypuff with a bow who prefers side specials (Bow), a blue Pichu (Watt), a purple Inkling (Sushie), and Roy Koopa (Lakilester). Mario will spawn last and swings a hammer as a reference to his hammer attacks. When defeated, the spirit can be enhanced into a Legend spirit, Mario's Party (The Thousand-Year Door), which is Mario's partners from the sequel. The enhanced spirit grants you extra stamina since the partners in the sequel have much more health and therefore increasing yours and the overall party's health.
  • Goombario is an Ace Neutral with 2 slots and the Physical Attack Up ability. His spirit battle is against a Mii Brawler wearing Mario's hat who favors the Head On Assault (to represent Headbonk) on the Peach's Castle N64.
  • Kooper is an Ace Shield with 3 slots and the Green Shell Equipped ability. His spirit battle is against a Squirtle equipped with a Fire Flower (representing his Fire Shell attack) on Peach's Castle N64.
  • Bombette is an Ace Attack with 1 slot equipped with a Bob-Omb. Her spirit battle is Peach equipped with a Bob-Omb with Bob-Omb item tidal waves fought on Castle Siege to represent the Koopa Bros. Fortress where she was locked up when first met Mario.
  • Parakarry is an Advanced Grab with 3 slots and the Air Attack Up ability. The battle conditions are against Isabelle with Dangerously High Winds and a Timed Battle on Smashville.
  • Bow is an Advanced Neutral 3 Slot with the Floaty Jumps ability. Her fight is against Jigglypuff who favors side specials and is invisible. Fought on Luigi's Mansion.
  • Watt is an Ace Attack 1 Slot with the Electric Attack Up ability. Represented by Pikachu favoring Down Specials, has increased attack power, and electrified floor on the Gamer stage
  • Sushie is an Ace Shield with 3 slots and the Water/Ice Attack Up ability. She's represented by Rosalina & Luma and fought on Wuhu Island's ocean rocks segment with you lacking the ability to swim.
  • Lakilester is an Advanced Neutral 2 slot with the Easier Dodging ability. Represented by Roy Koopa in a "no frills" battle on Yoshi's Island (Brawl version).
  • The Koopa Bros. is a Novice support spirit where you fight 4 Squirtles (red, green, yellow, blue) who favor their side specials on the first phase of Castle Siege and when they are all defeated, a giant pink haired Bowser will spawn. When collected, the spirit offers a Koopa Shell.
  • Tubba Blubba is an Advanced support spirit Stamina battle where you fight a giant blue King K. Rool (as Tubba Blubba) and a red Kirby (as his heart) on Battlefield Luigi's Mansion. Defeat the main fighter to win but King K. Rool is invincible until you defeat the red Kirby and he favors his neutral special. When defeated the spirit grants you first strike advantage.
  • The Crystal King is an Ace support spirit Stamina battle and is a light blue King Dedede who favors side specials fought on Battlefield form of Summit where the floor is ice and Freezies are abundant, however he is resistant to Freezies and ice attacks. When defeated, the spirit grants you ice floor immunity.
  • The Master is an Ace Attack spirit where you fight a yellow Ryu in a stamina battle on omega Suzaku Castle where his attack will periodically increase and when damage is critical he will turn golden. When defeated he grants golden transformation.

Luigi's Mansion

  • Professor E. Gadd doesn't have a battle but it would be a battle against White Luigi and Morton on Luigi's Mansion as Luigi's white hat and clothes represent Gadd's hair and lab coat. The enemy favors grabs and throws where Luigi will use his Poltergust often and both fighters will suddenly have a final smash as both of their finals use Gadd's inventions.

Super Mario Sunshine

  • Strollin Stu is a novice spirit where you fight 5 Pac-Man and 1 giant Pac-Man on Delfino Plaza (Island segment).

Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga

  • Cackletta is an Advanced-level Shield spirit fought in the lava section of Castle Siege. The fighter is initially a purple Zelda, but becomes a handicapped Bowser (6th alt) in the second phase. Bullet Bills and Ramblin' Evil Mushrooms are the only items that spawn during this spirit battle.
  • Popple is an Advanced support spirit taking place on the Battlefield version of Shadow Moses Island where you fight a green Greninja (as Popple) and a blue Bowser (as Rookie). Items are gravitated towards the enemy and they are distracted by items. When defeated the spirit awards you item gravitation.

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

  • Goombella is an Ace Attack with 1 slot and the Double Final Smash ability. Her battle is a Builder Mario (their helmets), favoring Up Specials to represent Goombella's Multibonk and can use two Final Smashes in a row, (representing her Rally Wink move) on Great Bay as a stand in for Rogueport.
  • Koops is an Ace Shield spirit with 3 slots and the Shield Durability ability to represent Koops' Shell Shield move. The fight is against Squirtle who shields often and has increased defense on Castle Siege to represent Hooktail's Castle.
  • Flurrie is an Ace Neutral with 3 slots and the Air Defense ability. Her fight is a Giant Kirby who comes equipped with a Gust Bellows on Town and City since Flurrie is an actress and would have her movies and plays ready to be viewed in city theaters.
  • Yoshi (TTYD) is an Ace Attack spirit with 2 slots and increased move speed ability. The fight is against a Tiny Yoshi with increased attack power and a fast final smash meter (Stampede is Yoshi's Ultra Rank move and was changed to Yoshi's Final Smash). Fought in Boxing Ring to represent the Glitz Pit.
  • Bobbery is an Ace Attack spirit with a Bombchu equipped. The fight conditions are Snake with stronger fire and explosion attacks and item tidal waves of exploding items fought on Pirate Ship as Bobbery is a sailor and he's recruited as a ship navigator and fights ghost pirates.
  • Ms. Mowz is a tiny red/white Joker fought on Great Bay (as Rogueport). He will occasionally turn invisible with increased speed to represent her sleuthiness. Items are gravitated towards him so that will be your clue where he is. The spirit is an Advanced support spirit which grants you item gravitation.Fun fact
    • Alternatively, she's is an Ace Grab spirit with 3 slots and the item gravitation ability representing her nature as a thief and her Kiss Thief move. The fight is against 3 Pikachus (representing her Tease move) where defeating the main Pikachu is a win and the enemies are distracted by items fought on Golden Plains.
  • Rawk Hawk is a red Advanced spirit battle against a yellow Incineroar (color 5) and it takes place on Boxing Ring. The enemy loves to taunt and prefers up specials. When collected, the spirit increases your physical attack.
  • Macho Grubba is a support Ace spirit against a red King K. Rool and takes place on Boxing Ring Omega form. The enemy is giant and has a sudden final smash like his ultimate attack. The enemy increases its' attack and defense when weakened and the enemy loves to taunt. When defeated, the spirit grants you trade-off ability.
  • The Shadow Queen has been Confirmed, but she doesn't have her own battle. If she did, it would be a battle against a black Peach and a giant Bayonetta on the Omega form of Dracula's Castle. The enemy starts with a black hole and the enemy's melee attacks can heal them if they hit you and the enemy will have a sudden final smash referencing the Shadow Queen's ultimate attack.

Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time

  • Stuffwell is a novice neutral spirit represented by an Orange Kirby along with a black Mario, a blue Luigi, a Tiny blue Mario, and Tiny orange Luigi (representing the Marios' and Luigis' appearance along with him in Mario and Luigi's partners in Time) fought on 3D Land. You only have to defeat the orange kirby to win. He also favors neutral specials. The Battle Theme is Gritzy Desert. When Defeated, he would be a support that offers you a green shell, and have 2 cost.

Super Paper Mario

  • Count Bleck is an Ace support spirit where you fight a blue Joker and a grey Isabelle (as Nastasia) on battlefield Dracula's Castle. Poison gas covers the stage and Arsene's attacks are increased as he resembles Bleck. When defeated, the spirit would be a support that offers poison immunity.

Super Mario Galaxy

  • Spring Mushroom (or alternatively, Spring Mario) is an Advanced support spirit where you fight stars and stripes Mario and orange Luigi on Battlefield Living Room (as Toy Time Galaxy) with increased jump power and the ability to damage you by fast falling - and to prove it, the enemies prefer to jump and not stay on the ground. When defeated, the spirit offers higher jumps.
  • Bee Mushroom is an Advanced grab spirit battle against Builder Mario and yellow Luigi on Battlefield Spiral Mountain (as Honeyhive Galaxy) where their gravity is low, referencing the floatier jumps and hovering the power-up provides. The floor is as sticky as the bees' honey, and Beehives will be abundant. When defeated, the spirit offers sticky floor immunity.

Mario Super Sluggers

  • Super Sluggers is a support Ace spirit where you fight on battlefield KOF Stadium as it's a sports stadium much like a baseball stadium. The fight is a gauntlet battle against all the characters from the game including: Mario, Luigi, Peach, Daisy, Bowser, Bowser Jr., Wario, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, King K. Rool, and Piranha Plant (filling in for Petey Pirahna) and they are all equipped with either Home Run Bats or Beastballs and the items will spawn relentlessly throughout the match. When collected, the spirit grants you a Home Run Bat. The battle music is Super Sluggers Character Select.

Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story

  • Midbus is an Advanced red primary spirit where you fight a pink King K. Rool on Melee Peach's Castle and Freezies will spawn. The enemy is distracted by items and reinforcements will spawn like Iggy Koopa (as Fawful). When defeated, the spirit can be enhanced into the Ace spirit, Blizzard Midbus, which grants you "Cold Shoulder", a slight chance of freezing your foes with smash attacks. Tough Guy Alert would be the battle theme.
  • Dark Bowser is a Legend primary attack spirit where you fight a giant blue Bowser on omega form Dracula's Castle in a stamina battle. Reinforcements will spawn later in the form of a dark red-eyed and red-caped Meta Knight (as Fawful/The Dark Star). Default Bowser will be your ally and the Bowsers' physical attack is increased periodically throughout the battle, and heavy winds will hit the stage occasionally to reference Bowser's vacuum breath. If Bowser is KO'd, you may be assisted by Mario and Luigi, but if one of them is KO'd then you lose. When defeated, the spirit grants you "Lethal Touch", which gives you a chance of poisoning opponents with smash attacks. The Grand Finale is the theme.

Super Mario 3D World

  • Double Cherry is an Advanced Defense support spirit where you fight a team of 4 regular Marios on the first grassland phase of Mushroom Kingdom U. You must defeat the main fighter to win however since they're all clones and look identical it will be a bit difficult. When obtained, the spirit offers extra stamina.
  • Meowser is a neutral Legend Primary spirit where you fight a giant pink-haired Bowser on the Omega form of New Pork City, and when he is defeated, a giant yellow Incineroar will appear. If the battle goes on too long, other giant but slightly weaker Incineroars will appear, just like Meowser using the Double Cherry during the second phase of the fight. Since the music loops after 2 minutes, you have about 2 minutes to defeat Bowser and Incineroar before the clones appear. When defeated, the spirit has 3 slots and increases your attack. The theme would be Tower Showdown 2.

Paper Mario: Color Splash

  • Piper is a Piranha Plant that spams Neutral B and has 5 Toad Mii Brawlers fighting with him.

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle

  • Rabbid Luigi is an advanced primary shield Spirit represented by a White Bunny Hood Luigi on Mushroomy Kingdom (referencing Sherbet Desert). He can heal by dealing damage, and can damage the player character by dashing into you referencing, Vamp Dash, one of Rabbid Luigi's Abilities, which gives the poison effect (with some exceptions) to any enemy and takes their health healing Rabbid Luigi and his allies after dashing into any of them, and the player character would have decreased attack power referencing Weaken, one of Rabbid Luigi's Abilities which is known to decrease damage power. He would also start the battle off with the Ray Gun referencing his primary weapon, the Slam-Held Bworb. The Battle Theme is Arcade Bunny's Theme. When Defeated, The Spirit would grant Jump Up, Have Overall Battle Stats, and have 3 slots.
  • Rabbid Yoshi is an advanced primary neutral spirit represented by a default bunny hood Yoshi, and fought on Luigi's Mansion representing Spooky Trails, The place where Rabbid Yoshi is recruited after the defeating the mid boss of it. The Enemy starts off the battle with the Steel Diver representing his primary, the Rumblebung, and the Gust Bellows item will appaear, representing Scaredy Rabbid, Rabbid Yoshi's ability that sends enemy running from being close to him. The Battle Theme is Arcade Bunny's Theme. When Defeated, The Spirit would grant Jump Up, overall Battle Stats, and 3 Slots.

Super Mario Odyssey

  • The Broodals are an advanced grab primary spirit represented by a Green Classic Wario (Representing Topper), Purple Female Inkling (Representing Harriet), Morton Koopa Jr. (Representing Spewart), and Orange Luigi (Representing Rango) all in Bunny Hoods, fought on Rainbow Cruise, and have increased throw power. The Purple Female Inkling starts off with a Bob-Omb referencing Harriet throwing bombs by using her braid, and the Orange Luigi starting off the boomerang references Rango throwing his hat like a boomerang. Reinforcements will appear an enemy is KO'd. The Battle Theme is Underground Moon Caverns. When Defeated, The Spirit would have the ability to enhance into RoboBrood, Which would turn into an ace grab primary spirit, have overall battle stats, have 3 slots, and grant the "Metal and Giant" Ability.
  • Steam Gardener is an Advanced support spirit where you fight 2 yellow ROB's and 2 Squirtles who will use neutral specials on battlefield Gaur Plains. Bunny Hoods will spawn, and when one of the foes are defeated, a wedding Mario who favors down specials will spawn with uncontrollable speed, alluding to the white lab coat outfit he finds in the Steam Gardens and the Rocket Flowers he can use to dash around. When defeated, the spirit grants you a Bunny Hood. The battle theme is Steam Gardens.
  • Ruined Dragon is a Legend-class Primary Attack-type spirit. The opponent is a super-giant Ridley with super armor with a white Bowser as a minion (representing Bowser himself, in his wedding outfit), both fought on Omega Dracula's Castle. Lightning will frequently spawn as an item, referencing the Ruined Dragon's electric attacks, and Deku Nuts will spawn as well in order to stun Ridley (much like how the Ruined Dragon will tire out every now and then, leaving it vulnerable. The spirit grants Electric Attack Up, and the battle theme is its theme from Odyssey proper.

Luigi's Mansion 3

  • Gooigi is a novice primary grab spirit that is represented by a regular Luigi and fought on Luigi's Mansion. The Ditto Pokéball Pokémon Enemy would appear referencing Gooigi being a Green-Goo Luigi
  • Hellen Gravely is an Ace-level spirit represented by a Blue Bayonetta. The enemy's neutral special has increased power, and Left and right controls will suddenly reverse after a little while. The stage is Boxing Ring (Omega).
  • Polterkitty is an Advanced-level spirit represented by a purple Clear Incineroar. It starts out small, but will periodically turn giant in reference to Polterkitty herself changing from a small cat to a panther who is twice Luigi's size. When equipped, she has Item Gravitation as her ability since she typically steals items from Luigi to impede his progress.

Donkey Kong[]

Donkey Kong Country

  • Manky Kong is a Novice-level spirit. He takes to form of a slightly smaller Donkey Kong who is easily distracted by barrels that he throws at you constantly. This is Manky Kong's typical attack style, and barrels will periodically appear in large numbers. Also, there are multiples of him, since there can be several Manky Kong enemies in a level, and often side-by-side. when equipped, they are a support spirit that increases the power of thrown items. Their stage is Jungle Japes, which is similar to where they're first encountered in the game.
  • Rock Krocs are a Novice-level spirit with frequent periodic invincibility. The goal to to survive until time runs out, and it is 30 seconds long. King K. Rool represents them, and they have both greatly increased move speed AND attack power, and can deal damage by running into you. They are encountered on Great Cave Offensive Battlefield Form to help represent the mine they're in and the associated cramped quarters. Their invincibility is because they are Invincible Minor Minions and can only be bypassed with Stop/Go barrels littered throughout the "Stop and Go Station" level where they first appeared. As an equip, they grant Impact Run as an ability.

Donkey Kong Country 2:Diddy'sKongQuest

  • Kloak is an advanced-level spirit with strong throw. You have to fight 6 Clouds on Reset Bomb Forest. Each Cloud spawns with Villager's wood.

Diddy Kong Racing

  • Tiptup is a green Squirtle fought on Melee Yoshi's Island Battlefield form (resembling Ancient Lake).
  • Bumper is a grey Lucario fought on Norfair (resembling Hot Top Volcano) and the floor is lava.
  • Pipsy is a red bow Pichu fought on Summit Battlefield form (resembling Everfrost Peak) and the floor is ice.
  • Krunch is a yellow King K. Rool fought on Pirate Ship (resembling Crescent Island) and you can't swim.
  • Conker is a red Fox fought on Wuhu Island in the rocky ocean phase (resembling Pirate Lagoon) and you can't swim. He can be Enhanced into his appearance from Conker's Bad Fur Day, granting irreversible controls.
  • Timber is a white-red Incineroar fought on Pilotwings (resembling the plane mechanic of the game) where the wind is strong and Rocket Belts will spawn.
  • Drumstick is a light-blue Falco fought on Skyloft (resembling Greenwood Village) and Uniras will spawn.
  • T.T. is a red sleeved Pac-Man fought on Luigi's Mansion (resembling Haunted Woods) and Timers will spawn.
  • Diddy Kong Racers is a purple Legend spirit where you fight Diddy Kong, Banjo, and all the other fighters listed above. The battle takes place on Tortimer Island (as it resembles Timber Island) and all fighters can attack by dashing into you. Rocket Belts will spawn much like the planes they fly and you can't swim while they can just like their hovercrafts. When defeated, the spirit grants you increased speed. Individually, the spirits above are advanced support spirits who grant you Impact Run.
  • Wizpig is an Ace support spirit where you fight a giant purple Ganondorf who will have a sudden Final Smash, fought on the Omega form of Venom. When collected, the spirit grants longer transformation time.

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

  • Bashmaster the Unbreakable is a Novice Primary Shield Spirit represented by a Purple King Dedede on Kongo Falls (Representing Juicy Jungle). The Floor is Frozen referencing the ice floe floating in a pool of juice that Bashmaster was fought on, and Water and ice attacks aren't as effective against the enemy referencing the Ice Powers Bashmaster has, and that he was covered in Juice. When Defeated, He would offer no specials though, overall battle stats, and 1 slot.

The Legend of Zelda[]

The Legend Of Zelda C Di Games

  • King Harkinian would be an ace spirit represented by a yellow Simon assisted by Tunic of the Wild Link on Pirate Ship (Since his ship sails in the morning). While Link spawns in after only after the match has gone on for a while, the match is otherwise just a straightforward fight. In the player's hand, he would be a support spirit that grants Undamaged Attack & Speed ↑.
    • He could also be distracted by food and have a stronger shield thanks to the triforce of courage protecting him.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

  • Link (Ocarina of Time) is a Legend Grab Primary Spirit represented by a Default Young Link, and a default Hero of the Wild Costume Link fought in a Stamina Battle (The Player character gets 120 HP While both of the Links get 100 HP) on Hyrule Castle (64). Reinforcements will appear when the enemy is KO'd, and Young Link has increased Speed, While the regular Link has increased attack power. The Battle Theme is Hyrule Field Theme. When Defeated, the Spirit offers no Special abilities, though have overall battle stats, and 3 Slots.
  • Dark Link is a Legend attack spirit where you fight Dark Link in a stamina battle on omega Fountain of Dreams (resembles the Water Temple) and his speed and attack periodically increases. He will have a sudden FS and when defeated he grants the player increased weapon attack.

The Legendof Zelda Oracle Games

  • Farore is an advanced grab spirit that is represented by 2 Green Zeldas, and is fought on Bridge of Eldin (final destination form). The Opponents would Favor their Up Special, Farore's Wind, and the player character would constantly take minor damage. The battle Theme is Ballod of the Goddess (Remix). When Defeated, Her Spirit would be a support, would have 1 cost, and would grant Easier Dodging.

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

  • Ganondorf (The Wind Waker) is an ace attack primary spirit represented by a Brown Ganondorf fought on Kalos Pokémon League (Flood Chamber only) (Representing the inside of His Tower). The enemy starts the battle with a Killing Edge, and The enemy has increased defense. The Battle Theme is Death Mountain. When Defeated, The Spirit would offer Sword Attack ↑, have overall battle stats, and 1 Slot.
  • Boko Baba is an Advanced spirit where you fight 2 purple Piranha Plants who prefer side specials on Great Bay. When defeated, the spirit would be a support that grants poison damage reduced.

The Legendof Zelda Four Swords

  • Vaati (Minish) is an advanced grab primary spirit that would be represented by a light purple Ridley on Hyrule Castle 64. Strong Winds will appear occasionally representing Vaati Himself being a master of wind. When defeated, the spirit would start off advanced, and would have the ability enhance into Vaati (True Form), which would be an ocular oracle demon), which would be turned into an ace grab primary spirit, though would grant no special abilities.
    • Confirmed But can't be enhanced and the spirit doesn't start off in his regular form.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

  • Link (Twilight Princess) is an ace attack primary spirit represented by Link with the Teal Hero of the Wild Set Costume and a black Wolf (representing Wolf Link), and both are fought on Bridge of Eldin (Final Destination). The Black Wolf Fighter has increased speed power. Link's Power has increased. Midna appears as the Assist Trophy Enemy referencing that She was a guide assistant to Link until Midna dies in her fight with Ganondorf. The Battle theme is Main Theme - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. When Defeated, The Spirit would have overall battle stats, and 3 slots, though, Offers No Special Abilities.
  • Zelda (Twilight Princess) is an ace neutral spirit represented by a Purple Zelda, and a Teal Link in his Hero of the Wild costume fought on Castle Siege (Underground Cavern Section Only). The Purple Zelda starts the battle with a Killing Edge referencing the sword she carries. The Battle Theme is Main Theme - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

  • Link (Skyward Sword) is an ace grab primary spirit represented by a default Hero of the Wild Link Fought on Skyloft. His melee weapons have increased power, and He favors up aerials and up tilts. The Beetle and Gust Bellows will spawn in referencing their first debut in Skyward Sword. The Battle Theme is Ballad of the Goddess (Original). When Defeated, The spirit would offer no special abilities, though, would have overall battle stats, and 3 slots.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

  • Kass is an Ace support spirit where you fight a purple Falco (as Kass) on the Battlefield of Great Plateau stage. Meloetta will spawn as well as the Squid Sisters. The enemy tends to avoid conflict and sometimes reinforcements will appear where 5 tiny Falcos will spawn (representing Kass' daughters). When defeated, the spirit offers increased air attack.
  • The Divine Beasts would be represented by a giant fire-breathing metal Greninja (Vah Rudania), a giant high-jumping Falco (Vah Medoh), a giant Yoshi (Vah Naboris) and a giant King Dedede (Vah Ruta). They would all be fought on the Omega form of Great Plateau Tower, and they would be a Legend Class Support Spirit with the Energy Attack Up Bonus.


Metroid Prime

  • Metroid Prime itself is a Legend Attack Spirit represented by a giant Dark Samus (representing its exoskeleton form) on a poisoned floor with a Metroid assist trophy (representing its core form) Fought on The Great Cave Offensive (Final Destination) Form (representing its boss location, the impact crater).

Metroid: Other M

  • Though Adam Malkovich is already in the game, he could be given the ability to enhance into Adam Malkovich (Armored), which would turn him into an advanced spirit that would offer Critical Health Attack Double Up, have overall battle stats, and 2 slots.
  • MB would be an Advanced-class Grab-type Primary spirit. You'll fight a white-alt Zero Suit Samus who prefers to avoid combat. A yellow-alt Ridley will harass you, as would a Mother Brain assist trophy who constantly spawns in. MB is Mother Brain recreated, hence the hostile assist. It's a stamina battle, with ZSS having a low 20hp whereas Ridley has 150 hp. You fight her on "Frigate Orpheon-Battlefield" to represent the Bottle Ship, and her avoiding combat is how you never truly fight her in the game; she goes down via cutscene. It is timed for 1 minute, but you need only last that long to win.Metroid Fusion
  • Serris would be a Novice support spirit fought as a Shield-type. Ridley in his Blue Alt would be the puppet. It is a stamina battle, and it begins with 100hp. It has increased move speed, occasionally uncontrollable speed, and can deal damage by ramming into you. This is all in reference to it being able to attack at ultra high speed; this further translates to the Speed Booster ability its Core-X gives to Samus upon absorption. It is fought in "Frigate Orpheon-Hazards On" to reference BSL, where the boss is fought. The skill it grants is impact run.
  • The SA-X would be an Ace-class support spirit fought as an Attack-type fought on "Frigate Orpheon-Omega Form", the latter of which referencing BSL. It's puppets are Samus in her default color, followed by a larger Bowser in his red alt, and then a Giant Kirby in his blue alt. It is a three part stamina battle, with Samus having 150hp and the Bowser having 50. Samus' special moves have increased power and starts off the battle with 10 seconds of invincibility, representing how you couldn't damage it until the penultimate boss fight. When defeated, large Bowser appears and can deal damage by falling on top of you in addition to having a better jump. When the form is beaten, Giant Kirby enters with 60hp, is periodically invincible, has floaty jumps, an extra jump, increased jump power, and a stronger up special. This is because, as a Hard Core-X, it floats on its own power and has a beam attack. The skill it grants is KOs Heal Damage, which further represents how, as an X-Parasite, it devours and assimilates any creature it infects.
  • Fusion Suit is already in the game as a summon-exclusive spirit. However, if it did have a spirit battle, it would undoubtedly pit you against a blue-alt Samus. It would have increased slightly reduced defense, but its special moves and general attack power would all be enhanced. It would be a stamina battle, with Samus having 200hp. This represents how Samus' could get up to 20 energy tanks in this game at the cost of her having reduced defenses to compensate. It also represents the number of abilities she obtained throughout.

Metroid Dread

  • Raven Beak:
    • Can be a Legend-class primary Spirit represented by a metal silver Sephiroth equipped with a Super Scope to give him an approximation of the Chozo Power Suit Arm Cannon. Sephiroth's special moves have increased power, given how each one of them corresponds to an attack in Raven Beak's arsenal,note and at high damage (when he enters Winged Form, representing how Raven Beak unfurls his wings for the second phase of the battle) he will dodge attacks more easily and his mobility will drastically increase in the air. When equipped, Raven Beak is an Attack-type Spirit that grants Armor Knight.
    • Can be a Legend-class spirit represented by a Giant white-alt Samus or silver-alt Dark Samus. Given he is using the same technology as Samus herself and counts and an Evil Counterpart to her, it would make sense to use either fighter. The fight is a Stamina battle with Raven Beak himself having 200 HP to your 150, and Raven Beak would have improved speed and reduced weight, increased overall attack and defense power, Super Armor, and improved special attacks. This applies since Raven Beak himself is stronger and more skilled than Samus, and she needed her fully awakened Metroid powers to beat him. When equipped, he is an Attack-type primary who grants increased move speed.


Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island

  • Poochy is an advanced shield primary spirit represented by Four Duck Hunt Duos (Colors Black, Blue, Brown and Red) fought on Yoshi's Island (Brawl) where the floor is poison (referencing Poochy being able to walk through terrain such as poison, lava and spikes).
  • Baby Luigi is an Ace Primary Neutral Spirit where you fight two Luigis, the main Luigi being tiny and Color 5, and the minion fighter being a Regular Sized and default Luigi Referencing Mario and Luigi:Partners in Time on Yoshi's Island (Brawl). You only have to defeat the Tiny Luigi to win, and his speed power has increased (referencing Baby Luigi's high speed stat in Mario and Luigi:Partners in Time). When Defeated, the Spirit offers no special abilities, though has overall battle Stats, and 3 Slots.
  • Prince Froggy is an Ace spirit where you fight infinite Mii Brawlers with Shy Guy masks on Brinstar and survive for two minutes.

Yoshi's Island DS

  • Baby Donkey Kong is a novice grab spirit represented by a Tiny Red Donkey Kong and a Purple Yoshi (referencing Baby Donkey Kong riding the Yellow Yoshi for the final boss battle) fought on Distant Planet (Battlefield Form) representing World 2 from Yoshi's Island DS. The Player character Only has to defeat The Tiny Red Donkey Kong to win the fight. His speed power has increased,
  • Baby Wario is a novice grab spirit represented by a Tiny Default Classic Wario and a Purple Yoshi (referencing the Yellow Yoshi being the one to carry Baby Wario for the final boss battle) fought on Wuhu Island (Sugarsand Beach portion only) referencing World 3. The items would be gravitated towards the Tiny Default Classic Wario referencing Baby Wario using a magnet that is capable of raising metallic platforms, attracting coins, and moving large, metal boxes.


Kirby Super Star

  • Computer Virus is an advanced shield spirit represented by a Green Kirby (Representing the Slime), a Cyan Young Link (Representing the Puppet), a Blue Male Robin (representing the Magician), the Mii Swordfighter (Black Knight Costume) (representing the Evil Knight), and a Red Charizard (representing the Great Dragon) all fought in a stamina battle on The Great Cave Offensive (Final Destination Form), and they all will occasionally be invincible. Reinforcements will appear after an enemy is KO'd. The Green Kirby's attack power has decreased referencing all of the Slime's attacks being very weak. The Battle Theme is Boss Theme Medley - Kirby Series. When Defeated, the spirit would be a support that would offer Double Extra Stamina, and have 2 Cost.

Kirby's Dream Land 3

  • Zero is a Legend-class spirit. The match is a stamina match, starting off with the player equipped with a Star Rod and facing off against a dark blue Kirby with 200 HP (representing Dark Matter) with increased power. Once the Dark Matter is defeated, it is replaced with Zero himself, represented as a gray giant King Dedede with 500 HP, increased power and speed, and a fast charging FS meter. Once Zero is defeated, a tiny red Kirby takes his place (representing Zero's eye) with just 25 HP, which simply just runs across the screen until it is defeated as well.

Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards

  • Pix is an Ace purple spirit where you fight 3 Mr. G&W's (red, green, and blue) in a Stamina battle on Battlefield form of Mushroomy Kingdom. The enemy's attack and speed will increase when damage is critical and when defeated, the spirit offers increased attack.
  • Adeleine is a support Ace spirit where you fight against a yellow Inkling equipped with a Lip's Stick and assisted by a blue Kirby and a pink Dedede on Dream Land N64 and the Inkling's special moves have increased power. The assist trophy Vince will appear as well but you only need to defeat the main fighter to win, and when defeated the spirit offers a Lip's Stick.
  • Zero Two is a shield Legend spirit represented by a stamina battle against a giant red Mewtwo on Final Destination where the gravity is very low so it's mostly an air battle like the original. Super Scopes will appear and the enemy starts with an enhanced one and their shooting power is increased. Kirby is your ally and starts with his own scope but you lose if he is knocked out, he doesn't have much health so protect him at all costs! The spirit grants you increased shooting power when defeated.

Kirby Star Allies

  • Hyness sadly doesn't have a battle to his name. He would be an Ace class Primary spirit and would be represented by a male Robin wearing a bunny hood (to represent his insane nature). He would also be flanked by the three female Robins from the Three Mages spirit battle. However, the player is backed up by Kirby, representing the friend gimmick from his home game. Once beaten, he has three slots and would give an increase to magic damage.

Kirby: Right Back at Ya!

  • Tiff: Rosalina & Luma B. Shield-type Novice-level (battle power: 3900), fought on Fountain of Dreams, with "Celestial Valley" as stage music. Conditions: 1) The enemy is protected by a Kirby. 2) The minion starts off with a Warp Star.
  • Tuff: Lucas B. Grab-type Novice-level (battle power: 4027), fought on Green Greens, with "Forest/Nature Area" as stage music. Conditions: 1) The enemy will have a sudden speed boost. 2) The enemy tends to throw banana peels.
  • Tokkori: Kirby B. Grab-Type Novice-level (battle power: 3664), fought on Dream Land, with "The Adventure Begins" as stage music. Conditions: 1) The opponent is tiny. 2) The enemy tends to dodge often.
  • Escargoon: Yoshi G. Shield-type Advanced-level (battle power: 6842), fought on GB Dream Land, with "Sky Tower" as stage music. Conditions: 1. The enemy has reduced speed, but hard to launch. 2) A King Dedede minion (D) will keep preventing the player from focusing on the enemy.
  • Sirica: Corrin D. Grab-type Advanced-level (battle power: 6316), fought on The Great Cave Offensive, with "The World to Win" as stage music. Stamina Battle. Conditions: 1) Fire Flowers, Hocotate Bombs, and Killing Edges are the only items that spawn. 2) The player must protect a Meta Knight (A) CPU; if he's KO'd, you fail the challenge.
  • Chef Shiitake: Meta Knight C. Attack-type Advanced-level (battle power: 6578), fought on Dream Land, with "Dangerous Dinner" as stage music. Conditions: 1) The enemy constantly goes after Maxim Tomatoes. 2) Chef Kawasaki will assist the enemy.
  • N.M.E Sales Guy: Pokémon Trainer G. Neutral-type Ace-level (battle power: 8100), fought on Halberd, with "Pink Ball Activate" as stage music. Conditions: 1) The player is pitted in a three phase clash against the opponent's Pokémon, each one stronger than the last. 2) The Nightmare assist trophy spawns at the beginning of the fight.

Kirby and the Forgotten Land

  • Elfilin: Shield-type Advanced-level Support. The Spirit Battle is represented by blue flight goggles Pichu fought on Onett alongside Kirby with "Planet Popstar" as stage music. Defeat the main fighter to win. Increases the power of Final Smashes once unlocked.
  • Gorimondo: Attack-type Novice-level Support. The Spirit Battle is represented by black-furred yellow tie Donkey Kong fought in a Stamina Battle on the ground level of Prism Tower where the enemy prefers up specials with "Kirby Boss Theme Medley" as stage music. Increases the power of physical attacks once unlocked.
    • Alternatively, Gorimondo can be a giant Black DK on Omega Moray Towers (Alivel Mall). The battle would have DK use his Up Special and Grab a lot to represent the tornado attack and the rock throwing. The effect remains the same.
  • Primal Dedede: Attack-type Ace-level Primary. The Spirit Battle is represented by King Dedede fought in a Stamina Battle on the Omega form of New Pork City with "King Dedede's Theme (Brawl)" as stage music where the enemy suddenly gains a Final Smash at high damage. Increases the power of battering items once unlocked.
  • Fecto Forgo: Neutral-type Ace-level Primary. The Spirit Battle is represented by teal Mewtwo fought in a Stamina Battle at Frigate Orpheon with "The World to Win" as stage music. Not only does the enemy start the battle with a Killing Edge, but at high damage, the Majora's Moon assist trophy will spawn, representing Frecto Elfilis' attempt to collide the New World with Planet Popstar in the Final Battle. Once unlocked, can be upgraded to the Legendary Spirit Fecto Elfilis at Level 99, who increases the power of Ness and Lucas' PSI attacks.


Pokémon Red and Blue

  • Professor Oak is a purple Ace support spirit where you fight a battle against a yellow Dr. Mario (as Oak) and a Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard (all separate). Pikachu will spawn when one of the Pokémon are defeated and the enemy will start off with a Poké Ball containing Eevee. The battle takes place on Melee Pokémon Stadium and you only need to defeat the main fighter to win but they tend to avoid conflict. When defeated, the spirit grants you a Poké Ball.
  • Brock is an Advanced spirit battle against an orange Ryu accompanied by a white Kirby as a stand-in for his Geodude. He'll be fought on the Rock version of Pokémon Stadium, befitting his preference for rock-types.
  • Misty is a default Inkling girl, who also has orange hair. She'll come with a Poké Ball that contains her signature 'mon, Staryu, and she will be fought on Delfino Plaza which is rife with water.
  • Giovanni is represented by fellow imposing villain Ganondorf, and is allied by a Mewtwo reflecting his anime counterpart's relation to it. The fight is set at a Battlefield version of Saffron City, referencing Team Rocket's attack on Silph Co. in the original games. During the fight, sudden earthquakes will frequently occur referencing Giovanni's affinity for Ground-Type Pokémon and how the move Earthquake is one of the moves he gives out via TM. As a spirit, he is a Primary Legend-class spirit. (The Team Rocket Mii fighters might appear to assist.)
  • Missingno itself. It is represented by Mewtwo, and its stage will demonstrate glitchy effects like causing tripping earthquakes and flipping the controls. The fight is set in Tortimer Island, alluding to how Missingno could be encountered by surfing on the edge of Cinnabar Island in Pokémon Red and Blue. And if that isn't enough, Yuri Kozukata appears as an Assist Trophy enemy, and her effect not only makes things suddenly scarier, but also represents how Missingno can also take the form of a ghost. Its spirit gives Trade-Off Attack to reference how Missingno is a Glass Cannon.
  • Voltorb is an Advanced red spirit where you fight 3 red/white Heroes that prefer side specials on Saffron City, and they are equipped with Deku Nuts so they can paralyze you like electric attacks from the games. Be careful, if they paralyze you then they will Kamikazee any chance they get. Your damage will also increase suddenly at points, so if it's high enough, it's lights out. When defeated, the spirit grants increased fire and explosive attacks.
  • Team Rocket is an Advanced support spirit where you fight 2 Team Rocket grunts who are the male & female Mii fighters on Saffron City. Your allies are Pikachu and Jigglypuff however they don't fight and instead run away and avoid conflict. Poké Balls will spawn and they both start with a Poké Ball containing Meowth and Vulpix. The Arcade Bunny assist trophy will also repeatedly spawn to reference their Pokémon catching machines and they will persistently chase after your allies, you lose if they are caught and KO'd. When defeated, the spirit grants stronger grabs and throws. (If you don't have the Team Rocket Mii DLC then you will fight generic Miis in the Business Suits.)

Pokémon Gold and Silver

  • Ursaring is an Advanced red spirit where you fight a tiny red Banjo (as Teddiursa) and when defeated a giant red Banjo (as Ursaring) will spawn. Bewear will come out of enemy's Pokéball and the battle takes place on Spiral Mountain Battlefield form. When defeated, the spirit grants you increased physical attack. Alternatively, it can be enhanced into Ursaluna and offer an item-attracting ability to replicate Ride Ursaluna’s Dowsing Machine ability in Legends: Arceus.

Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire

  • Steven Stone is an Ace support spirit where you fight in a stamina battle against a green male Corrin (as Steven) with a metal Meta-Ridley (as Skarmory) and a metal Bowser (as Aggron), with his Champion battle theme playing in the background. The stage is the Unova Pokémon League where Metagross will spawn as well. Metal Boxes will spawn as well as healing items. Defeat the main fighter to win as the trainer is the one in charge. When defeated, the spirit offers made of metal.
  • Plulse and Minun are an advanced Primary grab spirit represented by 2 Pichus (One with the Blue Team Aqua Hat and the other with a red). They both have increased attack power after a little while. The Battle Theme is Battle! (Wild Pokémon) - Pokémon Ruby / Pokémon Sapphire. When Defeated, They would grant Electric Attack up as well as overall battle stats, and 2 Slots.
  • Mega Rayquaza is simply an enhanced version of the existing Rayquaza Spirit, now a Legend-class Neutral Primary Spirit that grants increased jump height and air speed. As such, it has no Spirit battle, as its base form has one of its own.

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl

  • Cynthia is an Ace Attack spirit represented by either a black dress Rosalina or a blue Mythra (as Cynthia) with a default Lucario (As Himself) and purple Charizard (as Garchomp). You must defeat the main fighter to win as the trainer is the one in command. It is a stamina battle and they are fought in Battlefield Kalos Pokémon League and when defeated, the spirit offers no special abilities.

Pokémon Black and White

  • Emolga is an advanced neutral spirit represented by a Pichu equipped with a tanooki leaf (referencing Emolga being a flying type), and fought on Prism Tower (Representing Lumiose City having an electric city gym, and that prism tower is located in it, Also, Emolga appearing in the background). The Enemy's Speed and attack power have increased (The Former refencing Agility, a psychic type move that can increases speed, and Emolga and the latter referencing that emolga has more attack stat power than any other stat powers in stats), and Route 10 - Pokémon Black / Pokémon White is the theme for the battle. When defeated, its spirit would be a support type, that would grant Electric Attack ↑, and have cost 1.
  • Larvesta is an Attack Advanced Spirit represented by Meta Knight in its second, white costume with a Fire Bar. It prefers to use Drill Rush and Mach Tornado as a substitutes for Flame Charge and Flame Wheel. As Larvesta is a physical attacker in its home series, its melee attacks deal more damage than usual. It is fought on Tortimer Island, as a reference to where the Larvesta Egg was originally found (Unova Route 18). It would be a support spirit that will grant the Mouthful of Curry effect to users.

Pokémon X and Y

  • Mega Charizard Y is an ace attack primary spirit represented by a Red Charizard fought on Pokémon Stadium (Fire Portion Only) in a stamina battle. Its special attack power has increased referencing Mega Charizard Y's high Sp Atk power, and it is Giant. The Battle Theme is Battle! (Trainer Battle) - Pokémon X / Pokémon Y. When Defeated, It would offer Fire Attack Up, have overall battle stats, and 1 Slot.
  • Tyrantrum is an ace shield spirit represented by a Grey Bowser fought on Gaur Plains in a Stamina Battle (180 HP). He is Giant representing Tyrantrum being the final evo in its evolution line, and he favors Down Specials. The Battle Theme is Battle! (Trainer Battle) - Pokémon X / Pokémon Y. When Defeated, The Spirit would be a support that offers Physical attack Up, and 2 Cost.

Pokémon Sun and Moon

  • Gladion is represented by a red-costumed Snake who starts with a Killing Edge, alluding to how Gladion is considered edgy. He is allied by Ridley in his Mecha Ridley costume to represent Silvally. Both enemies' attack will raise after a while to represent Gladion's Z-Crystal powerup (demonstrated in the anime), though only Gladion/Snake must be defeated. Because he's a trainer, he is a Primary Spirit.

Pokémon GO

  • Meltan is represented by a horde of eight metal Pichus and is fought in the Battlefield version of Lumiose City. Once obtained, it is a Novice-class Primary spirit that can be enhanced. Doing so will get you Melmetal, who is a Ace-class Primary spirit who has Made of Metal as its ability.

Pokémon Sword and Shield

  • Wooloo is a neutral novice spirit represented by a Jigglypuff, and fought on Onett (Battlefield Form) (representing Route 1 one of its location of where it is found). It would favor its neutral special referencing Wooloo rolling when with its trainer walking. When Defeated, The Spirit would be a support, would grant lightweight, and have 1 cost.
  • Applin is a novice shield spirit represented by a Red Kirby fought on Green Greens (Battlefield Form). The Red Kirby heals over time referencing the apple it lives in being its food source, and the battle is timed (1:20).
  • Sirfetch'd is an ace shield spirit represented by a white Falco who has Equipped a Killing Edge, and a Back Shield (represented its Sword and Shield Leek weapons) fought on Skyloft. the battering items have increased power and He has increased speed. The Battle Theme is
  • Falinks is an Advanced Attack Spirit represented by 6 yellow Kirby's fought on Gaur Plains (representing Route 8). You have to defeat the main one to win, and they have increased attack and defense power.
  • Eternatus is an ace grab primary spirit represented by a Giant Purple Ridley fought on Spear Pillar in a stamina battle (280 Hp for the player and 255 HP for Ridley). He would have super armor representing Eternatus' body, and the stage would be covered in a Poison Cloud referencing the weather in Eternamax Eternatus' boss battle, and Eternatus being a poison type. The Enemy's Defense power has increased referencing Eternamax Eternatus' notoriously high defense power. When Ridley is defeated, he is replaced with Master Hand himself, representing Eternamax Eternatus itself due to its hand-like design; this being a Spirit Battle, Master Hand is nerfed from his usual boss incarnation, with lower HP and/or attack power. The battle theme is that for the final phase of Eternatus' battle in Pokémon Sword and Shield. When defeated, its spirit would have the ability to enhance into Eternamax Eternatus, which is a Legend Spirit that would offer poison immunity, have very high battle stats, and 2 slots.
  • Dragapult is a primary advanced Spirit represented by a green Olimar on Kalos Pokémon League (Dragon-type transformation) who favors his side special, Pikmin Throw (representing Dragapult's tendency to use its Dreepy young as missiles with its Secret Art, Dragon Darts). Olimar also has highly increased speed, a trait that carries over to Dragapult as an equippable Spirit.

Pokémon Legends: Arceus

  • Volo is a dark blue Link fought on Spear Pillar, with Dialga and Palkia regularly appearing as stage hazards and with the battle music set to his descendant Cynthia's theme. He is accompanied by a giant Jigglypuff (representing Togekiss) and a purple Charizard (representing Garchomp). Once those three are defeated, Volo will respawn as a default male Corrin carrying a Poké Ball that contains Giratina. He will be accompanied by a giant Mr. Game & Watch representing Altered Forme Giratina, followed by a giant blue Ridley representing Origin Forme Giratina once it is defeated. All opponents must be defeated to win. Once obtained, Volo is an enhanceable Advanced-class Primary Shield Spirit, who enhances into Volo (Final Battle) where he wears his Evil Costume Switch Arceus-like outfit.

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

  • Scream Tail is an Ace Defense Spirit represented as Jigglypuff (its non-Paradox Pokémon relative) fought in Gaur Plains to represent Area Zero. When equipped, Scream Tail equips the player with a Metal Box to represent Terastallization.
  • Koraidon (Limited Build) is an Ace-class attack spirit represented by a giant red Wario who constantly uses his Wario Bike, referencing Koraidon's transportation abilities and motorcycle-like build. Wario's melee attacks also have increased power, referencing Koraidon's Fighting type, and he has increased movement speed to reflect Koraidon's high speed. When obtained, Koraidon's spirit can be enhanced into the Legend-class Koraidon (Apex Build), which grants Fire Attack Up in addition to high offensive stats. The stage is The Great Cave Offensive (Omega), representing the deepest part of Area Zero.
  • Miraidon (Low-Power Mode), similar to Koraidon, is an Ace-class attack spirit represented by a slightly larger Meta Ridley, also a semi-robotic purple dragon. Ridley doesn't look like a motorcycle like the one Wario has, but he'll have the Impact Run ability so that he can damage you just by running into you, and has increased movement speed as well. The floor is also electrified, representing Miraidon's Electric type. Like Koraidon, Miraidon can be enhanced into the Legend-class Miraidon (Ultimate Mode), which has high offensive stats and grants Electric Attack Up. The stage, once again, is The Great Cave Offensive (Omega).

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon

  • Guildmaster Wigglytuff is a slightly larger Jigglypuff with enhanced power on the Green Greens stage... who's distracted by the food that appears on the battlefield, namely apples. A green Falco appears alongside him to represent his second-in-command Chatot.
  • Team Charm is a no-frills battle against a red Greninja (Medicham), a green Zelda holding a Pokéball containing Gardevoir (Gardevoir), and a yellow female Wii Fit Trainer (Lopunny), fought on the Battlefield form of Great Cave Offensive to represent the final dungeon of their special episode, Limestone Cavern.


EarthBound Beginnings

  • Giegue is represented by Mewtwo on Frigate Orpheon, which both bear a resemblance with the final battle of Earthbound Beginnings. Frequently, the player will take sudden damage without explanation, as the player cannot grasp the form of Giygas' attack.


  • Titanic Ant's spirit is a gray Piranha Plant, 50% bigger than normal, who prefers to use biting attacks and who has a stronger shield referencing its PSI shield ability. After the main enemy gets 50% damages the player will have decreased defense stats, referencing Titanic Ant's Psi defense down ability. It's also assisted by two mini gray Olimars representing the black antoids that assist the boss in Earthbound. When equipped, this spirit increases the strength of biting attacks.
  • Mondo Mole's spirit is a brown Bowser who prefers to use claws attacks, referencing how the boss attacks with claws in Earthbound. After it gets 100% damages, the boss will heal itself of 50% damages and will have an attack buff referencing it's Psi Lifeup and Psi Offense up skills. It is also weak against electric attacks, referencing how the boss is vulnerable to Psi Paralysis. When equipped, the spirit gives an attack boost when the player is in critical conditions.
  • Clumsy Robot's spirit is a metal Villager that alternates between acting and attacking randomly and actively trying to attack the player, referencing how it often wastes turns doing random actions in Earthbound. It's a stamina battle and the Villager has 100 HP but the player has lowered attack during all the fight and can barely hurt him, let alone defeat him. If the player survives for a minute, two invincible Mario (with the pink and cyan alt) and Luigi (with the dark blue alt) allies will spawn without having nerfed attack stats, meaning they can actually hurt and defeat the opponent. The Mario and Luigi are a reference to two members of the Runaway Fives who deactivate the clumsy robot in Earthbound, ending the fight.
  • Giygas is a significantly more powerful version of the Giegue Spirit: represented by a giant red Ridley on Brinstar, resembling the final battle in Earthbound. The opponent taunts often (referencing Giygas' dialogues), has increased attack power, and the player suffers random effects from Giygas' ungraspable power (screen-flip, reverse controls, sudden damage). Lastly, Giygas has four stocks more powerful than the last, representing his four phases in Earthbound.
  • Porky Minch is represented by a metal Roy Koopa and is fought on New Pork City.

Mother 3

  • Steel Mechorilla is a Legend attack spirit where you fight a giant white Donkey Kong in a stamina battle on Omega Summit where his punches and kicks have increased power. As well as he will have a stat boost with increased attack/defense/speed and a metal shift when health is critical. Lucas is your ally but you lose when he is KO'd. When defeated, the spirit grants increased physical attack. The battle music is Smashing Song of Praise just like the original game.

Fire Emblem[]

Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem

  • Dark Emperor Hardin is an Attack Legend spirit represented by King K. Rool or Ganondorf on the Castle Siege stage. He will occasionally become invincible as a result of the Darksphere that possessed him and made him go mad. Defeating him grants the player that same invincibility for the first few seconds of the fight.

Fire Emblem: Awakening

  • Sumia is a blue Advance spirit, and her battle has Lucina's purple costume, which is based on her, as the primary fighter, accompanied by Chrom in his purple costume, as a nod to Sumia being the Developers' Desired Date (not counting Robin) for him. As an enemy, she has enhanced aerial abilities to reference her being a Pegasus Knight, and the battle has banana peels (which causes fighters to trip) dropping from the sky as a nod to her being a Cute Clumsy Girl.
  • Donnel is an Advanced red spirit where you fight against a blue/white Eight (Dragon Quest hero) on the Battlefield form of Gaur Plains. Their weapon has increased power and can unleash critical hits at random. When defeated, the spirit offers increased weapon attack.
  • Kellam is a battle against a yellow Ike... only, because he's so overlooked by the rest of the Shepherds, he's also invisible.
  • The Hierophant (spoilers) is an Ace spirit consisting of default Robin (gender chosen at random) backed up by a giant Ridley representing Grima, fought on Omega Halberd. Ridley is flinch-resistant but you only have to defeat Robin to win. As an equip, the Hierophant is a colorless primary with no slots, but evolves into Grima himself, who has a unique skill: Bane of All, which is a combination of Galeem and Dharkon's skills, doubling damage dealt to and taken from all fighters regardless of who they belong to.

Fire Emblem Fates

  • Mikoto is an Ace support spirit where you fight a green Palutena (Mikoto), a red Corrin (as himself), a red Ike (Ryoma), and a white/red Lucina (Hinoka) on Melee Temple. Defeat the main fighter to win but they like to avoid conflict. The enemy heals over time and when defeated, the spirit offers autoheal.

Fire Emblem Heroes

  • Kiran would be a very powerful and very difficult Legend spirit in Battlefield Coliseum (with the music Gear Up For...) where you fight both Byleths, both Corrins, Chrom, Lucina, both Robins, both Ikes, Roy, and Marth (in that order, with Marth being the character Kiran is representing as in the main screen and when you shoot him to get the spirit), as well as the Assist Trophies Black Knight, Lyn, or Tiki appearing at random times. In short, you fight against all of the Fire Emblem characters. That, plus you also have to kill all of them, and that only four characters can be present at once. Once you do get them, they will be a powerful neutral-type spirit with two spirit slots and enhanced special moves.
  • Surtr is an Ace spirit puppeting a Ganondorf with slow super armor and a Death's Scythe, with the battle taking place on a hazardless Norfair with a lava floor. And you take sudden damage frequently, in leu of his Sinmara's Area of Effect damage. Once you get him, he becomes a Grab-type Primary spirit that boosts your fire attacks.
  • Gunnthrá is an Ace spirit inhabiting Palutena, another motherly figure who has strong magic, on Battlefield Summit. Strong Winds occasionally occur, since Gunnthra is a Wind-type mage with her Blizzard spell, and you'll occasionally get debuffed in all your stats, since Damage Increasing Debuffs are Gunnthra's specialty, thanks to Blizzard's damage scaling with the enemy's total debuffs, and her signature Chilling Seal.
  • Hel is an Ace spirit whose battle features a Female Robin, who's closest in appearance to her with her white hair and black attire, equipped with a Death's Scythe. She is backed up by a dark colored Ike (Lif) and a red female Robin (Thrasir), and the battle is timed, as a nod to her death curse.
  • Lif and Thrasir, an Advanced spirit, would be a yellow Ike and regular Robin, referencing their original identities as Alfonse and Veronica. When killed, another Ike (dark colored) and Robin (red), who gets a boost to their sword attacks and specials respectively. In addition, their fight will also take place in Reset Bomb Forest and will perpetually stay in the castle form.
  • Feh is a Novice Spirit puppeting a small Falco's light blue alt, which features strong winds. When beaten, she gives a boost to air attacks.
  • The first Brave Heroes (here referred to as the "Brave Quartet") make up a Neutral Ace Spirit featuring Roy (in his Eliwood color), Ike (in his Greil color), and Lucina (in her normal color, equipped with a Back Shield), with the Lyn Assist Trophy appearing occasionally. They all get boosted attack, Ike gets even more as an axe unit, and Roy has increased speed as he is a Cavalry unit. Additionally, Ike will periodically get increased defense due to his Steady Breath and Urvan's damage reduction effect, Roy can land critical hits due to his Blazing Durandal's ability to charge his Specials faster, and the increased attack effect will be dispelled when Lucina is defeated, since her Geirskögul lets her provide buffs to her nearby allies. When equipped, the Spirit grants increased weapon power.

Unrepresented Black Eagles

  • Petra is a purple Sheik with increased movement speed. Food often spawns; more specifically meat, her Trademark Favorite Food.
  • Bernadetta is a purple Piranha Plant to represent her affinity for similar carnivorous plants. Due to her timid nature, she prefers to flee from battle. Her Spirit grants Fire Resistance as both a Pun about her name and as a dark joke about her potential fate in both Azure Moon and Verdant Wind.Unrepresented Blue Lions
  • Dedue is a blue Ganondorf that spams his dash attack and turns metal when severely damaged.
  • Ashe is a blue Toon Link that not only avoids you, but also spams his neutral special.Unrepresented Golden Deer
  • Raphael is represented by the similarly burly Donkey Kong with his yellow color. His physical attacks are enhanced and his Spirit bestows that same boost.
  • Ignatz is represented by a green Robin. Befitting his talent as an artist, Vince will often appear as a hostile Assist Trophy.Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes
  • Shez is an Ace Attack spirit represented by a purple Dark Pit (closest character to dual wielding swords, like Shez does in his signature class) that periodically gains a speed buff and has a chance to critically hit(referencing his Flash Step ability). When equipped, Shez grants a bonus to slashing attacks.
  • Arval is a Legendary Grab spirit represented by a Palutena that periodically changes between having a lifesteal buff and a buff that makes her deal extra shield damage (referencing her unique action as a playable character). After a certain amount of time passes, the Palutena puppet fighter will gain three Byleth allies, one favoring down special, one favoring side special, and one favoring neutral special, (referencing how they summon phantoms of the Lords in the chapter you fight them in) When equipped, Arval gives a chance to heal when landing melee attacks.

Game & Watch[]

  • Egg is a green primary Advanced spirit where you fight a brown Wolf, a black Banjo, and a red Yoshi on battlefield Yoshi's Island Melee (as it resembles a farm especially with this music). Cuccos will spawn, Banjo prefers to spam his neutral special and down special, the egg attacks, while Yoshi prefers to spam his up special and side special, also egg attacks. Defeat the main fighter to win and when defeated, the spirit grants you a Cucco.
  • Octopus is a summonable Legend spirit without a battle, but its' battle would be on Battlefield Flat Zone X against 4 red G&W's who all have instant Final Smashes. One by one they will use them and you will have to survive in order to defeat them all. The battle music is Octopus Remix.

Kid Icarus[]

Kid Icarus: Uprising

  • Chaos Kin is an green Ace spirit when battling. Once equipped, it's a secondary spirit that takes up two slots. You fight a default skin Palutena and a small, fast green skin Ridley. Ridley turns invisible and visible throughout the match every ten seconds; also, Ridley prefers to use side special. Defeat Ridley to win, but if Palutena dies, you lose. However, Palutena will also be attacking you. This takes place on Omega Palutena's Temple with Destroyed Skyworld playing in the background. Once defeated, the spirit grants you the ability sometimes heal after hitting an opponent.
  • Great Reaper is a red Novice spirit. Once equipped, it's a secondary spirit that takes up two slots. You battle a large, metal Ganondorf who wields Death's Scythe on Shadow Moses Island in a stamina battle with Boss Fight 1 playing in the background. Ganondorf has slow super armor. During the battle, 5 small, metal Meta Knights will appear to attack you. Defeat the main fighter to win. Once defeated, the spirit can make the fighter big for a short while.
  • Phosphora is Confirmed, but she lacks a spirit battle. If she had one, she would be a Zero Suit Samus in her blue Fusion costume since she normally wears a two-piece outfit. She would be founght on Palutena's Temple battlefield form with "Thunder Temple" playing as that is the theme of her chapter's second half. The battle is a stamina type, and all platforms electrified due to her potent electric abilities. Phosphora herself appears as an Assist Trophy enemy, and she won't leave until you've KO'd her. She loves to dodge, and she has no penalty for continuous dodging in addition to easier dodging overall.


Mario & Wario

  • Bulldog, Wario's plane, is an Advanced support spirit battle on the first area of the Mushroom Kingdom U stage. You fight a Wario in his original overalls who is equipped with a Super Leaf and a Rocket Belt and sometimes your controls will reverse to reference when Wario drops a bucket on Mario. Your ally is a tiny red Palutena but you lose if she is KO'd and since she is tiny, she is easy to launch and KO. Sometimes hammers will spawn and she will grab them just like the original game. When defeated, the spirit grants you a rocket belt.

Wario Land 3

  • The Hidden Figure is an Advanced green spirit, represented by a giant dark purple Kirby who prefers not to fight, in a timed stamina battle on Omega Dracula's Castle. The opponent starts with a Pokéball containing Meloetta (referencing the music boxes that Wario finds for him through the game). When acquired, this spirit is enhanceable to Rudy the Clown, an Ace spirit that boosts fist attacks when equipped.

Wario World

  • Magon is represented by Yoshi
  • Ankiron is represented by Bowser
  • Red-Brief J is an Ace red spirit, represented by a giant Wario in his yellow overalls. The battle takes place in regular Norfair (Referencing the fact that you fight Red-Brief J in a lava arena). The opponent prefers dash attacks and becomes invulnerable at times (referencing Brief J's invincibility in the boss fight). His spirit boosts the power of physical attacks.

Metal Gear[]

Metal Gear Solid

  • Sniper Wolf is an Ace attack spirit where you fight a blue Bayonetta (4th color/2nd Costume) in a Stamina battle on either Fourside, 75m, or Unova Pokémon League with the side platforms active so that there is plenty of distance for a sniper battle. She is equipped with an enhanced Staff and she will try to keep her distance from you to get a clean shot and snipe you from afar. Staffs will spawn and you can snipe each other, otherwise she will favor her gun attacks. When defeated, the spirit increases your shooting power.

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

  • Vamp is an Ace support spirit where you fight a green male Robin on Battlefield Shadow Moses Island where his smash attacks heal him and is distracted by items where Deku Nuts will spawn. He has unlimited down specials so he will try to stun you and then use the move on you. When defeated, the spirit grants healing from smash attacks.

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

  • The Pain is an Advanced spirit where you fight a black Sheik in a stamina battle on Battlefield form Great Cave Offensive where the floor is poison. The enemy favors neutral specials and starts with a Beehive and is distracted by items where Beehives will be abundant. When defeated, the spirit would be a support, and grant you a Beehive.
  • The End is an advanced neutral spirit represented by a green Solid Snake, and fought on Distant planet. He equips the staff referencing The End's Weapon, the Mosin-Nagant sniper rifle, and tends to avoid conflict referencing The End running away after taking some hits in his boss fight. The Battle Theme is Snake Eater. When Defeated, He would be a support that grants you extra stamina, and 1 Cost.

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

  • Senator Steven Armstrong is an ace Primary Neutral represented by an orange King K. Rool with Metal Shift and Healing Over Time fought on New Donk City Hall. His spirit can be enhanced into his nano-powered appearance, which grants the fighter Healing, overall battle stats, has 0 Slots and is changed into a legend spirit.

Sonic the Hedgehog[]

Sonic the Hedgehog

  • Animals is a novice support spirit that gives the user a Mr. Saturn, a fellow critter. The spirit is a multi-man battle fought on Green Hill Zone, where the player has to fight off a tiny fighter for each of the original game's animals: green Falco (Flicky), Focus Band Pichu (Pocky), orange Fox (Ricky), white Donkey Kong (Rocky), red Pit (Cucky), red Bowser (Picky), and navy Squirtle (Pecky).

Sonic the Hedgehog 2

  • The Tornado is an advanced attack spirit that can be purchased from Funky Kong's Shack, and can be enhanced into the Tornado 2, which decreases gravity when equipped. To make it easier to obtain afterward, it can be fought on the Spirit Board once it's first purchased. The fight is against a Mii Gunner with Tails' outfit and a Super Scope, and the fight fittingly takes place on Pilotwings.
  • The Death Egg Robot is an ace defend spirit that's fought on Frigate Orpheon (Omega), and is represented by a massive metal King K. Rool, who can also quickly drop down on his opponents. The fight is a Stamina Battle. Equipping this spirit gives the user upgraded punch attacks, due to its extendable arms that it frequently attacks with.

SegaSonic the Hedgehog

  • Mighty the Armadillo is an ace support spirit. He's an orange Sonic that prefers to use powered up punches to attack, referring to Mighty's Super Strength in Sonic Mania, and is also difficult to launch. The stage fought on is New Pork City's Battlefield form, referencing the World Entrance from Knuckles Chaotix where he was also playable in. Equipping it increases the power of attacks that use fists.
  • Ray the Flying Squirrel is an advanced support spirit. He's a Sonic that starts off with a Super Leaf to reference his gliding ability. Unlike the Tails and Cream spirits, gravity will not be reduced as Ray simply glides, not flies. He's fought on Norfair in reference to Volcanic Vault, the first stage of his debut game, and equipping him also gives your character the same Super Leaf that he has.

Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine

  • Dr. Robotnik would be a legend primary shield spirit represented by a brown King K. Rool assisted by Kirbys with infinite stocks that are red, blue, green, yellow, and purple on Battlefield Form Brinstar Depths. Though only King K. Rool needs to be defeated to win, the Kirbys will constantly use Stone in the air. In the player's hands, Dr. Robotnik would be a primary shield type that jams the Final Smash Charge of opponents.

Sonic 3 & Knuckles

  • Hyper Sonic is a summonable legend spirit that grants an even stronger speed boost than the Super Sonic spirit. Since Hyper Sonic is only obtainable through the Master Emerald turning the Chaos Emeralds into the Super Emeralds, he's summoned through Super Sonic and Chaos, who resided inside the Master Emerald until Sonic Adventure.

Sonic Triple Trouble

  • Fang the Sniper (otherwise known as Nack the Weasel) would be an advanced spirit represented by Wolf on The Great Cave Offensive. Wolf would come equipped with a Ray Gun and would be easily distracted by items. In the player's hands, he'd be a support spirit granting Item Gravitation.

Knuckles Chaotix

  • Heavy and Bomb are a novice neutral support spirit that can be purchased at Sheldon's Place. Equipping this spirit gives the user Impact Run, due to both having qualities that can deal damage on contact (Bomb's self-destructive splash damage and Heavy's heaviness).

Sonic the Fighters

  • Bark the Polar Bear would be an advanced spirit represented by a slightly-larger-than-normal white Banjo & Kazooie on Omega Form Summit. It's a stamina match and the bear and bird don't like to jump, but in return their smash attacks have increased power. In the player's hands, he's a support spirit that increases resistance to water/ice-based attacks.
  • Bean the Dynamite would be an advanced spirit represented by a green Falco on Omega Form Mushroomy Kingdom. It's another stamina match and Falco starts out with a Bob-omb. It also rains Bob-ombs at random. In the player's hands, he gives the player a Bob-omb, unsurprisingly.

Sonic R

  • Tails Doll is an advanced support spirit that gives the player a Super Leaf, referencing its own ability to hover. Its fight is against a metal Fox/Mii Gunner on Fourside, referencing how unlocking it requires getting all of the Sonic Tokens in Radical City.
  • Metal Knuckles is an advanced attack spirit that grants additional power to fist attacks, similar to the actual Sonic spirit. When fought, it's a metal Little Mac/Mii Brawler with a Rocket Belt that's fought on Prism Tower to simulate Reactive Factory, where its unlock requirements are met.

Sonic Adventure

  • Omochao is a novice support spirit that increases the power of throwing items, referring to how it can be thrown in Sonic Adventure 2, and can either be fought on the Spirit Board or bought at Sheldon's Place. As a spirit battle, it's a tiny blue R.O.B. that's lighter than usual and spams the Robo Burner, mimicking how it flies around whoever it's talking to, and it would be fought on Garden of Hope with no hazards to reference one of the Chao Gardens. Its original appearance in Adventure 1 had Omochao as the referee of the Chao Races, and it continues to be a referee in games since; as a nod to this, Special Flags have a tendency to appear, though since the fight's over before it can even begin, they don't serve much of a purpose otherwise.
  • Tikal the Echidna is an advanced support spirit that increases grab duration, referencing her hold on Chaos inside the Master Emerald. The battle is against a green Zelda on Yggdrasil's Altar's Battlefield form, either referencing Angel Island or the Master Emerald's altar in the past, and she'll be assisted by several tiny Squirtle (the Chao spirit). Defeating Tikal ends the fight, and if you take too long to defeat her, she'll be assisted by a Metal Inkling (Chaos' spirit), who will retalliate against the player for attacking his friend and fellow Chao like he did against the Knuckles Tribe 4,000 years ago.
  • Perfect Chaos is a legend spirit enhanced from the base Chaos spirit. Chaos' water attack buff is moved to Perfect Chaos, except much stronger due to Perfect Chaos' more destructive nature.

Sonic Adventure 2

  • Maria Robotnik is an advanced support spirit that pits you against a blue Isabelle and a cyan Sonic representing Shadow (referencing his spirit). Hostile Shadow Assist Trophies will also appear during the battle, and the only items that drop are projectile weapons such as the Ray Gun and Rage Blaster. Isabelle prefers to avoid conflict, and the battle is won when she's KO'd. The stage takes place on Frigate Orpheon, which is the closest the game has to the Space Colony ARK. Her effect when equipped increases movement speed.
  • The Biolizard is an ace primary defense spirit. The opponent is a giant red Bowser that has to be taken out within a time limit, and tiny Kirbies will appear to simulate the Biolizard's eggs. Once Bowser is defeated, a larger Bowser appears and becomes slightly harder to knock off the stage. The fight takes place on Brinstar's omega form in reference to the Biolizard's boss arena, and the song playing is Live and Learn. When obtained, it can be enhanced into the Final Hazard, a legend spirit that gives the user the Impact Run ability.

Sonic Advance Trilogy

  • Vanilla the Rabbit is a novice support spirit fought on Windy Hill Zone. The fight is against a pink Rosalina, a fellow mother, and she starts off with the black Luma to reference Chocola. When equipped, she grants a slow autoheal to the user.

Sonic Battle

  • Emerl is an advanced primary attack spirit fought on Frigate Orpheon, referencing his final battle on the Death Egg, and is represented by a yellow R.O.B. with increased attack power. When in the player's possession, it can be enhanced into Gemerl, an ace spirit that increases transformation duration, much like how it merged with various Eggman mechs in Advance 3.

Sonic Heroes

  • Team Sonic is an Ace support spirit where you fight Sonic, a Tails Mii, and a Knuckles Mii on Tortimer Island (resembling Seaside Hill). Periodically in a pattern, they will occasionally increase their speed (referencing Sonic's role), increase their attack (Knuckles' role), and increase their jump (Tails' role) where the gravity will get lower. Sonic's FS meter charges fast, a reference to their team attacks where Sonic rushes around the whole stage. And assist trophy Knuckles will spawn for the rest of the match when the Mii is defeated. When collected, the spirit grants trade-off where your speed, attack, jump, etc. is increased for the price of 30% damage. The theme music playing is, you guessed it, Sonic Heroes. (If you don't have the Tails/Knuckles Mii DLC then you will fight a yellow Fox as Tails and a blue Little Mac as Knuckles instead.)
  • Neo Metal Sonic is an ace defend spirit that is summoned through Metal Sonic, Dr. Eggman, Shadow and Chaos' spirits, referencing Metal copying their respective data to become stronger. It doesn't have a spirit battle, since he's The Unfought until he becomes Metal Overlord, which is what Neo Metal Sonic can be enhanced into. Metal Overlord is a legend spirit that grants the user a Final Smash at the start, referring to Team Sonic going super against him at the end of Heroes.

Shadow the Hedgehog

  • Black Doom is a neutral advanced spirit fought on Brinstar Depths, as a stand-in for the Black Comet. Mewtwo's special attacks are considerably buffed, and he frequently teleports like he does during his boss fight. Black Doom can be enhanced into Devil Doom, which starts the user in a giant state.

Sonic Rush Series

  • Dr. Eggman Nega is an ace spirit played by a black Dr. Mario on Mushroomy Kingdom (Battlefield), with its desolate nature referencing Nega's current canon status of being from Silver's future as he is in Sonic Rivals. Like the regular Dr. Eggman, several shooting weapons will spawn and the occasional Bob-omb Rain will crop up; unlike Eggman, there's no Metal Sonic stand-in to assist him. As a fellow grab spirit like his ancestor, he grants electric resistance as opposed to electric power.
  • Burning Blaze would be a legend spirit enhanced from the regular Blaze spirit, with the Mouthful of Curry effect moved to her but with a lengthier duration.
  • Marine the Raccoon is a novice support spirit that is portrayed by a green Isabelle on Tortimer Island. Equipping her gives the user a slight increase in projectile attacks, referencing her hidden power shown at the end of Rush Adventure.

Sonic Riders

  • Jet the Hawk is in the game, but lacks a spirit battle. If he had one, he'd be a green Sonic fought on Fourside to reference Metal City/Night Chase, and would have increased speed and reduced gravity.
  • Wave the Swallow is an advanced support spirit represented by an orange Zero Suit Samus fought on Garden of Hope (no hazards) to reference Splash Canyon/Red Canyon. The fight would involve reduced gravity and give the opponent a third jump, given that Wave is the flight-type member of the Babylon Rogues, and Motion-Sensor Bombs would spawn in reference to Wave's tendency to booby-trap the opponents' boards before a race starts. Equipping her gives the user an extra jump.
  • Storm the Albatross is another advanced support spirit, this time played by a white Donkey Kong on Shadow Moses Island, standing in for Egg Factory/Ice Factory. Like the other Babylon Rogues spirit battles, this has reduced gravity and the Donkey Kong has increased attack power, which equipping him also does for the player.

Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)

  • Princess Elise III is a Novice Shield Spirit represented by a White Daisy and a Cyan Sonic fought on Delfino Plaza (Roof Only). The White Daisy only needs to be defeated in order to win. Her Defense power would increase referencing the Shield Sonic and Elise together would use in gameplay, and she tends to avoid conflict referencing Princess Elise being Another Female Damsel In Distress. The Battle Theme is His World (Theme of Sonic the Hedgehog - 2006 E3 Version). When Defeated, She would be a support that would gain Impact Run, and 1 Cost.
  • Mephiles the Dark is a dark Mewtwo, as both are known for their levitation and both are clones of incredibly powerful beings (Shadow for Mephiles, Mew for Mewtwo). He'll fluctuate between being invisible since he starts the battle hiding as a shadow, and he'll also be flanked by duplicates like he is in both of his fights. Once the real Mephiles is knocked out, a giant Bowser appears in reference to Mephiles' monstrous form. The fight will take place on Gerudo Desert, as his second fight took place in the Dusty Desert ruins. He's an advanced support spirit that increases the power of darkness-based attacks, as he's usually content with manipulating others from the sidelines but isn't all that powerful without fusing back into Solaris.
  • Iblis is an ace spirit that takes the form of a giant red Ridley that occasionally has a mouthful of curry. The fight takes place on the fiery Norfair stage, with all of its hazards intact. It's an ace as, despite only being Solaris' raw power, it's still directly responsible for the disaster Future where Silver hails from.
  • Solaris is a summonable legend spirit that requires the cores of Mephiles, Iblis and Super Sonic; the former two are obvious while the latter references both the need for all seven Chaos Emeralds, as well as Mephiles' murder of Sonic making him a figurative "Iblis Trigger". The spirit's effect will briefly slow down time as if a Timer was obtained, referencing Solaris' powers over past, present and future.
  • Super Silver is a legend spirit obtained from enhancing the regular Silver spirit, with a stronger version of Silver's Strong Throw ability added to the enhanced version.

Sonic and the Secret Rings

  • Shahra is a novice support spirit represented by a purple Zelda (or one of Pyra's alts once she comes out) that's fought on Gerudo Valley with reduced gravity. Equipping her grants a small magic buff.
  • The Erazor Djinn is an advanced primary attack spirit represented by a Giant purple Ganondorf (The Purple Ganondorf being giant represents Alf Layla wa-Layla, Erazor's Incomplete transformation) fought on Dracula's Castle. The Enemy's sword strikes have increased power referencing Erazor's Slash Moves. The Battle Theme is Secret Rings in Hand. When Defeated, His Spirit would have overall battle stats, and the ability to enhance into Alf Layla wa-Layla, Which would turn into an ace spirit that would offer Have Overall Battle Stats, and 1 Slot.

Sonic Chronicles

  • Shade the Echidna would be an advanced grab spirit. She would be a black Sheik that starts with a Beam Sword, and is fought on Unova Pokémon League (the Twilight Cage). She would be fought alongside several other Sheik, standing in for her fellow Nocturnus. When equipped, she grants screen-flip immunity in reference to her Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal towards Imperator Ix.

Sonic Unleashed

  • Chip/Light Gaia is an advanced primary shield spirit represented by a Red Kirby Equipped with a Tanooki Leaf (referencing Chip being able to fly) fought on Castle Siege (Underground Cavern Section Only) representing the Light Gaia being a temple. The Chocolate Food Items will spawn in Referencing Chocolate being Chip's favorite snack. He becomes more powerful after eating, and is easily distracted by items. The Battle Theme is Rooftop Run. When Defeated, The Spirit would be a support offers Autoheal and Have 2 Cost.
  • Dark Gaia is an ace primary attack spirit represented by a Giant Purple Incineroar (since Chip is a shield spirit) and is fought on Norfair (Omega). A giant metal Ganondorf will assist you (standing in for the Gaia Colossus), and if Ganondorf if KO'd, you lose the fight automatically. After it's obtained, it can be enhanced into Perfect Dark Gaia, who increases the power of darkness-based attacks.

Sonic and the Black Knight

  • Caliburn is a default Sonic with a Killing Edge that prefers using the Homing Attack. The fight takes place on Gaur Plain, which stands in for the sprawling Titanic Plain. As a spirit, he's an advanced attack spirit that can be enhanced into Excalibur, an ace spirit that grants added power for melee weapons.
  • Merlina the Wizard is a novice neutral spirit with an edge in defense, portrayed by Zelda with the Twilight Princess colors, and is fought in Garreg Mach Monastery to simulate Camelot. She'll attempt to flee from the player before Sonic arrives at the scene, referencing her first appearance while she was being chased by King Arthur, and Merlina has to be defeated to end the battle. In the player's hands, she can be enhanced into the Dark Queen, a legend spirit that grants resistance to melee weapons, the opposite of Excalibur's effect; the fight against the Dark Queen involved a barrier that Excalibur Sonic had to shatter.
  • King Arthur is an ace defend spirit portrayed by a red Ganondorf that loves to use his smash attacks, and the fight takes place on Pac-Land as the fights against King Arthur involve you chasing him across the town. Pac-Land's Mother Fairy could stand in for Nimue, Amy Rose's Suspiciously Similar Substitute from this world, who had a hand in giving Arthur his power and assists Sonic in defeating him. On occasion, the Black Knight Assist Trophy will appear to assist Ganondorf, which is the proper stand-in for the Black Knight. Equipping him gives the user Impact Run.

Sonic Colors

  • Orbot and Cubot are a novice support spirit that is portrayed by a red Kirby and a plaid Pac-Man with the stage of choice being New Pork City, standing in for Dr. Eggman's Incredible Interstellar Amusem*nt Park. When equipped, it simply prevents screen-flip immunity in slight reference to the issues with Cubot's voice module.
  • White Wisp (Boost, Yacker) is a cyan Sonic with increased movement speed. It's fought on Port Town Aero Dive, both referencing how White Wisps fill the Boost Meter in Sonic Colors and Sonic Forces through its fast-paced nature, and being a town that takes place during the sunset much like Forces' City. All Wisp spirits are support spirits that only take up one slot, with most of them being novice-level. Yacker's effect gives a small boost in speed.
  • Cyan Wisp (Laser) is a white Greninja that wields a Staff when the fight first starts, and is quick to use its Waterfall recovery for evasion. The fight takes place on Moray Towers, which evokes Tropical Resort's general look. Equipping this spirit gives the user Impact Run.
  • Yellow Wisp (Drill) is a pink Meta Knight that starts out with a Drill and uses the Drill Rush rather frequently. It's fought on Mushroomy Kingdom standing in for Sonic Lost World's Desert Ruins, as the final act had it frequently used. Equipping it gives the user a Drill.
  • Orange Wisp (Rocket) is a maroon Dark Pit that starts off with a Rocket Belt and loves to use the Power of Flight for evasion. The stand-in for Sweet Mountain this time is Super Happy Tree which, while not bearing candy, does have sweet-tasting fruit (and also serves as a stealth reference to Master Zik, whom the Rocket Wisp was used to pursue). Provides a Rocket Belt when equipped.
  • Blue Wisp (Cube) is a blue Bowser that spams Bowser Bomb, and is fought on Halberd in reference to Starlight Carnival's starship fleet. Crates and Rolling Crates will also spawn in reference to its general ability of spawning cubes, and Freezies will occasionally appear to simulate its ability to freeze opponents in place. Equipping this spirit gives the user Slow Super Armor.
  • Green Wisp (Hover) is a green R.O.B. with a Super Leaf and reduced gravity that loves to use its Robo Burner to get around. It's fought on Wily Castle (no hazards), once again resembling Starlight Carnival. Equipping the spirit reduces gravity for the player.
  • Pink Wisp (Spikes) is a pink Sonic that prefers to use the Spin Attack and Spin Dash, since that's basically how the Pink Spikes ability works. The stage is Garden of Hope, which somewhat resembles Planet Wisp's outside area, and Uniras will occasionally appear in an Item Wave. Equipping it gives the player a Unira.
  • Purple Wisp (Frenzy) is a yellow overalls Wario that gradually gets bigger as the fight goes on. It constantly uses Chomp to attack, and is easily distracted by items which he also proceeds to use Chomp on to eat them. The fight takes place on Lylat Cruise, evoking the feel of Asteroid Coaster's fast-paced interstellar action. As a spirit, it's an advanced-level spirit instead of a novice due to being a much more dangerous Nega-Wisp, and its effect gives the user "Stats Up After Eating" in reference to its own voracious buffs.
  • Red Wisp (Burst) is a red Falco that often uses Falco Fire. It's fought on Magicant (no hazards), which could reasonably pass for Sweet Mountain where it's first met in the DS version of Colors. It also starts out with a Bomber for its fully-powered explosion. When equipped, it gives the user a Fire Flower in reference to how it's used as a Wispon.
  • Violet Wisp (Void) is a dark Mewtwo that starts the battle with a Black Hole, which it gives to the player when equipped. More Black Holes spawn in Item Waves, and the fight takes place on Brinstar which resembles the caves of Asteroid Coaster. It gets faster the longer the fight drags on. Like the Purple Wisp, it's an advanced spirit because of its nature as a Nega-Wisp.

Sonic Generations

  • Classic Sonic is a Light Blue Sonic who uses his down special to represent the Spin Dash, and his side special to represent the Drop Dash introduced in Sonic Mania. He's fought on Green Hill Zone, and the background music playing either Studiopolis Zone Act 1 or Green Hill Zone. He also has increased speed and special attack power. Classic Sonic would be an ace spirit that can be enhanced into Classic Super Sonic (who would need new official art), a legend spirit that would greatly increase the user's speed.

Sonic Lost World

  • Zazz is an advanced neutral spirit that would be fought on Windy Hill (the level he's encountered in his game of origin), and would be represented by Iggy Koopa (due to both being thinner and taller than the other members of their teams, as well as being their respective nutcases). The enemy can deal damage by dashing into you referencing Zazz's shoulder barge attack.
  • Zomom is an ace spirit that would be represented by a default King Dedede, and is fought on Mushroomy Kingdom's Ω form (referencing Desert Ruins). It being an ace instead of advanced like most of the others is due to Zomom being the physically strongest out of the bunch, barring Zavok himself. The Food Items will spawn representing Zomom's love for food, and having an unlimited appetite. When defeated, The spirit would be a support that would offer "Stats Up after Eating", and a cost of 2.
  • Master Zik is an advanced shield spirit that would be represented by a navy Meta Knight and fought on Green Greens (Tropical Coast). Certain items will appear in a tidal wave with said items being Apples a-la Whispy Woods, representing the fruit items that Zik uses in his boss battles. The enemy will occasionally be invincible.
  • Zeena is an advanced grab spirit that would be represented by a green Bayonetta, and fought on Summit (Frozen Factory). The enemy's grabs and throws have increased power, referencing Zeena grabbing the heavy snow balls with the green lasers attached to them, and then throwing them if you don't hit her in time. When defeated, The she would be a support spirit that grants "Increased Grabs and Throws", and has a cost of 1.
  • Zor is an advanced neutral primary spirit that would be represented by a Male Villager (Costume 3), and a Giant Gray Meta Ridley (representing the giant owl mech Zor pilots on), and would be fought on Fountain of Dreams (Silent Forest). The gravity is low to represent Zor flying around in his second fight in the Wii U version, and the Nightmare Assist Trophy occasioanlly appearing to reference the boss arena going dark at times. When low on health, Zor will summon three clones to distract the player, also like his second fight. Once defeated, the Spirit give 3 support slots, and gives the player character the Jump Up Abiltiy.
  • Zavok is an ace primary attack spirit that would be represented by a default Incineroar, and fought on Corneria (Sky Road). The Enemy has super armor, making it hard to launch and make flinch, and would have increased attack power. After defeating the spirit, He would be enhanced into Giant Zavok, which turns into a legend spirit and would grant him super armor referencing Giant Zavok's sturdy nature.
  • The Deadly Six as a whole would be a legend spirit that can initially only be obtained by being summoned from the respective Zeti spirits, and after that can be fought as a Bonus Boss at any time on the Spirit Board. The spirit is fought on Norfair's Battlefield form (Lava Mountain), and will be fought in a gauntlet. They would all be fought in the order you first face them, each with their respective solo spirit forms: Iggy Koopa (Zazz), a default King Dedede (Zomom), a navy Meta Knight (Zik), a green Bayonetta (Zeena), a blue male Villager (Zor), and a default Incineroar (Zavok). In the latter's case, once he's taken enough damage, he'll grow giant like he does during his second fight. If the player takes too long to defeat one of the fighters, the next one will appear in a similar manner to the Phantom Thieves' spirit; up to three can fight at a time, referencing how the final Deadly Six battles were fought as trios (Zazz, Zomom and Zik for Zone 1, and Zeena, Zor and Zavok for Zone 3). Once equipped, it would be a support spirit, have cost 3, and powerup duration would increase as a reference to how the Deadly Six would use just about any trick up their sleeve to win, only being left wide open once Sonic exploited their attack patterns.
  • Black Wisp (Bomb) is a Dark Toon Link that frequently uses bombs to attack. It's fought on Yoshi's Island, referencing the DLC level themed after said location, while the opponent being a variation of Link vaguely references the other DLC level based on The Legend of Zelda. Equipping it, of course, gives the user a Bob-omb.
  • Indigo Wisp (Asteroid) is a blue Sephiroth, if only for his goal of summoning a giant asteroid. He's fought on Windy Hill Zone, and items are drawn close whenever he's near them. This is also the effect that the spirit bestows upon being equipped.
  • Crimson Wisp (Eagle) is a red Pit that spams Power of Flight constantly, and is fought on Gerudo Valley as a stand-in for Desert Ruins. Equipping it gives the user an extra jump.
  • Magenta Wisp (Rhythm) is a pink King Dedede fought on Hanenbow, since both are rhythm-themed to some degree (Hanenbow speaks for itself, while Dedede's Drum Dash is very much a thing that exists). Alternatively, the opponent could be either Donkey Kong or Diddy Kong (Donkey Konga). Gravity is reduced, both during its spirit battle and when equipped.
  • Ivory Wisp (Lightning) is a default Pikachu (for obvious reasons) that constantly spams its special attacks. It's fought on Minecraft World (Snowy Tundra) in reference to Frozen Factory where it's unlocked in the 3DS version. Equipping it gives the user a Screw Attack.
  • Gray Wisp (Quake) is a giant metal Kirby with Impact Run that spams the Stone ability to attack. It's fought on Garden of Hope, standing in for Silent Forest where it's unlocked in the 3DS version. When equipped, it gives the user the same Impact Run ability.

Sonic Boom

  • Sticks the Badger would be a red Daisy (similarly tomboyish in nature) that starts with a Boomerang, much like her method of attack in both the cartoon and the games. In addition, her stage would be the Distant Planet in reference to her Wild Child aesthetic. Her effect outside of battle, of course, gives the player a Boomerang.
  • Team Sonic (Boom) would be a summonable ace spirit that requires Tails, Amy, Knuckles and the aforementioned Sticks and can be fought on the Spirit Board any time after first performing the summon. The fight plays similarly to Geno's with three starting the fight and the other two jumping in when one is KO'd. Sticks would once again be Daisy with a Boomerang, Amy is a purple Inkling with a Hammer (much like her own spirit battle), and Tails would be portrayed by either a yellow Fox or his gunner costume. Knuckles however, due to being a Top-Heavy Guy in this series, would not be a Mii Brawler in his likeness, instead being portrayed by a red Donkey Kong. Sonic, of course, would be Sonic, except in his light blue alt in reference to his blue arms.

Sonic Mania

  • Heavy Gunner is represented by a blue Snake who loves to use his side special accompanied by three small metal Mii sword-fighters armed with Rocket Belts (representing the three Egg Robos with police batons in his boss battle). When you beat this rather hard for an Advanced spirit battle, Gunner himself is a defense primary spirit which can be enhanced to Phantom Gunner, which is an Ace spirit that improves explosions.
  • Heavy Shinobi is a green Sheik equipped with a Freezie (referencing his freezing blade) and a Unira parade every few seconds (place-holders for Asterons). Shinobi himself is an Advanced grab primary spirit that can be enhanced to Phantom Shinobi, an Ace spirit that increases weapon damage.
  • Heavy Magician is a yellow Ness who occasionally turns invisible and is backed up by a white Donkey Kong who uses his down special, a Joker who uses his neutral B, and a Duck Hunt with a Bomber (Bark, Fang, and Bean respectively). Magician herself is an Advanced spirit that can be enhanced to Phantom Magician who increases PSI attacks.
  • Heavy Rider is a purple Sonic with increased speed and is accompanied by a red Kirby with Impact Run (as Jimmy). She is an Advanced spirit with the ability to be enhanced to Phantom Rider who gives Impact Run.

Sonic Forces

  • The Avatar (specifically, the red wolf shown in most major trailers for the game) is portrayed by a red Wolf with increased speed who likes to fire his Blaster, similar to how the Avatar's levels involve fast-paced run-and-gun gameplay. He also starts out with a Fire Flower as if he was using the Burst Wispon, which is the weapon that the Avatar typically starts out with.

Team Sonic Racing

  • Jade Wisp (Ghost) is an invisible Piranha Plant fought on Mario Circuit, due to debuting in a racing game. As expected, equipping it temporarily makes the player invisible.


Pikmin 2

  • Waterwraith is an Ace neutral spirit that is fought in Castle Siege (Cavern portion only) referencing that it is fought in a cave level known as the Submerged Castle, and is represented by a giant invisible Wario that favors his side specials representing the Waterwraith using rollers to attempt to crush any Pikmin with them.

Pikmin 3

  • Quaggled Mireclops is an Ace Shield Spirit represented by a giant green Ivysaur (the green Ivysaur being giant references the Quaggled Mireclops being one of the largest creatures in the Pikmin universe) fought on Garden of Hope (The Location where the Quaggled Mireclops is fought on) in a Stamina Battle. The Earthquakes will periodically appear referencing its stomping attack, and Inysaur Itself favors forward tilt attacks. The Battle Theme is Garden of Hop (Remix). When defeated, the spirit would be a Support that would offer Stats ↑↑ after Eating, and 2 Cost.

Animal Crossing[]

Animal Crossing (2001)

  • Wendell (Animal Crossing) is an advanced grab spirit represented by a Blue King K. Rool fought on Smashville. Food Items will spawn in referencing Wendell's huge appetite. The Items will also be pulled towards him, and he is going to be distracted by items referencing Wendell's demands for food and having wallpapers. The Vince Assist Trophy Enemy appears referencing Wendell being an artist. The Floor is Sleep-Inducing refencing Dream Towns (which obviously took place in a Dream) in Animal Crossing New Leaf, and Wendell's appearance in that dream. He will become more powerful after eating referencing Wendell feeling well after having some food items. The Battle Theme is Tour - Animal Crossing: New Leaf referencing him being a traveler. When defeated, He would be a Support that would offer Stats Up After Eating, and 1 Cost.
  • Franklin is represented by a Purple Falco fought on Smashville. The Food Items will appear referencing His role as a chef in Animal Crossing New Leaf, and he is distracted by them referencing Franklin asking a villager to get certain ingredients that allow him to cook dishes. The Battle Theme is Title Theme - Animal Crossing: Wild World. When Defeated, He would be a supporter that would offer item gravitation and 1 cost.

Mega Man[]

  • Bad Box Art Megaman is an Advanced Neutral spirit represented by a Mii Brawler in the Labo Outfit equipped with a Super Scope. It takes place on the Battlefield version of Midgar in a Stamina battle. When Defeated, he would be a support that gives Shooting Attack Up.

Mega Man 2

  • Bubble Man is an Advanced spirit who is fought in the water portion in Kalos Pokemon League. He is represented by a green Corrin in a stamina battle. The Corrin favors Neutral Specials and loves to jump, plus the gravity is lowered to represent that his fight in Mega Man 2 is underwater. Also watch out because Bob-ombs rain from the sky every once in a while, representing the insta-kill spikes. When Defeated, he would be a Primary Grab type with 1 slot and have the water attack up trait.
  • Heat Man is an Advanced Defense spirit represented by an orange Fox that spams Up Special in Omega Norfair. The floor is lava and the Fox gets increased defense every once in a while. When Defeated, he would be a support that slightly increases fire and explosion attacks.

Mega Man 6

  • Centaur Man is an Advanced Attack spirit who is fought in Omega Skyworld, as his stage took place in Greece. He is represented by a green Mega Man in a Stamina battle who fights with an Abra to constantly teleport him around, just as he did in the original game. As a spirit, he would be a support spirit that deals 10% damage to all opponents at the start of the battle, referencing his Centaur Flash weapon.

Mega Man X

  • Chill Penguin is a Novice Neutral spirit who is fought in Summit in a stamina battle. He is represented by a cyan King Dedede. The floor is frozen, the only weapons are Freezies, and the King Dedede favors Side Specials and gets a boost in speed every once in a while. As a spirit, he would be a support spirit that gives the player a Freezie.
  • Launch Octopus is an Ace Grab spirit who is fought in Wily Castle in a stamina battle. He is represented by a pink Mewtwo. The Mewtwo starts the battle with a Steel Diver and favors air attacks. After a while, a Metroid assist trophy appears and the Mewtwo recovers some health. As a spirit, he would be a primary with Jump Up and have one slot.
  • Armored Armadillo is a Novice Defense spirit who is fought in Omega Gerudo Valley in a stamina battle. He is represented by a purple Sonic. The Sonic starts the battle with an enhanced Rage Blaster, favors side specials, and shields often. Also, all fighters' speed is decreased. As a spirit, he would be a support spirit that has the Made of Metal effect.
  • Storm Eagle is a Novice Attack spirit who is fought in Omega Skyworld in a stamina battle. He is represented by a blue Falco. Very strong winds are in effect, and the Falco favors his Up Special and air attacks, but that's about it. As a spirit, he would be a support spirit that gives the player a Rocket Belt.
  • Spark Mandrill is an Ace Grab spirit who is fought in Wily Castle in a stamina battle. He is represented by a red Donkey Kong. The floor is electrified, the only items are Hotheads, the enemy likes to jump and grab, and the enemy's fist attacks have increased power. As a spirit, he would be a primary that grants Electric Attack Up with two slots.
  • Sting Chameleon is an Advanced Grab spirit who is fought in Omega Kongo Falls in a stamina battle. He is represented by a green Richter. The Richter turns invisible from time to time, and he favors Smash Attacks. Also, Bob-ombs rain from the sky every now and then. As a spirit, he would be a support spirit that gives the player a Beam Sword.
  • Boomer Kuwanger is a Novice Neutral spirit who is fought in Wily Castle in a stamina battle. He is represented by a red Link. The Link favors Side Specials and his Side Specials have increased power. He also has increased speed and likes to roll a lot, with his rolls also covering a larger space. As a spirit, he would be a support spirit that gives the player a Boomerang.
  • Flame Mammoth is an Ace Attack spirit who is fought on Wily Castle in a stamina battle. He is represented by a grey Bowser. The floor is sticky and the Bowser favors Neutral Specials, and his Neutral Specials have increased power. There are also earthquakes every now and then. As a spirit, he would be a primary spirit that grants Fire Attack Up and have one slot.
  • Vile is an Ace Neutral spirit who is fought on Omega Midgar in a stamina battle. He is represented by R.O.B. and Dark Samus, both in their purple alts. When the battle starts, you have to fight against a R.O.B. with a speed boost in a 1v1. When you beat him, then the real battle begins and Dark Samus appears and goes after you. The Dark Samus has incredibly high speed and jump power and also favors Special Moves which all have increased power. As a spirit, he would be a support spirit that offers a Running Start with two cost.

Mega Man X4

  • Iris would be a support-Type spirit. (Mainly able to boost the Zero spirit) Her fight would be initially a red Peach, and in her second phase would become Palutena.
  • Colonel is an Ace spirit fought in a stamina battle at Lylat Cruise and represented by Radiant Dawn Ike. Assist trophies containing Zero will appear to aid the player as a nod to his rivalry with Colonel. Once recruited, he is an Attack spirit who can be enhanced into his NetNavi counterpart from Mega Man Battle Network 5. His enhanced version starts the player off with an assist trophy, referencing his (and his NetOp Baryl's) role as the leader of Team Colonel.
  • Double is an Advanced Primary Spirit. He is initially represented by a yellow King K. Rool, which suffers from Artificial Stupidity and is fairly easy to take down. However, a gold Wolf appears after taking down King K. Rool, and Wolf is far more difficult to subdue. He can be enhanced into his true form, an Ace Primary Spirit which grants a Beam Sword.

Mega Man X5

  • Dynamo is represented by a Black Mario fought on Final Destination Pilotwings in a Stamina Battle. He has equipped a Killing Edge representing the D-Blade. The Battle Theme is X vs ZERO.

Mega Man ZX

  • Prometheus and Pandora is represented as a black Captain Falcon (color 2) who wields Death's Scythe and a blue Palutena (color 5) with increased magic attacks. The battle is stamina. They are a Primary 2 slot ace spirit.
  • Ashe is an ace spirit class and is a Zero Suit Samus in her fifth color who moves fast (because she goes ahead of her team when she can't wait) and has an enhanced ray gun. She can be enhanced to Ashe Model A who has Super Armor.

Mega Man 11

  • Block Man is an ace primary neutral spirit represented by a cyan Mega Man fought in Living Room, which creates falling platforms resembling Block Man's Block Dropper. He has super armor to represent his sturdy body, and he is fought in a Stamina Battle where he becomes giant at low HP to represent how Block Man turns into his One-Winged Angel form after taking enough damage. His spirit would have the ability to enhance into His Giant Form, which then would be a legend spirit that grants slow super armor, have overall battle stats, and 1 Slot.
  • Fuse Man is represented by a blue-hatted Pikachu (resembling Fuse Man's headgear) who starts with a Hothead and spams Thunder Jolt, resembling Fuse Man's weapon Scramble Thunder. His spirit gives you a Hothead like his weapon.
  • Blast Man is a Mad Bomber, so his Spirit Battle is full of explosions. He is represented by an indigo Link who prefers his down special to throw bombs. Explosive items will appear throughout the stage and he will try to throw them at you. The stage is Wrecking Crew (known for having bombs everywhere) and there is a Bob-omb Festival to represent how Blast Man's entire stage is Made of Explodium. His spirit gives you a Bob-omb.
  • Acid Man is an advanced Shield spirit represented by a green Male Inkling Boy, with his mouth-covering bandanna resembling Acid Man's respirator. He will frequently use his neutral special to spray you in green ink resembling Acid Man's acid, and shields often like using the Acid Barrier. The stage is in Frigate Orpheon (a lab much like his stage) and the floor is poisonous to represent the pool of acid that the Robot Master swims in during the boss fight. His spirit would be a support that gives a poison immunity, (since Acid Man is acidproof so he can swim in the acid in his stage), and 1 cost.
  • Tundra Man is a blue Samus who is fought in the Omega Summit, like the ice rink Tundra Man is fought in. The floor will be slippery and reduces traction, while the puppet fighter has the ability to deal damage by dashing, which Tundra Man does in his boss fight. Your speed will decrease after a while to represent Tundra Man's Tundra Storm freezing anyone caught within. His spirit gives you the Impact Run so you can do the same.
  • Torch Man is a shiny Incineroar who prefers using its up special Cross Chop to rise up and descend diagonally covered in flames, which resembles Torch Man's Blazing Torch. The battle is set in Suzaku Castle to represent Torch Man's enthusiasm in martial arts, and it is a timed battle to allude to his stage in the original game, which contained an advancing wall of deadly fire. His spirit powers up your fire and explosion attacks, though being a martial artist he may operate a Dojo instead.
  • Impact Man is represented by three yellow Captain Falcons (representing how Impact Man can split into three parts known as the Impact Brothers) who each start with Drills mirroring Impact Man's drill hands. They tend to spam their side specials, which resemble Impact Man's Pile Driver. His spirit gives you a Drill.
  • Bounce Man is a giant pink Dedede who loves to jump and spams his up special, like how Bounce Man mainly bounces around in the air during his boss fight. The gravity is lowered to resemble how Bounce Man's stage is full of trampolines and bouncy surfaces. His spirit allows a higher jump.
  • The Gear Fortress boss Mawverne is represented by a giant Bowser in his Giga colors, resembling Mawverne's shell. It is fought in the Battlefield version of Wily's Castle, and has frequent invincibility (akin to Super Star and Shine Sprite) resembling how it typically hides in its shell to avoid harm. It starts with a Ray Gun to represent Mawverne's lasers, and is fought in a stamina battle to represent how you must take it down when it is vulnerable.

Mega Man Battle Network

  • Colonel.EXE is represented by Ike armed with a Ray Gun. Assisted by 2 Tiny Snakes, one armed with a Beam Sword, the other with a Super Scope to represent Colonel's Army. Fought on Final Destination. Once recruited, Colonel is an Ace Neutral with 3 slots and the Weapon Attack Up ability.
  • KnightMan.EXE is represented by a Giant Metal Mega Man. Knight Man prefers not to move, has increased defense, is hard to launch and is equipped with a drill. Fought on the Great Cave Offensive to represent Oran Isle Mine from 5. Knight Man's spirit is an Ace Shield with 1 slot and the Armor Knight ability.
  • MagnetMan.EXE is represented by 2 R.O.B.s one red and one blue to represent the Magnet Man's copy when he uses North South Tackle. The floor is electrified and Magnet Man is equipped with a Black Hole. Fought on the Great Cave Offensive to represent the Oran Isle Mine from 5. Magnet Man comes as an Ace Shield with 2 slots and the Irreversible Controls ability.
  • ShadowMan.EXE is represented by 3 Greninjas (2 of which represents Shadow Man's copies) Defeat the main fighter to win. The main Greninja favors smash attacks.The enemy has increased attack at critical health. Fought on Battlefield Once defeated, Shadow Man is an Ace Attack spirit with 3 slots and the Running Start ability.
  • GyroMan.EXE is represented by Captain Falcon. Falcon's air attacks have increased power and prefers air attacks. Strong wind is present. Fought on Pilot Wings because Gyro Man's operator Charlie Airstar is a pilot. Gyro Man is an Ace Neutral 1 slot spirit with Hazardous Terrain, a new ability that grants immunity from all harmful terrain (lava, electric, ice, slippery, poison
  • TomahawkMan.EXE is represented by Richter. Tomahawk Man's neutral special has increased power and favors it. Tomahawk Man has Super Armor and is hard to flinch and launch has occasional be invincibility and heals damage to represent two of his totem pole's abilities from 5. A Falco accompanies Tomahawk Man to represent his eagle from 6. Once joined, Tomahawk Man is an Ace Attack spirit with 2 slots and the Unflinching Charged Smashes ability. Fought on Moray Towers to represent Sky Town from 6.
  • NapalmMan.EXE is represented by a Mii Gunner. The Mii Gunner's specials consist of Grenade Launch, Flame Pillar, Arm Rocket, and Bomb Drop. The enemy's Fire & Explosive attacks have increased power. Item tidal waves will have explosion items. Fought on Wuhu Island's speed boat section to reference the cruise ship from 5. Napalm Man's spirit is Ace Attack with 1 slot and comes with a Bomber Equipped.
  • NumberMan.EXE is represented by R.O.B. A hostile Dr. Kawashima will appear. Item tidal waves containing motion sensor bombs will appear. Fought on Suzaku Castle as a reference to End Castle from 5. Number Man comes as an Ace Neutral spirit with 3 slots and the Special Move Power Up. Note: Seems overpowered boosting all specials and having the maximum 3 slots, but the spirit has lower stats to balance it out.
  • SearchMan.EXE is represented by Snake. Snake comes equipped with a Super Scope, favors neutral specials, and is invisible. Fought on Summit to represent Sharo. Search Man comes as an Ace Attack with 3 slots and the Spy ability, a new ability that lets you see invisible enemies.
  • ToadMan.EXE is represented by Male Corrin. Corrin's water attacks have increased power and favors neutral special. The enemy will heal at critical health. A Pikachu joins Toad Man to represent Toad Man's Shock Note attack. Fought on Dracula's Castle to represent 5's version of the Undernet. When defeated, Toad Man will bring along an Ace Grab spirit with 3 slots and Electric Attack Up ability.
  • Meddy.EXE is represented by Dr. Mario. Meddy favors neutral specials has autoheal and heals damage with melee attacks. Fought on Dracula's Castle to represent 5's version of the Undernet. Meddy brings to your entourage Ace Neutral with 3 slots and the ability Autoheal.
  • HeatMan.EXE is represented by Snake. Snake breathes fire and is armed with a Fire Flower. Fought on Norfair. Once defeated, Heat Man is an Ace Attack Spirit with 3 2 slots and Lava Floor Immunity.
  • SlashMan.EXE is represented by Marth. The enemy has increased attack power and move speed. The enemy favors side specials. Fought on Super Happy Tree since Slash Man's operator Pat Fahran is a chef and are stationed in Greentown, a place of plants. Once defeated, Slash Man is an Ace Attack spirit with 3 slots and the Thrown Items Up ability.
  • ElecMan.EXE is represented by Hero. The enemy favors side specials and comes equipped with a Beam Sword. A hostile Nightmare will darken the stage as a reference to both of Elec Man's Battle Network appearances. Once defeated, Elec Man is an Ace Attack spirit with 3 slots and the Zap Floor Immunity ability.
  • EraseMan.EXE is represented by Greninja. The enemy is equipped with a Death's Scythe. You take serious damage. Fought on Dracula's Castle. Once defeated, Erase Man is an Ace Attack with 1 slot and and a Death's Scythe equipped.
  • ChargeMan.EXE is represented by Wario. The enemy has increased move speed, super armor and the impact run ability. Fought on Spirit Train since Charge Man designed after a locomotive. Once defeated, Charge Man is an Ace Attack spirit with 1 slot and the Impact Run ability.
  • AquaMan.EXE (AKA SpoutMan.EXE) is represented by Squirtle. The enemy's water and ice attacks have increased power. The enemy has increased attack speed. The enemy heals over time. Fought on Tomadachi Life to represent Cyber City from Battle Network 6. Once recruited, Aqua Man is an Ace Neutral spirit with the Water & Ice Attack Up ability and 3 slots.
  • DustMan.EXE is represented by King Dedede with his scrap robots represented by R.O.B. Defeat the main fighter to win. King Dedede will favor neutral specials, has super armor, can deal extra damage to your shield and have items gravitate towards him. Fought on Final Destination to represent the Undernet. Once yours, Dust Man is an Ace Grab spirit with 2 slots and the new ability recycle, which respawns the first held item you throw away.
  • GroundMan.EXE is represented by Morton. Morton is equipped with a drill, favors down throw, has super armor. Fought on Wrecking Crew. Once recruited, Ground Man is an Ace Attack spirit with the Drill Equipped Ability and 1 slot.
  • TenguMan.EXE is represented by Ryu. The enemy is equipped with a Gust Bellows. Ryu's air attacks have increased power. The stage has high wind. Fought on Brawl Yoshi's Island. Once recruited, Tengu Man is an Ace Neutral spirit with 3 slots and Strong Wind Immunity.
  • Roll.EXE is in control of a Zero Suit Samus puppet. She heals damage over time and has increased jump height to represent her AirShoes ability. Fought on Peach's Castle to represent Castillo Castle from Battle Network 4. Once recruited, she is an Ace Primary with 3 slots and the Lifesteal ability.
  • GutsMan.EXE in a Donkey Kong puppet. His fists have increased power, and has increased move speed with earthquakes present. Fought on Skyworld to represent Guts Man's ability to crack panels. When defeated, Guts Man is an Advanced 1 slot spirit with the Fist Attack Up ability.
  • Gregar and Falzar is a battle against a Giant Wolf (Gregar) and a Giant Falco (Falzar). The enemies will fight each other. There is strong wind. Both opponents will have curry breath periodically. Fought on Wily Castle to represent Wily's final scheme in the Battle Network series. Once defeated, the two Cybeasts share a spirit as a Legend Primary with 0 slots but with a Double Final Smash ability.


Punch-Out!! (Arcade)

  • Challenger (Punch-Out!! (Arcade)) is an Advanced Attack Primary spirit represented by wireframe Little Mac fought on the Boxing Ring. Other than being a Stamina Battle, it is a no-frills battle. When Defeated, He would have Overall Battle Stats, Have 3 Slots, and Grant Fist Attack Up.
  • Kid Quick and Pizza Pasta are an Ace Neutral Primary spirit represented by two blue Little Macs fought on the Boxing Ring in a Stamina Battle. The first Little Mac (the one representing Kid Quick) has increased speed and agility, while the other Little Mac (representing Pizza Pasta) has increased attack, defense, and favors grabs. When Defeated, they would have Overall Battle Stats, Have 2 Slots, and grant Speed Up.

Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream

  • Mike Tyson and Mr. Dream are a Legend Attack Primary spirit represented by a Violent Ken and a green Ken fought on the Boxing Ring in a Stamina Battle. Other than being different palette swaps, both Kens have the same conditions: they have 140% health, and they favor Up Specials. However, their Up Specials are extremely powerful, which is mainly why this fight is Legend. When Defeated, they would have Overall Battle Stats, Have 3 Slots, and grant Super Fist Attack Up.

Super Punch-Out!!

  • Gabby Jay is a Novice Neutral spirit represented by a black Mario fought on the Boxing Ring in a Stamina Battle. He loves to taunt and recovers some health at high damage, referencing his "C'mon!" move. When Defeated, He would be a primary with overall battle stats and have 1 Slot.
  • Piston Hurricane is an Advanced Attack Spirit represented by a black Little Mac fought on the Boxing Ring in a Stamina Battle. He has slightly increased attack and gets increased speed when he's at high damage, referencing his Hurricane Rush. When Defeated, He would be a support, would have 1 Cost, and grant Critical Health Stats.
  • Bob Charlie is a Novice Attack support Spirit represented by a blue Little Mac fought on the Boxing Ring in a Stamina Battle. The enemy loves to taunt. When Defeated, He would have 1 Cost, and grant Fist Attack Up.
  • Dragon Chan is an Ace Attack Spirit represented by a blue Ryu fought on the Boxing Ring in a Stamina Battle. He favors Smash Attacks and Special Moves, and he recovers health at high damage. When Defeated, he would be a primary with overall battle stats and have 2 Slots and grant Fist & Foot Attack Up.
  • Masked Muscle is an Ace Attack Spirit represented by a blue Incineroar fought on the Boxing Ring in a Stamina Battle. The stage is foggy, the floor is sticky, and the Incineroar deals damage by dashing. When Defeated, he would be a support, would have 1 Cost, and grant Hyper Smash Attacks.

Punch-Out!! (Wii)

  • Referee is an Advanced Neutral spirit represented by normal Dr. Mario with normal Little Mac as a reinforcement fought on the Boxing Ring in a Stamina Battle with a 30 second time limit. You only have to kill the Dr. Mario to win, but the Dr. Mario prefers not to make contact while the Little Mac guards him against the player. The Little Mac has 100% health while the Dr. Mario only has 10%, but the Dr. Mario turns invincible every now and then. When Defeated, He would be a support, would have 2 Costs, and grant Critical Health Immunity.
  • Disco Kid is an Advanced Neutral Primary Spirit represented by a Cyan Captain Falcon fought on the Boxing Ring in a Stamina Battle. He Favors A Smash Attacks referencing Disco Kid's preference for Jabs, has slightly increased speed, and taunts every now and then. The Battle Theme is Punch-Out!! (Wii) menu music. When Defeated, He would have Overall Battle Stats, Have 2 Slots, and Grant Fist Attack Up.
  • Aran Ryan is an Ace Attack spirit represented by a Black Outfitted Richter, (referencing how he uses a homemade whip in Title Defense) and fought on the Boxing Ring in a Stamina Battle. He can deal damage by dashing into you, has increased agility, and he has increased attack power when he's at high damage, referencing that Aran Ryan would be able to hurt Mac when he is about land fall on the ground. The Battle Theme is World Circuit. When Defeated, He would be a support, would have 1 Cost, and grant Critical Health Attack Up.


Ms. Pac-Man

  • Ms. Pac-Man is an Advanced Grab-type spirit where you fight against a Jigglypuff with a bow and Pac-Man (As Himself) on the Pac-Land stage and the Ghosts assist trophy will appear at the start of the battle. When defeated, the spirit grants you stats up after eating.

Xenoblade Chronicles[]

Xenoblade Chronicles 1

  • Egil would be a Legend-class Primary spirit that pits you against a Giant Gold Captain Falcon with several small metal R.O.B.s to represent the mechon he will summon. You only need to defeat him to win. It is a timed stamina battle, and he has over 200 health. Him being giant and gold would represent his faced-mechon, Yaldaboath. It being timed is to reference his final battle, where you're on the clock to defeat him before he uses the Mechonis to destroy the Bionis using Bionis Slash X. He is fought on the Halberd stage with "An Obstacle in Our Path" playing.
  • Meyneth would be an Ace-class support spirit that pits you against Female Corrin equipped with an enhanced Killing Edge to represent her Dual Wielding when she uses her Monado. When equipped, she grants a bonus to shield strength. She is fought on the Rest Bomb Forest while "Mechanical Rhythm" plays.
  • Zanza is a Legend-Class support spirit. His battle is two fold: One has a main Shulk wielding an enhanced Beam Sword to represent his wielding of two Monados, and the second has a Giant Gold Shulk enter with the same setup. It's a stamina battle. In both waves, two smaller Shulks reprsenting Zanza Guardians fight. You need only defeat the Giant Gold Shulk to get the spirit. When equipped, he grants a boost to the Final Smash Meter since he himself won't let go of the Monado once he has it.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2

  • If the original Pyra Spirit were to ever be updated via a patch or an Updated Re-release of Ultimate, then Lucina would be replaced with Pyra herself, and the music would be replaced with "A Ship in a Stormy Sea", to represent the Ancient Ship that the Halberd is standing in for. Likewise for the original Mythra Spirit, Corrin would be replaced with Mythra herself and the music would be replaced with "You Will Recall Our Names", which plays during Mythra's first battle in the original game and is also seen by fans as her Bootstrapped Theme.
  • Jin is either a Chrom or Sephiroth fought on Omega Summit with a freezing floor to represent Jin's ice powers. He also has increased move speed and jump power to represent his Super Speed. As an equip, Jin is a blue Primary Spirit who gives Weapon Attack and Move Speed Up.
    • Confirmed! However, he's a Cloud rather than a Sephiroth (probably to play off his Japanese VA). He's also a colorless primary who grants a general Speed Up.
  • Malos is a purple Ganondorf armed with Death's Scythe and fought on Alrest. When defeated, he returns as a giant Shulk, reflecting the fact that he also uses a Monado as his Aegis weapon. As an equip, he grants a unique ability called Destructive Charged Smash, which grants the Death's Scythe effect to your charged Smash attacks, instantly destroying enemies with over 100% damage.
    • Confirmed! However, he's played by Richter instead of Ganondorf or Shulk, though he does come with a Beam Sword as a nod to his Aegis weapon being a Monado.
  • Praxis and Theory are a two-in-one spirit. They are a Novice-class support that pits you against a blue-alt Daisy s Praxis, and a blue-alt Zelda as Theory. Both start off with Killing Edges. It is a stamina battle where both have to be bested, and both take redced damage from water and ice attacks. They are fought on Guar Plain with the Xenoblade 2 battle theme playing. When equipped, they give a boost to water and ice attacks per their nature as water and ice element blades, respectively.
  • Dahlia is an Advanced Balanced Primary spirit represented by a blue-clad Zero Suit Samus and fought at Summit Omega. In battle, Freezies spawn, referencing the Bitball and her Ice element, ZSS periodically heals, and the ground is covered in ice. ZSS is also equipped with a Bunny Hood, referencing her rabbit traits. Equipping Dahlia's Spirit grants you the Water & Ice Attack + Ability.
  • Finch is a Novice Support Spirit represented by a tiny green Pit fought on Gramps' Back. In battle, Pit is equipped with a Hammer and occasionally, strong winds will blow. Equipping Finch grants you resistance to Strong Winds.
  • Poppibuster is an Ace Attack Primary Spirit represented by a giant metal Kirby accompanied by a small Villager fought on Gerudo Plains. In battle, Kirby is equipped with a Golden Hammer and occasionally, explosive items can spawn. You must defeat the Villager, who attempts to avoid combat, to win the match. Equipping Poppibuster grants you Explosive Attack +, referencing the self destruct function of the mech.
  • Should Poppi a gain a spirit battle, hers would likely be a repeat of Tora's spirit battle, though with the added caveatof having to just defeat her while ignoring Tora's puppet fighter, Jigglypuff with a red flower. Like with that spirit battle, Poppi a is represented by a blue-alt Daisy.
    • Confirmed! And a blue Daisy is involved, though representing QT.
  • Poppi QT is another Advanced-class spirit. She is represented by a black-alt Daisy since both forms are based on maids. It's a stamina battle, and Daisy has increased physical attacks and increased overall power to represent Poppi's power fist weapons. Explosives frequently spawn, representing her Macross Missile Massacre attack. She is a support who boosts your physical attack.
    • Confirmed as part of the Poppi a spirit.
  • Poppi QT Pi is represented by Mythra in her dark alt. She is an Ace-class spirit due to being the final upgrade of Poppi. It's a stamina battle, and she is equipped with a beam sword in battle to represent her Variable Saber weapon. She is equipped with a permanent Franklin Badge to represent her Reflection skill and she heals slowly to represent her Nanomachine Auto Repair skill. Finally, the floor is frozen to represent her starting off as an ice-element blade. When equipped, she increases the power of neutral special attacks.
    • Confirmed as part of the Poppi a spirit, albeit represented as Zero Suit Samus rather than Mythra.
  • Brighid is a purple-alt Palutena fought on Battlefield Guar Plains. She is a novice class like her Driver, Morag. The floor is lava, and she starts battle with a killing edge, representing her element and weapon choice. She is a support who boosts the power of your fire and explosion attacks.
  • Pandoria is a novice-class support spirit represented by Bayonetta. The floor is electrified, representing her Shock and Awe powers, and she starts battle with a beam sword to prepresent the BFS she grants to her Drive, Zeke. When equipped, she boosts the power of electric attacks.
  • Dromarch is an ace-class spirit represented by a purple-alt Incineroar on Guar Plain. The Pokémon Gogoat emerges from Pokéballs to represent how you can ride on him for a speed boost, and he himself has boosted move speed. In addition, he takes less damage from water and ice attacks to represent his Making a Splash powers. When equipped, he boosts the power of your side specials.
  • Blade Nia is an ace-class support spirit. While largely a repeat of her normal form's spirit battle, she replaces the purple Incineroar with a dark-haired alt Shulk to represent Rex. She is equipped with a killing edge despite being represented by a Mii Brawler in Nia's outfit; her battering items have increased power. During the battle, both slowly heal damage and deal high amounts of damage. Both must be beaten to win the battle. Blade Nia is a support spirit, and she grants Autoheal due to her nature as a powerful healing blade.
  • Captain Padraig is a Novice-class Primary Spirit with no additional effect. He is represented by a black Captain Falcon equipped with a Super Scope, and is accompanied by three weaker black Falcons also with Super Scopes, all fought on Gaur Plain (representing Gormott) with "Battle!/Xenoblade Chronicles 2" as the music track. Not only will all of them spam their down taunt (referencing the Ardainian Soldiers' infamous repeated battle quotes), but you are accompanied by a default Mythra as a CPU ally who serves no real purpose aside from both representing Pyra/Mythra as an in-game allied Blade and spamming her own down taunt ("Think you can take me?"), which is a quote taken directly from said Soldiers.
  • Wulfric is an Advanced-class support spirit that increases critical hit rate. In battle, he's fought on the Great Cave Offensive (Omega form) representing Uraya and is represented by a black Bowser wielding a Staff, and is accompanied by a giant Dark Samus representing the Elder Arachno serving as Wulfric's Driver when first encountered.
  • Lila is a Novice-class support spirit that increases the power of shooting items. She is represented by a metal black-clothed Zelda (with her black dress resembling Lila's maid dress) and is fought with a Mii Fighter as a CPU ally representing Poppi alpha. The stage is Shadow Moses Island, representing the Old Factory in Mor Ardain.
  • Addam Origo is a Legend-class primary spirit that increases the power of sword attacks. His battle is a mishmash of various parts of his story. Addam himself is represented by a yellow-clothed Chrom wielding a Beam Sword (with his Falchion representing Addam's Greatsword and the Beam Sword representing the Aegis itself), and is accompanied by a default Mythra and brown Wolf as CPU allies, with Mythra herself being Addam's primary Blade and Wolf representing Minoth, Addam's second Blade in Torna: The Golden Country. Mythra will frequently have a sudden Final Smash, and smash attacks from Chrom heal the party. The battle takes place on the Battlefield form of Temple, which resembles various parts of Torna and is vaguely meant to evoke Spirit Crucible Elpys.
  • Azurda (Larval) is a Novice-class primary spirit fought on Cloud Sea of Alrest, a stage formed from his own body. Azurda himself is represented by a giant green Charizard with a red/blue Shulk as a CPU ally (representing Rex), and is replaced with a tiny white Charizard after defeat; Shulk and both Charizard must be defeated to win the battle. Azurda (Larval) can be upgraded into the Ace-class Azurda (Titan).
  • Vandham is a Novice-class primary spirit represented by a default King K. Rool wielding a Death's Scythe, accmpanied by a large red Falco representing Roc. The battle takes place again on the Battlefield form of the Great Cave Offensive, representing Uraya. Strong winds will occasionally take place throughout the battle, representing Roc's wind powers.
  • Chairman Bana is a Novice-class support spirit that increases item gravitation, representing his greed. He is represented by fellow greedy, mustachioed Fat Bastard Large Ham Wario in his green/fuschia biker outfit (which is a very good color match), and is accompanied by a tiny green Dr. Mario representing his number two, Muimui. They are fought alongside a giant metal Mii Gunner in a Maid Outfit, representing their mech Rosa (or rather, GIGANTIC ARTIFICIAL BLADE: RRRRROSA!). Only Wario must be defeated to win the battle, as he and Dr. Mario avoid conflict while the Mii Gunner does the attacking for them. The BGM is set to a track not yet in Smash, Song of Giga Rrrrrrrrrrrrosa.
  • The Architect is a Legend-class support spirit represented by a shirtless Shulk, with both of them sharing a voice actor and looking like differently-aged versions of each other because the Architect is actually the good half of Klaus from the first game. The battle takes place on Final Destination, which represents the dark and isolated area where the Architect is encountered, and you fight phantom versions of the other Driver/Blade pairs in sequence before fighting Shulk: Mii Brawler and Incineroar (Nia and Dromarch), Lucina and Palutena (Morag and Brighid), Cloud and Bayonetta (Zeke and Pandoria) and Jigglypuff and Mii Gunner/Daisy (Tora and Poppi).
  • Artifice Siren is a Legend-class support spirit that grants Fast Final Smash Meter and a chance of Double Final Smash, referencing how it is usually used for Limit Break moves and using a meter for the final battle in the Torna DLC prequel. The opponents are a giant white Samus and a default regular-sized Mythra, both of which have a chance of a sudden Final Smash, and the battle takes place on Final Destination.
  • Corvin is an Ace-class support spirit who grants an increased critical hit rate and Fast Final Smash meter, representing his high critical hit rate as a Blade and his Alae Custodiae battle skill. He is represented by a default male Corrin, whose name is pretty close both in English and in Japanese (Kamui/Kamuya). Corrin already has a sword, but here he also wields a Killing Edge, referencing Corvin's Dual Wielding design. He is fought on Cloud Sea of Alrest (Battlefield form) with the music set to "You Will Recall Our Names" and has the same buffs applied to him, where he unleashes powerful critical hits at random and he fills his Final Smash meter faster than usual. Additionally, your fighter will lose rage status as soon as they obtain it, as a nod to his Lacerna Noctis Blade Special.
  • Artifice Ophion is a Legend-class support spirit represented by a dark-colored giant Ridley on Kalos Pokémon League. The battle is similar to the Rayquaza spirit battle, with the serpentine Rayquaza acting as another stand-in for Ophion; just like that battle, the stage will only change to Dragonmark Chamber/Rayquaza mode. Ridley will be equipped with a Franklin Badge, to represent the reflective properties of Ophion's "Barrier Field" Art, and also will have a sudden Final Smash to represent Ophion's "Falak Buster" ultimate attack. The background music is set to "You Will Recall Our Names", which plays during Ophion's Bonus Boss battle, and when equipped Ophion grants the "Armor Knight" ability to represent how it's Immune to Flinching in its boss battle.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3

  • Noah is basically a shoo-in for the next Smash game, and the following spirit battle ideas will assume that he is. But just in case he isn't, he's an Ace-class primary attack spirit represented by a black-haired Shulk on Gaur Plain, representing Millick Meadows, with the Keves battle theme as the background music. Once equipped, Noah strengthens sword attacks.
  • If Mio herself isn't playable,note Mio is an Ace-class primary shield spirit represented by a Mii Brawler with a Nia wig and whatever outfit looks most like Mio's. She is accompanied by a Noah in his Zephyr alternate costume, and is fought on Cloud Sea of Alrest (Omega form) with the Agnus battle theme as its background music. Like the Nia spirit battle, the Mii Brawler uses chakrams for one of its specials, similar to Mio's ring blades. When equipped, she grants easier dodging.
  • Noah (Ouroboros) is a Legendary-class attack-type primary that has the same inital setup as Mio's solo battle, except it takes place on Gaur Plain (like Noah's solo battle would be), Noah is in his default outfit, and both fighters have Sudden Final Smash* . They are also reinforced by a giant metal Noah when defeated, and the music track is set to "The Weight of Life". When equipped, Ouroboros Noah grants Double Final Smash.
  • Mio (Ouroboros) is a repeat of the Noah (Ouroboros) battle with some changes, since each fused Ouroboros pair can transform at will between a form for each member. It takes place on Alrest (Omega) to match Mio's solo battle (still with "The Weight of Life" as the BGM), and the giant metal fighter is the Mii Brawler instead of Noah. Ouroboros Mio is also a Legend-class primary spirit that grants Double Final Smash, but is Shield-type and more geared towards defense.
  • Eunie is an Advanced-class primary grab spirit represented by a green Zero Suit Samus accompanied by a Medic Gunner outfit Noah. She is equipped with a Staff, and both opponents will constantly heal; Healing Fields will also appear as items, referencing Eunie's Healing Ring Talent Art. She is fought on Shadow Moses Island, representing a typical Keves colony, with the XC3 boss theme as the background music.
  • Taion is an Advanced-class primary grab spirit represented by a male Robin in his white and red outfit, accompanied by Noah wearing Taion's Tactician jacket. Paper fans representing Mondo will appear throughout the fight, and both Robin and Noah start off with them equipped. He is fought at Kongo Falls, standing in for Great Cotte Falls where Colony Lambda is located, with "You Will Know Our Names -- Finale" as the background music.
  • Lanz is an Advanced-class primary shield spirit represented by Ike and fought at Shadow Moses Island, same as Eunie, with "Battle Against a Formidable Opponent" as the background music. He is accompanied by a Noah wearing the Heavy Guard outfit. Both fighters are made of metal to reflect Lanz' Machina-like appearance and his starting class as a Defender. As an equip, Lanz gives the Made of Metal effect.
  • Sena is an Advanced-class primary attack spirit, represented by a female Wii Fit Trainer and fought on Cloud Sea of Alrest Omega, same as Mio, with "Chain Attack" as the background music. She's accompanied by a Noah sharing her Ogre outfit. Hammers appear in this fight, and both fighters start equipped with one, representing Sena's default weapon. As an equip, Sena gives Battering Items Attack Up.
  • Riku and Manana are a pair of tiny Ice Climbers (5th costume) fought on Omega Jungle Hijinks, representing the Maktha Wildwood, with the Agnus battle theme as the background music. They are equipped with a Beam Sword (representing Riku's weapon) and a Back Shield (representing Manana's weapon). Once obtained, they are a Novice-class support spirit that increases the likelihood and duration of debuff effects inflicted by the player.
  • Consul D is represented by a red Wolf (similar to Mumkhar) on Battlefield Temple, representing the Cloudkeep, with Battle! Vs. Moebius as the background music. Wolf is accompanied by a small red Wario, representing Joran AKA Consul J. When both are defeated, a default Ridley will appear representing D's Interlinked Moebius form. Once obtained, D is an Advanced-class Attack Primary Spirit that grants Transformation Duration Up.
  • Consul N is represented by a gold Noah on Final Destination, standing in for Origin, and again with "Battle! Vs. Moebius" as the music track. To reflect N's fighting prowess, Noah has a highly increased critical hit rate, and all his stats are boosted after taking high damage. When equipped, N is a Legend-class primary attack spirit that grants Critical-Health Stats Up.
  • The Queen of Keves is represented by a black-costumed Palutena on Omega Dr. Wily's Castle, representing Keves Castle, with the Queen battle theme as the background music. She is accompanied by a weaker version of the gold Noah from the N spirit battle, and favors side specials (Explosive Flame) referencing the Queen's affinity towards using Melia's elemental powers but especially fireballs. Once obtained, she is a Novice-class Primary Attack Spirit with no additional effects, because she represents the comparatively weak and insignificant fake robotic Queen. However, she can be fused with the regular Melia spirit to form the Legend-class primary Attack-type Melia, Queen of Keves, which represents the actual Queen and grants Special-Move Power Up along with significant stat boosts. This version of Melia also has her own Spirit Battle, this time represented by a white Palutena on Final Destination (Origin) with increased special-move power who favors forward aerial attacks (representing her signature Starlight Kick), with "Brilliant Wings" as the background music..
  • The Queen of Agnus is represented by a giant Wendy Koopa, to reflect how she uses her throne-mech in battle. She is fought on Omega Suzaku Castle, representing Agnus Castle's Ascension Grounds, again with the Queen battle theme. She will favor punching attacks, reflecting how the Queen's mech mostly used its claws during her boss fight. Once obtained, she is a Novice-class Primary Grab Spirit with no additional effects, again representing the false Queen. Like with Melia, she can be fused with the regular Nia spirit to form the Legend-class primary Grab-type Nia, Queen of Agnus, representing the true Queen and having Great Autoheal as an ability. This version of Nia, likewise, has a separate Spirit Battle where she is represented by a tanooki Mythra in her Nia-colored costume (to reflect both Nia's new design and the fact that she uses spectral Aegis swords) on Omega Temple (Cloudkeep), with "Kaleidoscopic Core" as the background music. During the battle, Mythra will both constantly heal great amounts of damage and have critical-health healing, in addition to her attacks dealing additional shield damage representing Nia's Armor-Piercing Attack properties.
  • Z is a Legend-class balanced Spirit represented by a red Sephiroth on Pokémon Stadium, standing in for Moebius' amphitheater within Origin where they watch the world's events unfold on a movie screen, and with Z's battle theme as the background music. Not only will the Stadium's own transformations come into play, but the floor will constantly shift between ice, lava, zap and poison modes, to reference how Z uses his Reality Warper powers during the first phase of his final boss fight. Your character also has Final Smash charge jammed, referencing how Z locks up the party's Ouroboros forms during the same phase. After defeat, the Sephiroth is replaced with a giant purple one representing Z's One-Winged Angel form. Once equipped, Z grants high stat boosts and immunity to all terrain effects.

Street Fighter[]

Street Fighter III

  • Q is a Novice support spirit. You face against a gray R.O.B. on the omega version of New Donk City. Much like other Street Fighter Spirit battles, it is a stamina match with all fighters having decreased jumping. Punches and throws have increased power. Once unlocked, the spirit grants more stamina.

Street Fighter IV

  • El Fuerte is an Advanced attack spirit where you fight a white Incineroar in a stamina battle on omega Boxing Ring and jump power is decreased. Curry and food will occasionally appear and will increase his stats when eating the food, referencing his career as a cook. When defeated, the spirit would be a support and grants stats up after eating.

Final Fantasy[]

Final Fantasy

  • The Warrior of Light is a Legendary team battle against the default party that started it all: Fighter, Thief, White Mage, and Black Mage, represented by Link (red outfit), either Joker or Sheik (green outfit), and two Robins (white and blue, respectively).
    • Link could randomly be replaced with Erdrick if you have the Hero DLC, referencing the Mythology Gag where you could find either Link or Erdrick's grave in Final Fantasy, depending on the version. Alternately, Erdrick could replace one of the Robins as Black Mage, owing to his Magic Knight-based moveset.
    • Alternatively, it could be a 6-on-1 battle against a red Cloud (Fighter), a green Sheik (Thief), a white Rosalina (White Mage), a blue Robin (Black Mage), a red Hero (Red Mage) and a purple Ryu (Monk).
    • Alternative: Zelda B (White Mage), Meta Knight A (Black Mage), Roy B (Fighter), Sheik E (Thief), Robin D (Red Mage) and Ryu H (Monk). Ace-level Spirit (battle power: 9000), fought on Pac-Land Ω, with "Let the Battles Begin!" as stage music. Conditions: 1) Defeat an army of fighters; 2) Reinforcements will appear after an enemy is KO'd (two appear at a time); and 3) The enemy's magic attacks have increased power. Once obtained: support Spirit with Cost 2 and the First-Strike Advantage skill.
  • Garland is a metal Ganondorf who causes earthquakes to knock you all down. His backup when defeated is a giant Ridley representing Chaos. As an equip, he's a red Primary Spirit with one slot, who can enhance to become Chaos, which grants the player the Toss & Meteor effect.

Final Fantasy IV

  • Cecil Harvey (Dark Knight) is bit of a Puzzle Boss. He's represented by a black-clad Ike who infinitely respawns when defeated. The trick to defeating him is to withold from attacking for about 20 seconds, after which a white Marth (the real target) will appear. Once obtained, Cecil can be enhanced to his Paladin class, which grants Critical Health Defense Up.
  • Kain Highwind is a male Byleth who exclusively uses Areadbhar and has increased jump height and aerial movement. As an equip, he grants Air Attack Up.
  • Cid Pollendina: Wario C. Novice-level Spirit (battle power: 2750), fought on Rainbow Cruise, with "Airship Theme" as stage music. Rule: Battering items only. Condition: The enemy's melee weapons have increased power. Once obtained: support Spirit with Cost 2 and the Steel Diver Equipped skill. Note: This is meant to represent Cids throughout the whole series, not just this one in particular.

Final Fantasy V

  • Gilgamesh is a giant Simon backed up by a regular-size Link and Cloud, all equipped with Killing Edges, and fought (where else?) on Eldin Bridge. Melee weapons spawn throughout the fight. As an equip, he gives you a free Killing Edge.

Final Fantasy VI

  • Terra Branford is a red-clothed Palutena with boosted magic and a Beam Sword (representing the Ultima Weapon from her game). Her backup when defeated is a pink Wolf with a Super Leaf and increased air speed, representing Terra's Trance form. As an equippable Spirit, Terra would be similar to Twinrova in that she's a three-slot colorless Primary who can enhance into her Trance form, which gives Magic Attack Up.
    • Alternative: Lucina E. Ace-level Spirit (battle power: 9500), fought on Battlefield Skyloft, with "Terra's Theme -arrange- from FINAL FANTASY VI" as stage music. Rule: enemy Assist Trophy (Tiki). Conditions: 1) Hostile assist trophies will appear; 2) The enemy's FS meter charges quickly; and 3) The enemy has increased attack power when the enemy's at high damage. Once obtained: primary Spirit (base power: 3005) with 2 slots, enhanceable at Lv.99 into Terra (Esper) (Legend-level, base power 4100).
  • Locke Cole is a blue Joker fought in Great Cave Offensive. He starts the fight by summoning Moltres (the next best thing to the Phoenix Esper) and has Critical-Health Recovery. As support Spirit, he grants Item Autograb.
  • Mog is a team battle, also in Great Cave Offensive, against a group of Super Leaf-equipped Pikachus. There are occasional earthquakes as a reference to Mog's Geo Effects-based Dance attacks.
  • Kefka Palazzo is a Legendary battle against a male Robin accompanied by three Palutenas representing the Warring Triad, fought at Midgar (closest thing to The Empire's capital city, Vector). Upon defeat, a giant Ridley appears representing Kefka's final form.
    • Alternative: Robin D. Legend-level Spirit (battle power: 13000), fought on Palutena's Temple Ω, with "Kefka / Dancing Mad" as stage music. Conditions: 1) Stamina battle; 2) Reinforcements will appear after an enemy is KO'd (giant Pit H, representing his final form); and 3) The enemy will charge up a powerful Final Smash. Once obtained: support Spirit with Cost 3 and the Elemental Resist skill (takes less damage from fire, lightning and ice attacks, and cannot be frozen).

Final Fantasy VII

  • Professor Hojo is a Legendary-class Support Spirit fought on Midgar, at first represented by Dr. Mario. Once he's defeated, Ridley will appear, representing Helletic Hojo, the second part of the Hojo fight from its parent game. After defeating Ridley, Mewtwo will appear as a representation of the final part of the fight, Lifeform-Hojo N. Dr. Mario will try to avoid conflict, as Hojo himself doesn't fight in the first stage of his boss fight, but Ridley and Mewtwo will have increased attack power. At some points during the battle, the player will take sudden damage, and there is a poison floor, to represent Hojo's poisonous attacks. His spirit's effect on the player when equipped is that the player will heal on stages with poisonous floors.
  • The various Jenova fights:
    • Jenova BIRTH, LIFE, and DEATH are each represented by Dark Samus, with Dark Samus' alt colors corresponding to the specific Jenova incarnation it represents (Dark Samus' silver alt is used for BIRTH, the crimson alt for LIFE, and the purple alt for DEATH). BIRTH is a Novice Spirit fought on Pirate Ship, LIFE is an Advanced Spirit fought on Unova Pokémon League, and DEATH is an Ace Spirit fought on the Great Cave Offensive's omega form. All are support spirits that have varying effects on the chances of the player equipped with them getting a critical hit. They are also all armed with staff, representing Jenova's laser attacks.
    • Jenova Absolute is a Legendary-class Primary Spirit represented by Giant Bayonetta and fought on Brinstar's omega form. The enemy has increased attack power, its Final Smash meter charges faster than normal, and it is hard to cause them to flinch.

World of Final Fantasy

  • Lann and Reynn (Lilikin) is an Ace Level Defense Primary spirit where you fight on Midgar against a red male Corrin and a female orange Corrin (as the twins) who are assisted by a light-blue Isabelle (as Tama) in a stamina battle. Reinforcements will appear during battle where Cloud will show up in the middle of the fight to reference how he can be summoned by them. When defeated, they can be enhanced into the Legend spirit, Lann and Reynn where they will grant you a major increase in magic attack.

Multiple Games/Series-Wide

  • Black Chocobo is a Legendary-class support spirit that is only available through summoning. You need 2 regular Chocobo spirits, a Deku Link spirit (as nuts are needed to increase stats in Chocobo breeding in Final Fantasy VII) and a support spirit core in order to summon it. When equipped, it grants an additional jump (in reference to the Black Chocobo's ability to fly).
  • Gilgamesh is a Legendary-class support Spirit. He is represented by a 4th alt Ike, but the battle starts with a Link (Fierce Deity alt), a Cloud, a Meta Knight (Galacta Knight alt) and a Roy. They are then followed by a Ganondorf, a Robin, a Marth, a Shulk, an Erdrick, a male Corrin and finally the Ike. All of them have stronger then normal Smash attacks and prefer using Smash attacks. Once defeated, the Spirit grants a Critical Hit ↑↑ (Much like Mythra and the Lyn (Blade Lord) spirits).
    • Alternative: Giant Mii Swordfighter (haven't decided on the outfit). Advanced-level Spirit (battle power: 4500), fought on Bridge of Eldin, with "Battle at the Big Bridge" as stage music, and Ridley E as a helper representing Enkidu. Rule: Swords only. Conditions: 1) Defeat the main fighter to win; 2) Stamina battle; and 3) The enemy's melee weapons have increased power. Once obtained: support Spirit with Cost 1 and the Killing Edge Equipped skill.


Splatoon 2

  • Inner Agent 3 is a red Legend spirit where you fight a yellow girl Inkling in a stamina battle on Battlefield Moray Towers at night. She has increased speed and attack power and her shooting power is increased as well as all her special moves have increased power. She has temporary invincibility at critical health and your speed is reduced to reference the game where she has ink all over the stage so it slows you down. Her ink meter and FS meter charge fast and sometimes will have a sudden FS. Oh, and if that wasn't enough, she also has a chance for double FS, have fun! When defeated, the spirit grants you increased shooting power.



  • Phantom Bat is an Advanced-class Support Spirit represented by a lilac Ridley (similar to his Dracula X color) who loves to jump and use his neutral special. His Spirit grants increased air attack.

Castlevania: Bloodlines

  • Eric Lecarde is an Advanced-class Primary Spirit who is represented by a blue Corrin. Corrin frequently spams his smash attacks as a nod to Eric's spear-wielding ways and has increased jumping ability. The music which plays is Iron Blue Intention, his Leitmotif. He can be Enhanced into Wind, his ghostly self from Portrait of Ruin, which grants a similar jump boost.

Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow

  • Mina Hakuba is an Ace-class Support Spirit. She is represented by Zelda in her red costume who prefers to flee from battle. Unfortunately for you, she is accompanied by a highly aggressive Marth in his white costume (representing Soma Cruz, which is helped by the fact that Marth and Soma share the same Japanese voice actor). Killing Zelda first grants Marth an extreme stat boost, referencing the bad ending of Dawn of Sorrow. When equipped, she grants Critical Health Healing.

Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow

  • Dark Lord Soma is an Legend-class Primary Spirit and consists of a team fight similar to the pre-existing Phantom Thieves of Hearts and Hero's Comrades Spirits. The battle begins with Zelda (representing Mina) who remains stationary and dies in one hit. Too bad it then leads to a series of one-on-one duels against stand-ins for the original Castlevania bosses; Ridley (Phantom Bat), Meta Knight (Medusa), Sheik (Mummy), Mii Brawler (The Creature) and Robin (Death), culminating with a borderline homicidal Marth (Dracula). Defeating him gives no slots, but an unique trait shared with the above-mentioned Grima: Bane of All.

Castlevania: Rondo of Blood

  • Annette is a blue Ace spirit where you fight against a green Peach, a bright blue Richter, and Alucard on the Battlefield form of Dracula's Castle. You only need to defeat the main fighter to win but she avoids conflict like crazy and the aggressive Richter and Alucard will get in your way. When collected, the spirit offers easier dodging. The theme music playing is Divine Bloodlines.


Persona 5

  • Sojiro Sakura is represented by Snake teamed up with an orange female Inkling. Both gain Curry breath after a little while and Item Tidal Waves of drinks and Super Spicy Curry will occur, since Sojiro is known for making coffee and curry at his cafe. When defeated, He would be a Support Spirit who grants a Mouthful of Curry.
  • Suguru Kamoshida is an ace primary attack spirit that pits you against a male Wii Fit Trainer who loves to use his Header attack, representing his Volleyball attack in his boss fight, and an orange shorts Zero Suit Samus, representing the Cognitive Ann in Castle Siege (Underground Cavern Portion only), representing the castle of lust, and food items will spawn that power up the Wii Fit Trainer when he eats them, representing the chalice that provides him with healing food in his original boss fight.
  • Ichiryuusai Madarame is a Mii Fighter dressed as Vince, a fellow artist, with the actual Vince Assist Trophy occasionally spawning referencing Ichiryuusai Azazel Madarame being an artist. To reflect his ink attack that makes you weak to all elements, you become easy to launch every once in a while.
  • Junya Kaneshiro is an ace neutral primary spirit represented by a Dr. Mario, since Dr. Mario's Outfit looks like Junya Kaneshiro's suit, teamed up with a Metal Jigglypuff that will appear after a little while and spams Rollout to represent Piggytron. The Dr. Mario is easily distracted by items, as the original Kaneshiro was.
  • Kunikazu Okumura is represented by an Olimar and is fought on Lylat Cruise, referencing his Shadow's spaceman appearance and Spaceport of Greed respectively. For the majority of this Stamina battle, you fight a horde of R.O.B.s of various sizes and colors, and a Metal Female Villager reflecting Okumura sending his robots to fight for him even the robot form of his daughter (with the number of R.O.B.s being exactly the same number as the amount of robots he sends at you in the original game). After defeating all the R.O.B.s, and the Metal Female Villager, Olimar finally appears but has very low HP, referencing how Okumura himself doesn't take that much trouble to take down. Food items, specifically hamburgers, also appear to reference the Okumura family owning the Big Bang Burger fast food chain, as well as Okumura being able to inflict the Hungry status onto the party during his boss fight. Also, much like the original boss fight against Okumura himself, the battle is timed.
  • Sae Niijima is represented by fellow long-legged Ms. Fanservice Bayonetta. After a little while, she changes into Metal form, just like how she transforms into a mechanical monster during her original boss fight after you uncover her roulette cheating.

Persona 5 Royal

  • Kasumi Yoshizawa is an Ace Primary Attack Spirit (she's a Glass Cannon in her home game) with two Support Slots (enough to hold both the Phantom Thieves of Hearts and Goro Akechi Spirits) and with Weapon Attack Up as her ability (being proficient with rapiers). Her battle takes place on the Battlefield form of Wily's Castle, a high tech base like the mysterious Palace where she awakens to her Persona. Kasumi herself is represented by a black colored, red-haired Lucina, and her Persona Cendrillon is a slightly-larger-than-average blue Peach that focuses on kicking attacks. Unlike the other Phantom Thieves, you have to defeat both Kasumi and Cendrillon, who will also both respawn in their red costumes with increased stats and far more aggressive AI, reflecting both Kasumi's true identity as Sumire and Cendrillon's berserk boss form that Maruki invokes. As with the case of Cendrillon's berserk boss battle, "Rivers in the Desert" plays during the battle.

Persona 4

  • Yu Narukami, this game's protagonist, would be a Legendary spirit represented by a Mii Swordfighter in his likeness on Mementos playing I'll Face Myself. Partway through the battle, a white Meta Knight will join the Mii Swordfighter, representing Yu's starting Persona, Izanagi, though only the Mii Swordfighter needs to be beaten. In the player's hands, Yu would be a Neutral-type Primary spirit with three slots, representing the fact he's a Wild Card.
  • Yosuke Hanamura would be an Advanced spirit represented by fellow knife wielding Persona user Joker (in his school uniform) on Onett, referencing the small town of Inaba. Heavy wind would be blowing throughout the battle, referencing that Yosuke primarily uses wind-based attacks. Joker would primarily use the attacks where he uses his knife, though his Rebellion Gage would never fill. Partway through the battle, a grey Greninja with a Gust Bellows would join the fray, representing Jiraiya, Yosuke's Persona. In the player's hands, Yosuke would be a support spirit that grants Easier Dodging, a reference to how he could use the Sukukaja ability in battle.
  • Chie Satonaka would be an Advanced spirit represented by a green Zero Suit Samus on Omega Form Onett, referencing how she could be found on the rooftop after school. Zero Suit Samus would favor kick-based attacks. Partway through the battle, a yellow Dark Samus equipped with a Freezie would join the fray, referencing Chie's Persona, Tomoe. In the player's hands, Chie would be a support spirit giving Foot Attack ↑.
  • Yukiko Amagi would be a Novice spirit represented by a red Peach on second form Castle Seige, referencing her dungeon. Partway through the battle, a pink Corrin with a Fire Flower would join the fray, referencing Yukiko's Persona, Konohana Sakuya. In the player's hands, Yukiko would be a support spirit granting Fire & Explosion Attack ↑.
  • Kanji Tatsumi would be a Novice spirit represented by Little Mac in his Super Punch-Out!! alt on the Fountain of Dreams, being the Closest Thing We Got to his dungeon, the sauna. Partway through the battle, a giant black Donkey Kong would join the battle, representing Kanji's Persona, Take-Mikazuchi. In the player's hands, Kanji would be a support spirit that grants Electric Attack ↑.
  • Rise Kujikawa would be an Advanced spirit represented by a pink Lucina on WarioWare, Inc. Occasionally, Callie and Marie would spawn in as a hostile Assist Trophy, referencing Rise's career as an idol singer. Partway through the battle, Palutena would join the battle, representing Rise's Persona, Himiko. In the player's hands, Rise would be a Support spirit granting Irreversable Controls.
  • Teddie would be an Ace spirit represented by a Mii Brawler wearing the Teddie hat on Battlefield Form Mementos playing Reach Out to the Truth. The ground is freeze-inducing, referencing how Teddie favors ice-based attacks. Partway through the battle, a giant red Kirby with a Bob-omb would join the fray, representing Teddie's Persona, Kintoki-Douji. In the player's hands, Teddie would be an Attack-type Primary spirit with two slots.
  • Naoto Shirogane would be an Advanced spirit represented by a blue Sheik on the Frigate Orpheon, referencing her dungeon. Sheik would be equipped with a Ray Gun, referencing the fact that Naoto fights with a gun. Partway through the battle, a tiny Mega Man equipped with a Rocket Belt and Beam Sword would join the battle, representing Naoto's Persona, Sukuna-Hikona. In the player's hands, Naoto would be a Shield-type Primary spirit with one slot.

Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth

  • Koromaru, Teddie, & Morgana is an Ace support spirit where you fight 3 Jokers (blue, yellow, and red) as the 3 protagonists, a white Duck Hunt Dog, a blue Banjo, and a black Lucario on Mementos. They will spawn in waves where the battle will begin with blue Joker and DHD and after a while the yellow Joker and Banjo will spawn, followed by red Joker and Lucario. Blue Joker will start with a Ray Gun and yellow Joker will start with a Killing Edge. When defeated, the spirit grants you healing over time. This is the battle theme.

Dragon Quest[]

Dragon Quest I

  • Dragonlord, the Final Boss of Dragon Quest I, would start with a stamina fight against a strong purple Ganondorf. Once Ganondorf is defeated, a large and buffed purple Ridley would descend on the battlements, in reference to the Dragonlord's One-Winged Angel form.

Dragon Quest V

  • Madason, the protagonist of Dragon Quest V, would obviously be represented by Three's white and purple alternate. The first phase of the fight would have him accompanied by Zero Suit Samus in a green suit (Bianca), Palutena in pink robes (Nera), and Bayonetta in the red version of her first outfit (Debora). Once you've dispatched them, though, the real threat would emerge in the form of Madason's children, represented by Young Link and Isabelle. Young Link would be constantly healing damage in reference to Parry's multitude of healing spells, and Isabelle's FS meter would charge way faster as a substitute for Madchen's Kaboom.

Dragon Quest VI

  • Jumping Jackal is an Advanced red spirit where you fight 3 brown Wolf's in a Stamina battle on Battlefield Gaur Plain and their physical attack is increased where they prefer physical and claw attacks. Meat will spawn and their stats increase when eating. When defeated, the spirit grants increased physical attacks.

Dragon Quest VIII

  • Prince Charmles from Dragon Quest VIII could appear as a Novice-class support spirit. Support because he's a Guest-Star Party Member. His puppet fighter would be Wario in his green alt since both are obnoxious, fast, and fat. He would run away since he's a Dirty Coward, has reduced power and increased speed because he deals 1 damage while moving ahead of the party, and he would be a taunter since he talks up a big game. As to why he would be included? So that fans could pay him back for all of the sh*t he put the party through while escorting him on his rite of passage!



  • Boggy would be an Advanced Spirit represented by a white Banjo & Kazooie on Summit. The favor dash attacks, as it's the closest thing to him being on a sled. In the player's hand, he's a Support Spirit that grants the Lightweight ability, as a reference to the fact he runs a gym in Nuts & Bolts that increases Banjo's stats.
  • Mr. Vile is admittedly a minor character who's only appeared in one stage in one game, but he's got one of the frustrating Jiggies to win in Banjo-Kazooie and he's a tremendous buttrag, to boot. He'd be an Advanced Spirit possessing a orange copy of King K. Rool, fought on Distant Planet. His head attacks would do more damage and food would frequently spawn during the fight. Once beaten, he'd be a Support spirit that boosts stats after eating.


  • Mumbo's rival Humba Wumba would be an Advanced Spirit represented by a yellow Sheik that's also assisted by Banjo & Kazooie (using their Gruntilda-based alt, the closest thing to Dragon Kazooie being in the game). In the player's hand, she's a Support Spirit that increases transformation duration.
  • Jamjars would be an Advanced Spirit and can be represented by Snake's Tiger Stripe alt, since he's a hard-edged military mole who dresses in olive drab. Great Plateau Tower can stand in for the ancient ruins of Mayahem Temple, the place where Banjo and Kazooie first met him. Since many of his moves involve giving Kazooie new ways to shoot her eggs, he'd start out with a Super Scope, whose round energy blasts are the closest thing to eggs among the shooting items, and his projectile attacks would be enhanced. He'd also be backed up by Donkey Kong's yellow-furred, blue-tied alt and Falco's red alt, since he also taught a lot of moves that required Banjo and Kazooie to temporarily separate. Once beaten, he'd become a Support Spirit that boosts the power of shooting attacks.
  • Blobbelda and Mingella, represented by Wario's biker alt with the green vest and female Robin, start out holding drills on Dracula's Castle's Omega form. If you take too long to defeat them, white and gold Bowser, standing in for undead Grunty, joins the fray and ups the difficulty by a fair bit. The two would start out as an Advanced Attack Primary Spirit, but once you upgraded them, you'd get the Hag 1, an Ace Spirit that boosts shield damage.
  • Canary Mary is one of, if not the most infamous minor character in the whole series, so much so that Nuts & Bolts made a joke about her unforgivingly difficult races in Cloud Cuckooland. For her battle, you fight a yellow Duck Hunt in Palutena's Temple, and she's actually a bit of a pushover...up until you've beaten her up enough, in which case she gets an enormous speed boost and becomes that much more of a pain to defeat. Bombchus also spawn all around the stage and she's easily distracted by them.

Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts

  • L.O.G. would be a Legendary Spirit represented by a purple Rosalina (whose robe resembles L.O.G.'s and her blonde hair could be a stand-in for his head) who's fought on Mario Circuit (the Mario Kart 8 one) as it's the closest thing to referencing the Genre Shift in Nuts & Bolts. As a nod to his ablities, the screen is constantly flipping and you take constant damage. In the player's hand, he's a Neutral-type Primary Spirit that's predictably powerful.
    • As an alternate effect for the constant damage, a Color TV-Game 15 will randomly spawn in reference to L.O.G.'s face literally being Pong.

Fatal Fury[]



  • Lola Pop is an Ace spirit where you fight a default Jigglypuff equipped with a Franklin Badge and extra shield durability on the fountain area of Wuhu Island (resembling Via Dolce). Jigglypuff will have a sudden final smash represnting Lola Pop being able to inflate herself. When defeated, the spirit would be a support that offers an extra midair jump.
  • Misango is an advanced spirit that would be represented by and fought on Great Plateau Tower (Final Destination Form) Referencing His Stage, The Temple Grounds.
  • Springtron is an ace primary attack spirit that is represented by a Metal Mii Brawler Spring Man Costume, and would be fought on the Boxing Ring refencing his stage, the sparring ring. The Battle Theme is Sparring Ring.
  • Dr. Coyle is a Legend Grab Primary spirit that is represented by a green Bayonetta, and would be fought on Frigate orpheon (battlefield form) ((resembling (NAME REDACTED)). The Enemy equips a rocket belt referencing Dr. Coyle's ability to levitate, and the enemy starts the battle with a freezie representing one of her signature arms, the Brrrchuck. The Battle Theme is (NAME REDACTED). When Defeated, The Spirit would grant Floaty Jumps, Overall Stats, and 2 Slots.
  • Hedlok is a Legend (TBA)


  • The Silverfish is an Advanced Attack Primary, represented by 8 tiny Mr. Game and Watches. In this stamina battle, you face only one G&W, and upon defeat, 7 more will spawn, referencing how they work in Minecraft. Upon defeat, the Silverfish grants you the Poison Mushroom effect, referencing its small stature.
  • The Villagers are a Novice Balanced Primary represented by 4 Luigis of varying colors. In battle, they are attracted to items and will generally avoid combat. Upon defeat, the Villagers grant the Item Gravitation effect.
  • Wolves are an Advanced attack spirit where you first fight a white Duck Hunt Dog on the Minecraft stage. He is docile and harmless at first at 300% and when you KO him, you will summon a pack of 4 black Wolf's who will aggressively attack you with an attack and speed boost. Of course, being the Duck Hunt dog, he will sometimes purposefully use his neutral B to self-destruct and trigger the horde against your will. When defeated, the spirit grants you higher physical attacks.
  • The Wither is an Ace Attack Primary represented by a Giant Ganondorf and fought on Minecraft World's Birch Biome. In this stamina battle, the stage is covered in poison, and Ganondorf is armed with a Steel Diver. Ganondorf also gains increased defense when reaching half his own stamina. Upon defeat, you gain the Wither Spirit, which grants you the Poison Touch ability, granting your attacks a damage-over-time effect referencing the Wither effect from Minecraft.
  • Pillagers are a set of 8 Warios in their purple alt, much like in Steve's Classic Route. They would be an advanced-class, and you'll gain a giant R.O.B. as a CPU ally to represent the Iron Golems that can spawn in to protect villagers. It's a stamina battle, and each Wario has 50hp while you have 100hp and the Iron Golem has 150hp. Ranged and battering items spawn in constantly, referencing how they like to use such weapons aginst you. They are an attack-type primary.


  • Robert Richards, a.k.a. Bob, is an Advanced spirit represented by a red King K. Rool. In battle, K. Rool prefers to use tilts and Smash attacks, and he has a buff to his speed throughout the match, referencing his "Speed and Weight" quote. Upon defeat, Bob grants you the Speed Up effect.

Kingdom Hearts[]

Original characters:

  • Riku (KINGDOM HEARTS III) is a black Chrom armed with a Rage Blaster (representing Dark Firaga), fought at Hollow Bastion and to reflect Riku's older-looking appearance in KH3. He has all stats boosted in exchange for starting at 30% damage, and gets an additional attack boost at low health. As an equip, this version of Riku gives the fighter Critical Health Attack Up.
  • Kairi (KINGDOM HEARTS III) is a default Pyra fought on Delfino Plaza (Scala ad Caelum), once again representing Kairi's older appearance in KH3, along with Sora in his KH3 costume. Pyra wields a Lip's Stick to resemble Kairi's flower-patterned Keyblade, Destiny's Embrace. You only need to defeat Kairi to win, but she has Critical Health Recovery to heal her if she takes too much damage, and she can give that effect to the player as a support spirit.
  • Naminé is represented by a white Rosalina & Luma (a close match in terms of hair and personality, and to reflect Naminé appearaing as a star in The Final World and also a mirror of how KH Kairi is represented by Daisy). She is encountered in Pictochat 2 (both for its resemblance to Castle Oblivion and to reflect how Naminé expresses her memory powers through drawing) and unlike Kairi and Xion, prefers to avoid fighting. As a support spirit, she grants Irreversible Controls, helping you remember which way you're supposed to be going.
  • Master Xehanort is a horde battle against thirteen Ganondorfs, thirteen vessels for his darkness. The battlefield is Find Mii Omega, which resembles the wartorn Keyblade Graveyard, minus the Keyblades.
    • Alternatively, the battle can instead represent the famous "Nort Court" boss battle in Kingdom Hearts III, with you facing off against a black Richter (Young Xehanort), Sephiroth with a Black Incineroar ally (Ansem and his Guardian), and a black Mewtwo with a Beam Sword (Xemnas), one after another, before facing off against Xehanort himself (a white-haired Ganondorf), who has a permanent Metal status to reflect his unique Keyblade Armor.
  • The Shadow is a deceptively-straightforward Novice battle against a Mr. Game & Watch swarm. First it starts off with one G&W, then two at once, then four... until they start coming faster than you can take them out. The battle only ends after you've defeated 100 of them (as a reference to the 1000-Heartless Battle in Kingdom Hearts II). As an equip, the Shadow is a colorless primary spirit that can enhance into the Demon Tide, which grants the Lifesteal ability, befitting of how The Heartless can assimilate people into their ranks by forcibly stealing their hearts.
    • Alternatively, in order to keep the Novice Battle a bit easier, the player must instead take down thirteen Game and Watch's, since thirteen is considered the Arc Number of the Kingdom Hearts series.
  • Larxene is a black-clad Zero Suit Samus (beautiful blondes with electric motifs) fought on the Glacier, standing in for the ice maze she creates when first encountered in Kingdom Hearts III. After a while, duplicates of her will appear to harass you, which you will also be required to take down, referencing how she can perform a Doppelgänger Attack during her Bonus Boss fight in II, and how in order to make her vulnerable, you must use a Reaction Command to fuse the clones back together. As an equip, she grants Move Speed Up, similar to her Dash Enemy Card ability in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories.
  • Marluxia is a Legendary timed battle against a Lucina wearing Cherche's colors (black clothes with pink-red hair), armed with Death's Scythe. Lucina is supported by a giant, metal Daisy who is also armed with Death's Scythe (representing the Spectre Nobody) and flanked by two Pirhana Plants, representing the flower turrets Marluxia would use to attack in his second form in Chain of Memories and his Data Battle in Re:Mind. The floor is also poisoned, similar to The Boss' spirit battle. As a support spirit, Marluxia grants Double Final Smash to reflect the Double Sleight effect of his card in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories.
  • Luxord is a battle against seven Jokers (since they both have Playing Card Motifs), though unlike Larxene's battle above, only one will actually attack you, and he's the one who has to be defeated to win, in lieu of how he can hide himself amongst his pack of cards, forcing the player to find him after they get shuffled around. The battle is timed with Stopwatch items constantly spawning, naturally, and as an equip, Luxord grants Critical Hit to add an element of chance to the game, with him being The Gambler and all.
  • Demyx is yet another swarm battle, this time against male Corrin, as a reference to the infamous "defeat X water clones" segment from his Kingdom Hearts II boss battle. As an equip, he grants Water & Ice Attack Up.
  • Saïx is played by Ike (who also has blue hair and wields a BFS) in his black colors. The Ike's AI is set to be extremely aggressive with nearly no regard for shielding or other defensive maneuvers, fitting for The Berserker that Saïx is whenever he fights. He gets Sudden Final Smashes and attack buffs at the same time, referencing his Berserk mode (especially in terms of appearance, since his Berserk mode and whenever a character gets a Final Smash grants them both a Battle Aura and yellow eyes) and how he can relentlessly beat down a player who doesn't dodge or block his attacks in time. The stage is an Omega form Luigi's Mansion; while Luigi's Mansion itself isn't exactly a perfect stand in for The World That Never Was, the huge moon in the background fits Saïx's Lunacy like a glove. As an equip, he grants Unflinching Charged Smash Attacks, as he is largely Immune to Flinching whenever he goes Berserk.
  • Zexion is a default male Robin (another tome user with Mystical White Hair) fought on the Pirate Ship* . Occasionally he will be joined by a weakened copy of your character, reflecting how Zexion would steal some of Riku's attack cards in Chain of Memories and use them against him. The screen will also occasionally flip upside-down, to show that the stage is supposed to be an illusion. As an equip, Zexion grants the unique Mimic ability, which copies the effects of any spirits your opponent has equipped.
  • Yozora is a Legend-class Spirit portrayed by a black Shulk, fought on Omega Fourside with his leitmotif "Nachtflügel" as the music track. Shulk is deliberately designed to be That One Boss and has all sorts of nasty tricks up his sleeve that reflect Yozora's Bonus Boss fight, such as causing you to take sudden damage, becoming invincible, critical-health healing, and summoning giant R.O.B. reinforcements resembling Gigas. Once obtained, Yozora is an Attack-type Primary Spirit with incredibly high offensive prowess that grants his fighter Critical Hit ↑↑.

Disney characters:

  • Donald and Goofy would be an advanced spirit fought as a black and blue Duck Hunt, with the stage being Princess Peach's Castle as a stand-in for Disney Castle. Fire Flowers, Freezies, Lightning. Healing Sprouts and so on will spawn to simulate Donald's magic, and Duck Hunt will be hard to launch to reference Goofy being the Stone Wall. When equipped, Donald and Goofy are a shield-type spirit that enhances projectile attacks, incorporating both of their qualities into one. In addition, they're a primary spirit instead of a support since they're always on the front lines with Sora.
  • King Mickey is a Mr. Game & Watch who is assisted by Duck Hunt (Donald and Goofy) and Sora in his Timeless River costume, fought on Flat Zone. Why Mr. Game & Watch instead of, say, Mario? Well, this battle is based on the Timeless River, and Game & Watch has a retro aspect that fits this quite well. Also, look at his down-aerial and tell me that's not a keyblade. He's a perfect fit!
  • Jiminy Cricket is a novice support spirit fought on the S.S. Flavio portion of Paper Mario (due to having a whale appear a-la Monstro), and is a tiny blue Pac-Man. It's a no-frills battle against him and a blue Toon Link standing in for Pinocchio. When equipped, Jiminy grants the "Improved Escape" ability, due to escaping his home world before it was swallowed by the darkness.
  • Chip and Dale are a novice support spirit that grants the "Lightweight" ability due to their status as pilots. Both chipmunks are portrayed by Pichu, with one wearing goggles and the other wearing a Focus Band, and they're fittingly fought on Lylat Cruise to stand in for the Gummi Ship. Unsurprisingly, the music playing is "Blast Away! -Gummi Ship II-".
  • Maleficent is represented by fellow witch Bayonetta in her blue/purple Bayonetta 1 costume, wielding a Staff, and is replaced with a giant purple Charizard when defeated, representing her dragon form. The battle takes place on Hollow Bastion, obviously. Her spirit can be enhanced into Maleficent (Dragon), which grants the Transformation Duration Up ability. "The Encounter" plays during the fight.
  • Pete is a Novice level spirit represented by Incineroar, also a boisterous cartoonish anthropomorphic cat, in its black and gray outfit. It will start the battle equipped with a Back Shield, and the only items that appear are Bob-Ombs, referencing Pete's exploding bowling ball attack. Incineroar will also periodically summon weak Mr. Game & Watch minions, representing Shadows. When equipped, he grants the fighter a Back Shield just like in his own boss battles (both in KH and as a Spirit). "Rowdy Rumble" plays during the fight

Final Fantasy characters:

  • Cloud (Kingdom Hearts) is represented by... well, Cloud, in his blue FF7 alternate costume. The fight takes place on Coliseum (representing Olympus Coliseum), and is a timed stamina battle, referencing the various Coliseum tournaments where he's fought. "Shrouding Dark Cloud" plays as the background music.
    • He doesn't get a Spirit battle, but Cloud appears in Sora's Classic Mode lineup, complete with stage and music.
  • Leon, Yuffie and Aerith are an advanced primary spirit with 3 support slots. Aerith and Yuffie are represented by their respective stand-ins from Sephiroth's Spirit Board (Zelda/Mii Swordfighter for Aerith, Sheik for Yuffie), while Leon's stand-in is a white Dark Pit whose bow references Leon's Gunblade. The fight takes place on Hollow Bastion, since they've been working to restore the place since the first game.
  • Sephiroth (Kingdom Hearts) is represented by Sephiroth on Hollow Bastion (the site of the Sephiroth Bonus Boss fight in Kingdom Hearts II), and is a Legend-class spirit. He starts the battle in Winged Form and never reverts out of it, his AI is hyper-aggressive (similar to the "Very Hard" difficulty of the Sephiroth Challenge), and at high damage his stats increase even further. The music track that plays is the original "One-Winged Angel".
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Spirit Ideas: Franchises (2024)


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