PEPIS 2001 archive - Power Elite Public Information Service (2024)

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PEPIS #34 - 31Dec01 - Possible Futures: Nuclear War in Kashmir
PEPIS #33 - 31Oct01 - The USA: Most Terrorist State in the World
PEPIS #32 - 16Aug01 - Sole Pre-Bilderberg Source Closed Down
PEPIS #31 - 03Jul01 - Lawyers demand removal of Swedish article
PEPIS #30 - 05Jun01 - Bilderberg participants 2001
PEPIS #29 - 25May01 - Bilderberg (Reuters)
PEPIS #28 - 19May01 - Bilderberg 2001 Conference update
PEPIS #27 - 08Apr01 - Bilderberg 2001 to take place in Sweden?
PEPIS #26 - 08Mar01 - 'Imagine Yourselves to be Dictators of Europe'

Not a whisper from the Bilderbergers recently, but that's no reason to notsend out a PEPIS email is it? Maybe our Bilder-buddies are too busy throwingmoney at anyone who'll help them persuade UK public and politicians to acceptthe European Central Currency? A difficult job because Titus Alexander'stweeking of the pound would be somewhat more sensible. And most people wiselydistrust bankers when they tell us what we should be doing with our money.



1. Victor Rothschild implicated in knobbling of BBC
2. Possible Futures: Nuclear War in Kashmir
3. Proposed amendment to the UK Budget bill
4. On the SWP: For spooks eyes only - CIA, MOSSAD and MI6
5. Who's to blame for US foreign policy?
6. Kissinger War Crimes trial latest


Best book of 2001?
Without doubt Chris Hitchens' 'The Trial of Henry Kissinger', Verso, ISBN1-85984-631-9,


Power Elite Public Information Service - - to join/leave list.

Please put in a link to - now funded 'til 2003.


This is an occasional (max. 1 per month) email list as part of the campaignfor an open press conference at and public awareness of Bilderberg and similarelite meetings.

See for more info.

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Marmaduke Hussey, when he was appointed Chair of the Board of govenors ofthe BBC in 1986, lost no time in sacking the director-general. The only troublewas that Alasdair Milne was not a 'croak voiced Dalek' as Dennis Potter laterdescribed robotic stooge BBC managers. Not one bit of it. Alasdair was agifted ex-'Tonight' journalist who had cut his teeth on the satirical show'That Was the Week That Was'.

He didn't harp on about it all the time like the present-day shower, he livededitorial independence.

In his recently published, and laughably titled memoirs, 'Chance GovernsAll', Hussey recalls a conversation he had with Victor Rothschild at TheFamily bank. This was presumably 'New Court', the above-ground H.Q. of N.M.Rothschild and Sons in St. Swithin's Lane EC4.

As a close friend of and adviser to Mrs Thatcher, during a time when theConservative government were being caught out time and again by the BBC,Rothschild was hardly enquiring about power. He was a man with his own malignmission.


Victor Rothschild I knew because he was head of the Downing Street ThinkTank [presumably the Central Policy Review Staff or CPRS - ed] If he wantedto enquire about the media, he summoned me. I would then be grilled by himfor two hours, with my replies taken down by my young brother-in-law, WilliamWaldegrave. Pretty intimidating. Victor invited me to an excellent lunchat the family bank. The house wine was delicious, but no mention of the BBC.So with the cheese, I said, 'Now what about the BBC, Victor?'

'How much power have you got?' he asked.

'I'm not sure.'

'Can you fire the Director-General?'

A long pause. 'I think so.'

'Well, that's all that needs to be said, isn't it?'

Typical of Victor - the basic problem as always is power. If you have it,use it. [The same could be said about freedom eh - ed] How you use it isthe problem. Having considered the constitution it was clear to me that thegovernors, if they chose to exercise it, had tremendous power.


extracted from 'Chance Governs All' A memoir by Marmaduke Hussey, Macmillan,2001

More on the demise of the BBC
The Day Auntie Died? -

I'm collecting surnames of the Croak Voiced Daleks at the BBC: Dyke, Hussey,Bland.... coincidence? Anymore whacky 'BBC knobbling' surmames you know of?Contact me at <>



From the archives, this 1994 vintage document has been sitting on my websitesince 1996. It describes a possible scenario for the current tension in Kashmir.Highly questionable authenticity but thought provoking nevertheless in anage of tunnel-vision media.

The population issue is a common misnomer; much of the general public believethere are 'too many people in the world'. In fact this planet could supportit* present population easily if there were equitable distribution of food,wealth and resources.

I suggest a major international figure might step into the breach to avertthis nuclear war in Kashmir. So we all think he's a good guy. [TG]

From Greek magazine: 'Anekshgito' Kostas Kouros, Issue 102, November 1994

Possible Futures: Nuclear War in Kashmir

Adapted from:

Mirrors a Greek site:


Athanasios Strigas, interviewed here, studied Political and Economic Scienceat the University of Heidelberg. He then took Foreign Relations and InternationalStrategy in the University of Georgetown in Washington D.C. and Propagandain Patris Lumumba of Moscow.

He started his career as a diplomatic attaché and nowadays is aspecialised consultant to the supreme military commander of NATO and hasclose connections with the Trilateral Commission. Most of his time is spentin Brussels and in the last year and a half he has published 4 successfulbooks.

Strigas has revealed some shocking facts in Greece about domestic politicsusing secret documents etc. as proof. He also predicted a military crisisbetween Greece and Turkey 18 months before it happened and named exactlythe small island which was the focus of the crisis. Unfortunately his booksare only available in Greek but in them he reveals a great deal about theUS National Security Agency and the Trilateral Commission and the BilderbergClub, sometimes far more than anything you can find on the world-wide web.

This interview is translated, imperfectly, from the original Greek.

Possible Futures: Nuclear War in India


* We all know that countries are being guided by their political and militaryleaders. Big countries and small do exist and also the small countries aredependant on the big ones. Despite this in your books you mention twointernational decision making centres which, in your opinion, are above countriesand ideologies. Could you be more specific about that?

* It may sound exaggerated but people these days are being guided by politicaland military leadership according to the orders of two global centres: TheTrilateral Commission and The Bilderberg Club. This marks a new era and itis not something that has happened in the past.

In the past, the world was ruled by ideologies. We know ideologies were usedto control the people. But conflicting ideologies were also creating wars.Therefore, for a while, countries formed alliances.

More recently there has been a change in the global scenery. Everything hasbeen globalised. The world has become a global village. Therefore it needsglobal decision making centres. From this point of view the Planetarchy,if we can call it that, will be the politics of the 21st century. Thismarginalises national governments which are now dependent on those internationalcentres.

Today we see that profit now determines the destinies of countries. The worldis already being ruled by representatives of those two centres. The taskof today's governments is to look after 93% of the international wealth.That is the wealth that those two centres own.

* What exactly are the Bilderberg Club and the Trilateral Commission?

* The Bilderberg Club is an international decision making centre named aftera hotel near the Dutch town of Oosterbeek where its first convention tookplace in 1954. Its headquarters is in The Hague in Holland. In its conventionstwo types of people take part we can call the 'protagonists' and the'supernumerary'.

The supernumerary are something like guest speakers, they are only allowedto speak a few minutes and always on the first day of the convention. TheGuidance Committee of the Club protagonists is made up of Americans and Europeansfrom the developed countries, never has a person from the Third World beenon it.

The Club is made up of people with conservative 'aberrations' such as GiovanniAnieli, Luns, Rothschild etc. The Bilderberg Club's president is today JamesCallahan, British ex-prime minister and his assistant is the ex-General Secretaryof NATO, Lord Carrington. Maybe you remember that in 1993 the Club met inGreece, in the Asteras hotel in Bouliagmeni.

The Bilderberg Club today controls 33% of the world's wealth. Some membersof the Bilderberg Club, without having departed from it officially, establishedin June 1973 a new, more powerful group, the Trilateral Commission led byDavid Rockefeller, president of the Chase Manhattan Bank. Members of theTrilateral Commission operate in parallel with but somewhat above the BilderbergClub as a centre of research and analysis. The founding members of the TrilateralCommission are Sirus Vance and Warren Christopher. David Rockefeller is presidentand Zbigniew Brzezinski is chief executive. The Trilateral Commission manages60% of international wealth.

* How do those centres get so much power?

* I think it is obvious that they take the power from the international wealththey control and from the various political appointments, presidents andprime ministers (which are mostly technocrats) which they control and guide.

* But how is possible to select candidates? Do top politicians accept beingonly token leaders of their countries?

* This is a reasonable question but remember, human ambition has no limits.Skilful people exist that do not care for means nor consequences in orderto rise to the top of their country's leadership. The selection for suitableprotagonists to serve the two centres is made after checked information whichanalysts of the NSA [U.S. National Security Agency] have collected, withthe help of organisations such as CIA, DIA and DEA.

The NSA personal reports are transferred in the end to the Steering Committeeof the Bilderberg Club. The Committee meets secretly and the conclusion issealed in a special envelope which is then given to the Bilderberg Club andTrilateral Commission presidents. The presidencies approve the decision almost99% of the time.

Qualifications for candidates are very fluid, [joke?] I mean elasticconsciousness or, if you want, plasticity, to comply with the internationaldecision making philosophy. Another element of control is that they mustnot disturb the global balance. This is essential because this balance hasnothing to do with the balance of the world but simply balance of the globalprofit and loss account. The members must globally ensure the income of thetwo international centres funds.

* But didn't that happen also in the past?

* In the past if someone was a prime minister or a president he would havecome into conflict with the great powers, he would have been characterisedas 'troublemaker' and underminer of liberty and then would have been 'vanished'politically or biologically.

Today the politicians are servants whose masters do not allow them to makeany independent moves. You have seen in the recent German elections (whichhappened at the same time as our [Greek] council elections) that the Frenchwere the ones that were celebrating the victory of Kohl because the Markis supporting the French Franc. The leaders no longer have any freedom. Youlikewise are probably obliged to your friends to take them into considerationin your own moves and plans.

* Could you give us an example?

* Let's imagine that this, or the next, Greek government had the will tosolve the Albanian and Turkish problem and the dispute between Greece andthe former Yugoslavia for Macedonia. What would they do? Just 300 men areenough to invade the Aktio base in Preveza, Western Greece, which belongsto the NSA and then every problem would be solved. If this base were occupiedall communications in the Balkans and Turkey would be paralysed. But sucha move would need much courage.

* What are the methods, groups and structures of the global decision makingcentres?

* The methods that are being used are simple; I promote you as a president,prime minister, military leader; you satisfy your vanity and have ethicaland economical profits. In return you have to blindly obey us. If not wedestroy you by corruption, forced resignation or assassination. At leastthis is what happened up until now.

* What tendencies do you see in those centres today then?

* These days you can see a tendency for renewal. And therefore it was decidedin the last Bilderberg meeting to give the people 2% percent more of theirinternational wealth, something that the old ones did not accept. There areconflicts between conservatives and more liberal types. But I believe thelast will in the end dominate.

* Recently, humanity watched anxiously the collapse of the Soviet Union.Which dynamics led to this collapse and what did it really mean?

* The collapse of the Soviet Union was begun in 1973 by the Trilateral Commissionand part of the Bilderberg Club. The members who left Bilderberg and formedthe Trilateral Commission used shock tactics and have brought the controlof the remains of the Soviet Union to the Bilderberg. This was made possiblebecause in the Summer of 1973, 30 July specifically, The Trilateral Commissioncontrolled 60% of global wealth with their World Bank. So it became the dominatorof the game. The purpose of the Soviet Union's collapse is to demonstrateinternationally the failure of the Communist ideology and present it as asystem that is inhuman.

Besides this, because the population of the earth is growing, the extra 2%that will be given to the people will be granted to the Soviet Union outof the mining of their geological mineral wealth. The soviet people mustbe educated as consuming citizens as in the west. In order to control thosepeople many new countries will be created that will not have constant peace.

* What is the role of the International Monetary Fund?

* The International Monetary Fund is a branch of the World Bank. Today, mostcountries are obliged to borrow money because they cannot get it from privatecapital or from other countries. This necessity occurs either because ofa failure to manage public resources or because the 5 year plan failed orbecause there is internal turmoil etc..

There exist of course also politicians that redeem the sympathy of the peopleby offering them short-term material comforts and asking from them the minimumof their possible efforts. They do this of course with money they take fromthe national budget that should be normally given to development projects.

Anyway, the point is that sometimes countries reach a dead-end. When thishappens the IMF exploits the circ*mstances: it grants a pre-approval of theloan to those countries but with its own conditions. This means that youwill get the loans from the banks (that are all controlled by the World Bank)if you take specified measures which are almost every time anti-social. Thisresults in turmoil in the society. The government panic. In order to calmdown the turmoil even more money must be borrowed.

In this way the government finally gets totally controlled by the IMF.

Let's take for example the Greek education system. 60% of the Education Ministryoutlays are coming from loans of the IMF. So it is not at all odd that fromthe 150.000 kids only 40.000 go to the public universities.

All the above explain also why public works in our country always begin butnever end.

* What are the global decision making centres most afraid of?

* One is the soft spot of the global leaders (even if this sounds impossible)and this lies in their constant fear whether someday the people wake up anddemand the wealth that is rightly theirs. The same happened in the ex-SovietUnion. The NSA had information that some people were leading millions ofsoviets to a revolution in order to get back more than 70 years stolen wealth.They were informed about this movement in time and prevented it by dismemberingthe country.

* You mentioned before an enormous in power organisation, the NSA.

* Yes, that's right. The NSA (National Security Agency) was founded on 4thNovember 1952 by president Truman and its headquarters is at Fort Mead USA.It has more than 2,000,000 agents and scientists all over the world.

There is no committee in Congress, not even any laws that control theiractivities. In reality there is not even an act to affirm its establishment.There exist only documents to protect it.

The security standard is very high and its electronic equipment is unique.It has the most perfect computer centre in the world. Its computers are gatheringand analysing daily all the information from the hundreds of monitoring stationsthat are on the whole planet and in this way they oversee the telecommunicationsof both the friendly and enemy countries. The Greek part of the NSA networkis the American base of Aktio.

It is equipped with scores of satellites which, for example, monitor themovements of the Serbs or of Saddam and in seconds they inform the headquartersof the organisation.

If you ask someone which is the biggest secret service in the world, theymight mention the CIA, DIA or KGB. The NSA has deliberately cultivated theimpression that the secret services of USA that do everything are the CIAand the DIA. Many books and articles have been written about these secretservices. But of the NSA no-one has ever written anything. In reality thebetter known services are executive organs of the NSA which, from its side,is the executive organ of the two global decision making centres that wementioned before; the Bilderberg Club and the Trilateral Commission.

Remember, the NSA manufactures politicians (presidents and prime ministers)always according to the orders of the two global centres. It recruits geniusesfrom all over the world, it is said that it is the inventor of the infectionsof the modern world and of many more things that it is impossible for thesimple human mind to hold.

* How can anyone manufacture politicians?

* You mean well built?!! There is a committee of politician manufacturingwhose president is David Rockefeller with vice president Richard Foren, whois a leading consultant to General Electric. Members of this committee areHenry Kissinger, Alexander Hague, Toshio Nakamura, Edmold Rothschild, JovianniAnielli, Sirus Vans, Charles Duncan (ex-president of Coca- Cola) and HelmutSchmidt.

The politicians that are going to be presidents or prime ministers are approvedor turned down by the above council which meets once a month in the centralbuilding of the NSA.

When the candidate is approved or disapproved the brainwash from the MassMedia begins. Money is given from the Central Banks to help establish a party,campaign etc.. At the same time the other secret services take orders sothat the NSA plan is carried out.

* What do you see in the near future? Will the status quo remain or willthere be changes in the world?

* I think that the changes will begin in the area of Saudi Arabia, changesthat will have an effect on the whole international scene. I predict thefragile balance of the oil cartels will be altered when 3-4 oil wells ofAramco's cartel are bombed. This will mean an increase in the price of petroleumproducts. The cartels for one or two years will have low profits.

If this happens Greece, with its oil, can play a leading role. Here we willhave a repeat of the Onasis phenomenon which was recently made public withall its twisted situations. This time Greece can play a leading role in Europebecause the economic strength of its oil will make it the 3rd power in theEuropean Union. I mean that England will loose its oil wells in the BlackSea, which belong to BP and Shell, at the same time as the coup d'etat inSaudi Arabia. It is very possible that the geographic borders of Greece withTurkey, former Yugoslavia and Albania will change and also the borders ofGermany and Poland (the Oderneisser line).

England will loose Scotland because the Scottish autonomists will blow itsoil wells. After the IRA has made an agreement with England a part of itwill go to support the Scottish Nationalists.

Being under high pressure, and after having passed the economic convulsionwhich will lead to the global shock we mentioned before, the world's economywill make an opening to China. China, of course, will ask for something inreturn. An exchange could be India.

What does this mean? It means that China will be allowed to invade Indiaunder false pretences. The Bilderberg Club will supply India, and the TrilateralCommission will renew the armour of China.

In this war, in order to reduce the world's population, the neutron bombwill be used. One time general of NATO's army, Alexander Hague, was fightingoff proposals for the neutron bomb, so on 29th June 1979 they tried toassassinate him.

If this happens Pakistan and Turkey will be dragged in, and Turkey will splitup in two halves, Eastern and Western part. If this happens Tansu Cillerwill put Turkey in the European Union.

Taking this opportunity I should tell you that within the vast changes thatwill happen in the near future is a step-up of the Ecumenical Patriarchyof Konstantinopolis. I mean that it will play a more important role thantoday. Already Ciller has a draft law ready for the Turkish parliament ifconditions allow it. In this law the Patriarchy will become a separate state,something like the Vatican.

* Except for exploiting the global wealth where else do the two global decisioncentres target? Isn't it a little bit unreasonable to say that a small groupof humans does affect and control almost all the countries on earth? Howdo they manage not to loose control of them?

* Let's make something clear. Everyone that is in either the Bilderberg Clubor in the Trilateral Commission is just a representative of the global cartels.Allied cartels choose some persons to represent them in the above decisionmaking centres. Their opinion for the international trend they favour dependson the cartel they represent. Besides as cartel people the only thing thatthey understand is profit rates. The protagonists in those decision makingcentres just bring gold to the cartels.

Exceptional members such as Rockefeller, Mitsubishi etc. are just brightexceptions or as it was before in the Trilateral Commission Paul Austin theboss of Coca-Cola that was sleeping during all talks and resolutions!

Therefore the Bilderberg Club and Trilateral Commission propose to the peopleof the cartels such as Rockefeller, Hunt etc. the international politicsthat they will follow.

The second part of your question has this answer. In 1963 the Kennedys triedto reduce tension between the USA and the USSR and to stop the war in Vietnam.But the cartels had budgeted that they would collect billions of dollarswith the continuation of the investments in armour and the war. John Kennedyknew that they would kill him. He decided to get sacrificed because of hisillness (an old injury in the back bone which caused horrible pains) andbelieved that they would stop there. They took off the scene also RobertKennedy who would certainly win the next election and would stop the war.Nixon dared to reduce the dispute this means that he did not continue thewar till 1978 but did stop him at 1973. Therefore they involved him in theWatergate scandal and they sent him packing.

So the control and the guidance is in their hands. The two global centresas well as the 'legal' governments also have persons involved in mattersthat have nothing to do with politics. They are bankers, ship-owners,industrialists and higher civil servants. They collect information and transmitit to the centres. There the resolutions and the proposals follow. Afterthe proposals the falldown and as a last solution death.

* How can us humans react to this totalitarianism? What hope is there?

* The only thing that the two global centres are afraid is World Public Opinion.If the citizens of the countries get informed and realise that they are notgoverned by their politicians they will maybe learn to react.

This reaction can take many forms. For example, politicians may refuse towork for specific circles of interests. Then the pressure is obvious. Theydo take it seriously in mind. Then they will play the governments to andfro. Bring the army onto the streets. And when they make sure that thereis no solution the main government committee must be directly summoned todraw up new guide lines. It is obvious that the old main government committeemust resign immediately and a new one must be elected.

* Are there opponent groups that want the people to wake up?

* There are secret groups which came out from the global decision makingcentres themselves. I am paid by NATO to be against monopolies and againstthe big bosses themselves. This luxury allows the fast conversion of othercolleagues or people from the cartels so that they finally get persuadedthat instead of having $1 trillion a year profits, to have something lower.But this small difference can help thousands of families.

A few such persons do exist and act against those two global centres. Oneof them is Oppenheimer the son, that lives now in the eastern part of Moscow.His father lives in the western part. The son Oppenheimer is against thepower structure. He agrees to reduce (very barely of course) his profit rates.His father doesn't.

Let us note here that his father convinced the Bilderberg Club and the TrilateralCommission to bring down Gorbachev who sold Russian diamonds for 468 dollarsa carat. Then he promoted Yeltsin, who sells them for 69,7 dollars a carat.If the people of Russia do not rise up they will have to wait for Oppenheimersdeath, for until then they will not prosper.


A note sent to me [TG] on Mr Strigas 12May98


I have to tell you this about Strigas, since I watched almost all the interviews(I live in Athens) He knows everybody important in Greece. Politicians goafter him (!) to help them for promotion and support by American officials.He HAS many connections abroad and from what he says he knows Stefanopoulos(Clinton's advisor-well known BB) personnaly as a friend. BUT he is almostilliterate, cannot speak Greek properly, makes big mistakes when writingin English (of course some mistakes in supposedly official docs are mistakenon purpose ie false), but all this about universities is bullsh*t. Howeverhe has a relative in NATO or SHAPE in very high position and gets his infofrom there. As far as TC is concerned, he must, according to the reporter,be a last chain of the mechanism. He dresses in expensive and fancy clotheshas lots of money, and has an astonishingly complete database with info onaverybody in Greece!. You get the image. He is a person who does the smalldirty work spreading false info but to make himself credible, he gives awaysome true facts.



Titus Alexander hits the nail on the head with this brilliantly simple proposalthat would begin the process of eroding private corporations' monopoly onour money. The privatised money system is very fragile right now. The gapbetween rich and poor in the UK is at an all time high, the homeless anddamaged begging on the streets and a bogus socialist government in power(smell a Nazi anyone?) Titus' proposal would show how artificially construedall this 'got to tighten your belt' mentality is. The pound could becomethe British peoples' currency again. And the moneymasters would control theeuro not the pound.

As if to prove this point Lord Ahmed, who booked the room for the meetingof the UK Monetary Reform forum mentioned below, was recently in the newscomplaining, quite rightly, about being bugged and phone tapped. Why mightthe government and their advisers have been putting surveillance on a servingpeer? Because they're afraid of his ideas? Or is Lord Ahmed a terrorist aswell now?

Many people believe President Kennedy was assasinated in 1963 because hegot the US treasury to mint Silver Dollars, undermining the privately ownedFederal Reserve Board's monopoly on American money.

If you're new to the money issue the most crucial principle is that the people,through the Treasury, should create and issue money, not the privately ownedand controlled central bank, in the UK case the Bank of England. For morewatch Bill Still's very long but brilliant 'The Moneymasters' video, availablein most international video formats and in broadcast format for TV stationsfrom[TG]

An Amendment to the Budget Bill


Titus Alexander<>

At the meeting of the Monetary Reform forum in the House of Lords on 12thDecember 2001 Rafiq Manji suggested that we should propose an amendment tothe next budget bill: that the proposed Public Spending Borrowing Requirement(PSBR) of £3billion should be created into existence by the government.

This would be an excellent way of putting the case for non-debt money creationto every single MP, the media, other think tanks and the treasury, takingthe argument from James Robertson's book: CREATING NEW MONEY into the widerpolitical and public arena

It's very important that the argument is presented in a clear and sober way,so that it stimulates MP's and others to want to find out more. I thereforesuggest we prepare

1) a one-line amendment which expresses the essence of the proposal;

2) an A3 folder flier [what's that - ed] setting out the main benefits,mechanisms, potential difficulties and other background information, togetherwirth a reading list.

For example a one-line amendment could be something along the following lines:

"That parliament establish an independent monetary board to issue debt-freemoney to replace borrowing for public spending."

That might be all we need at this stage; even if the government wanted toissue its £3bn PSBR debt-free it would take over a year to set up andwould start after the next election at the earliest:

The point is to get the idea into circulation in such a way that curiouspeople are intrigued enough to want to find out more.

This means that the structure of the argunment we present is critical: clear,brief, sober and relevantr, with enough factual examples pf the potentialbenefits, as well as the costs of the present system.

Extracted from the December issue of Prosperity - freedom from debt slaverynewssheet



One thing that has become clear to me through the revelations of MI5whistleblower David Shayler is the extent to which, like the police drugsand vice squads and special branch the Security Services are also in bedwith those they are supposed to be monitoring and, if in the public interest,arresting.

According to Shayler, MI5's 'infiltration' of Class War looks more like a'propping up' operation. Shayler revealed that a Metropolitan Police officerwas recruited to penetrate the organisation. This he did very sucessfully,getting his hands on the membership database rather easily. So successfulwas the spy in fact that he began taking on many of the administrative tasksat Class War. As the jobs nobody wanted to do improved with what was, ineffect, a subsidy to the organisation, memership figures crept higher andhigher and reliability and efficiency of Class War increased dramatically.When the copper was finally pulled out of Class War, largely due to Shayler'sefforts within MI5, the organisation collapsed.

One wonders if the same would happen to the Socialist Workers Party if MI5pulled out of there? The 1999 book 'Defending the Realm, MI5 and the ShaylerAffair' (by Mark Hollingsworth and Nick Fielding) reveals that MI5 recruited25 agents specifically to spy on and penetrate the SWP. The tiny party are,after all, Bolsheviks plotting with the Russians to overthrow the BritishGovernment.

Since then the SWP have become almost as fascist as the labour party whenit comes to insisting members toe the party line. Could it be MI5 have abigger part to play than we thought in creating that party line in the fiorstplace.

So I courteously request MI5 pull their agents out of the SWP. Muy guessis either it would collapse or fall into the hands of true socialists. Iimagine the SS's main reason for not pulling out of the SWP is to preventthe latter.

Any spooks reading this who wish to leak info to me which does not jepoardisenational security (as opposed to the security of a New World 'Festung Europa'Order) but they feel the public should know about...???

You know where I am ;-)

Readit: MI5 and the Shayler Affair, Mark Hollingsworth and Nick Fielding,Andre Deutsch, 1999, ISBN 0-233-99667-2



The State Department?

Wrong. A private club called the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)

"The Council on Foreign Relations is the American Branch of a society whichoriginated in England ... (and) ... believes national boundaries should beobliterated and one-world rule established" WITH NO APOLOGIES, SenatorBarry Goldwater

Roundtable is the best informed and balanced CFR criticism site [don'tgive up if it bounces!]

Site suck Roundtable to your hard drive now using teleport

The Council on Foreign Relations official homepage

The Skull and Bones society - occult order closely connected with the CFR

Foreign Affairs- Journal of the CFR

Use search engines (if you can find a good one) to find up-to-date timelyinfo on the CFR - Possibly the single organisation responsible for more death,pain and squalor than any in history.



Evidence is piling up that former US secretary of State and highly paid private'fixer' Henry Kissinger is indeed a war criminal and should be behind bars.Well, he should certainly stand trial, the question should only be whereand when?

Like the Isreali prime minister Kissinger must be getting scared. A dangerouscondition for a cornered beast to be in.

Nobel prize winner and Guatamalan indigenous leader Rigaberta Menchu hasjoined the fight to get Kissinger to face charges.

So what will Kissingers reaction be if, next time he's in London, he is servedwith a subpoena to appear in court to answer war crimes charges? If his reactionwhen this happened in Paris back in May 2001 is anything to go by he won'tlike it. [TG]

for the latest on Henry on the run.

Power Elite Public Information Service - - to join/leave list.
Please put in a link to - now funded 'til 2003.
This is an occasional (max. 1 per month) email list as part of the campaignfor an open press conference at and public awareness of Bilderberg and similarelite meetings.
See for more info.
Archives: & maybe

1. War on Terrorism or War on Truth?
2. Lawsuit filed against Kissinger for war crimes
3. September 11th premonition (!)
4. US Government's Terrorist Training Camp - Will We Bomb the USA?
5. Humour: "Come on Mr. Taliban - Turn over Bin Laden"
6. Assasins Versus Crusaders?

Welcome to the latest PEPIS bulletin.

This edition is predictably focussed on the bloodletting currently beingperformed by the USA alliance of one (very few even in the UK military orthe Labour party think this war can achieve anything) in Afghanistan.

Just after the so-called war started I did a revamp of the www.bilderberg.orgwebsite. It now includes pages on information warfare, human genetics, theCIA infiltration of the post-war European Arts scene, interference with mysnailmail, the Bank of International Settlements etc. etc. But don't holdyour breath, just after the last PEPIS was sent out back in August the bilderbergwebsite along with was taken out for a day or so.

If this happens again we'll try and sort it out quickly. Please be patientand come back to check it out in an hour or two.

Here's looking forward to the party the day they announce this senselessbombing has stopped.

See and for many good antiwarlinks

Tony G


Power Elite Public Information Service - - to join/leave list.

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Tony Gosling - 31Oct01

The attack on the One World Financial Centre (WTC) was no great surpriseto many of us. It's easy to be wise after the event but a 'spectacular' waspredicted by so-called conspiracy theorists as a pretext for moreinterventionism. In the aftermath why haven't the attacks on Kabul been coveredlive on our TV screens? Why haven't whole sections of the insides of newspapersbeen given over to the ruinous images Afghan photographers are snapping thismorning?

'Self-harming' was planned by the CIA in the sixties to provide a pretextfor the Cuba invasion. (see Many believe Kennedy was assasinated for resisting that US military planfor the invasion of Cuba. If Mossad or the CIA sponsored the S11 attack wemay never know because that considerable likelihood cannot be raised. Evendiscussing the possibility might embarass the military in time of war. ACatch 22 to beat them all.

But it's the rejection by the US State Department of the Taliban's offerto hand Bin Laden over for trial in a neutral country that gives the gameaway. The US elite don't want justice. The military, industry and thegeostrategic planners, to justify their own existence, want war. Some mightsay in the curent economic climate they need a war. They treat the worldstage as a poker table. Wher you have to use bluff and up the stakes to survive.

This so-called war has already acted as a convenient cover for the invasionof Palestine by the Isreali army, the dismantling of domestic civil libertiesand countless other totalitarian moves. How convenient that this war hasno specific objective. The military have an endless list of bogey-men thatthey can persue one after another justifying a never-ending war. If we arepassive or cynical enough to let them.

Many of those who died in the twin towers were not in every sense 'innocent'either. Through poverty, starvation, lack of education, IMF Structural AdjustmentProgrammes and sanctions, economic warfare is killing millions of peopleevery year. The World Bank and IMF have been beating the South back intothe stone age for decades now and the financial speculators in the WorldTrade Centre (The One World Financial Centre) must bear some responsibilityfor helping enforce this cowardly New Financial Order of death by debt. Yes,many of those who died in New York were responsible for reinforcing grotesqueopulence in the west and grinding poverty in the South. Spending, that isgambling, vast sums of money on whatever will generate a profit, anywherein the world, regardless of the human consequences.

The problem comes when you realise some of the greatest profits come fromwar. People will borrow any amount of money at any interest rate to fighta war. Financial dealers and bankers think nothing of lining the pocketsof both sides in a conflict especially when the victor honours the debtsof the vanquished.

This 'war on terrorism' is phoney. Most of the world's terrorists are trainedand sponsored by the covert operations arms of western governments. Particularlyembarrassing is the sheer scale of the US terrorist training programme (seearticle below). MI5 whistleblower David Shayler has pointed out the UKgovernment's foreign intelligence arm MI6 launced a (thankfully) botchedattempt to kill Colonel Gadaffi.

Interference by crumbling and sham democracies such as the EU, UK and USAin the affairs of other countries must come under the spotlight. Currentefforts to make the Zimbabwe economy 'scream' and destabilise elections inviteterrorist retaliation. Incidents like the arrest and humiliating trial forwar crimes of democratically elected Serbian President Milosevich also. ExMI6 officer, Richard Tomlinson, revealed MI6 were planning Milisevic'sassassination.

The terrorists in MI6 must be brought to trial before our government startsthrowing its weight around and pontificating on the subject.

Will Henry Kissinger, who ordered the assassination of democratic Chileangeneral Rene Schneider in 1970, be hanging his head like Milosevic as hewalks into the world criminal court? (see The sooner the better. He's a grave danger to humanity walking the streets(or tearing round the world at breakneck speed) and must be put on trialwithout delay. Why? Because just last night he was keynote speaker at theCentre for Policy Studies in London. One of the primary 'think-tanks' fordeveloping British government policy.

And as the press does its best to untangle the wreckage of the September11th attacks it will do well to examine closely its relations with the I-OPSdepartment of British Military Intelligence.

I-OPS department boasted to whistleblower David Shayler, while he was workingfor MI5, they had 'a spy in every newsroom in Britain'. I-OPS helps vet,unbeknowns to candidates, all employees of the BBC as well as handling 'friendly'reporters and editors such as Dominic Lawson and 'diplomatic' and 'intelligence'correspondants. I-OPS builds up a relationship of trust by feeding reportersexclusive stories from their privileged knowledge of cabinet/military briefsand the intelligence gathered by GCHQ. Real scoops as well as smears arefed to the press. Craving the cudos guillible hacks lap the sweet up withthe sour and regurgitate it all for public consumption.

But these cozy relationships with journalists come into their own in wartimewhen outright lies, designed to bring the public in behind the war and/ortrick the enemy, get presented as fact. And it is precisely in wartime thatjournalists sucked into this I-OPS dance of death, those doing the dirtyon newsroom colleagues who don't support the phoney war, need to search theirconciences. They need to distance themselves by coming clean about wherethey've been tricked in the past and dishing what dirt they know on thosewhose job it is to make sure that the first casualty of war is the truth.

So let's stop boming Kabul right now. This phoney war can only escalate.In the UK we can announce a review of World Bank/IMF programmes and IraqiSanctions by the World Development Movement or similar independent group.Running parallel with a public enquiry into the I-OPS department of UK MilitaryIntelligence.

One final point... If I'm right, and the attacks on the WTC were perpetratedsomewhere within Western Intelligence, watch for British public opinion toswing against this phoney war. It could be time for another 'spectacular'.This time closer to home.


Kissinger accused over Chile plot

(Mr Kissinger has denied his involvement)

Tuesday, 11 September, 2001, 02:53 GMT 03:53 UK

A lawsuit has been filed against the former US Secretary of State Henry Kissingerover his alleged role in the death of the former Chilean army commander,General Rene Schneider, in 1970. The suit was filed in Washington by membersof the general's family. They accuse Mr Kissinger of being involved in whatthey say was a US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) plot to kill him.GeneralSchneider died after resisting a kidnapping attempt which, the family says,was part of a wider plot to prevent the Chilean Marxist leader, SalvadorAllende, from becoming president.Mr Kissinger has repeatedly denied anyinvolvement in General Schneider's death. The court action follows severalrequests by judges in Chile and Argentina judges to question Mr Kissingerover human rights abuses committed during the military regimes of the 1970s.TheBBC correspondent in Washington says the lawsuit stems from an investigationby a US television network, which claims that CIA communications contradictMr Kissinger's version of events.


General Schneider's family say the botched kidnapping attempt took placeas part of a covert White House campaign to prevent Socialist Salvador Allendefrom becoming president.

General Pinochet ousted President Allende

Both Mr Kissinger and his boss, the then-president Richard Nixon, were heavilyinvolved in backing anti-Allende factions in Chile, the indictment alleges.

The general was a key player in Chile at the time as he had provided crucialbacking to Mr Allende after his narrow presidential election victory on 4September 1970. In an apparent attempt to remove Mr Allende's military support,coup plotters attempted to kidnap General Schneider, but shot him when hereached for his gun in self-defence. He died two days after the attempt on24 October 1970 in Santiago's Military Hospital. 'No connection'

Mr Kissinger, President Nixon's national security adviser at the time, andlater secretary of state for both Mr Nixon and his successor, Gerald Ford,has always denied his involvement.

Mr Kissinger served under the late former president Nixon

In 1975, a US Senate investigation established that America had indeed backeda coup which eventually brought down Mr Allende three years later, and setup the dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet.However, Mr Kissinger testifiedbefore the Senate hearing that he cut off all support for the coup plottersthe week before General Schneider was murdered.A high-ranking State Departmentofficial referred to previously declassified documents about the situationin Chile during the 1960s and '70s, saying "the documents speak for themselves".


These three emails were sent to an email list I'm a member of on the morningof the WTC attacks and before dawn broke in the USA. Presented here inChronological order with email addresses and names concealed where necessary:

Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 05:48:13 -0400
Subject: New cool link (Kissinger accused over Chile plot)

A new link appeared at - 'The last 10 things xxxxxxxxxxxxsaw'

Kissinger accused over Chile plot

Mr. Kissinger, how do you plead?


To: "''" <>
Subject: RE: New cool link (Kissinger accused over Chile plot)
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 10:58:17 +0100
X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.27650.21)

Also at

(hidden in the Americas/Chile section)


Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 11:43:32 +0100
From: Tony Gosling <>
Subject: RE: New cool link (Kissinger accused over Chile plot)

Does this mean Kissinger'll have to kick off a nuclear war in Palestine todistract our attention now???



The US has been training terrorists at a camp in Georgia for years - andit's still at it

George Monbiot Tuesday October 30, 2001 The Guardian

"If any government sponsors the outlaws and killers of innocents," GeorgeBush announced on the day he began bombing Afghanistan, "they have becomeoutlaws and murderers themselves. And they will take that lonely path attheir own peril." I'm glad he said "any government", as there's one which,though it has yet to be identified as a sponsor of terrorism, requires hisurgent attention.

For the past 55 years it has been running a terrorist training camp, whosevictims massively outnumber the people killed by the attack on New York,the embassy bombings and the other atrocities laid, rightly or wrongly, atal-Qaida's door. The camp is called the Western Hemisphere Institute forSecurity Cooperation, or Whisc. It is based in Fort Benning, Georgia, andit is funded by Mr Bush's government.

Until January this year, Whisc was called the "School of the Americas", orSOA. Since 1946, SOA has trained more than 60,000 Latin American soldiersand policemen. Among its graduates are many of the continent's most notorioustorturers, mass murderers, dictators and state terrorists. As hundreds ofpages of documentation compiled by the pressure group SOA Watch show, LatinAmerica has been ripped apart by its alumni.

In June this year, Colonel Byron Lima Estrada, once a student at the school,was convicted in Guatemala City of murdering Bishop Juan Gerardi in 1998.Gerardi was killed because he had helped to write a report on the atrocitiescommitted by Guatemala's D-2, the military intelligence agency run by LimaEstrada with the help of two other SOA graduates. D-2 coordinated the"anti-insurgency" campaign which obliterated 448 Mayan Indian villages, andmurdered tens of thousands of their people. Forty per cent of the cabinetministers who served the genocidal regimes of Lucas Garcia, Rios Montt andMejia Victores studied at the School of the Americas.

In 1993, the United Nations truth commission on El Salvador named the armyofficers who had committed the worst atrocities of the civil war. Two-thirdsof them had been trained at the School of the Americas. Among them were RobertoD'Aubuisson, the leader of El Salvador's death squads; the men who killedArchbishop Oscar Romero; and 19 of the 26 soldiers who murdered the Jesuitpriests in 1989. In Chile, the school's graduates ran both Augusto Pinochet'ssecret police and his three principal concentration camps. One of them helpedto murder Orlando Letelier and Ronni Moffit in Washington DC in 1976.

Argentina's dictators Roberto Viola and Leopoldo Galtieri, Panama's ManuelNoriega and Omar Torrijos, Peru's Juan Velasco Alvarado and Ecuador's GuillermoRodriguez all benefited from the school's instruction. So did the leaderof the Grupo Colina death squad in Fujimori's Peru; four of the five officerswho ran the infamous Battalion 3-16 in Honduras (which controlled the deathsquads there in the 1980s) and the commander responsible for the 1994 Ocosingomassacre in Mexico.

All this, the school's defenders insist, is ancient history. But SOA graduatesare also involved in the dirty war now being waged, with US support, in Colombia.In 1999 the US State Department's report on human rights named two SOA graduatesas the murderers of the peace commissioner, Alex Lopera. Last year, HumanRights Watch revealed that seven former pupils are running paramilitary groupsthere and have commissioned kidnappings, disappearances, murders and massacres.In February this year an SOA graduate in Colombia was convicted of complicityin the torture and killing of 30 peasants by paramilitaries. The school isnow drawing more of its students from Colombia than from any other country.

The FBI defines terrorism as "violent acts... intended to intimidate or coercea civilian population, influence the policy of a government, or affect theconduct of a government", which is a precise description of the activitiesof SOA's graduates. But how can we be sure that their alma mater has hadany part in this? Well, in 1996, the US government was forced to releaseseven of the school's training manuals. Among other top tips for terrorists,they recommended blackmail, torture, execution and the arrest of witnesses'relatives.

Last year, partly as a result of the campaign run by SOA Watch, several UScongressmen tried to shut the school down. They were defeated by 10 votes.Instead, the House of Representatives voted to close it and then immediatelyreopen it under a different name. So, just as Windscale turned into Sellafieldin the hope of parrying public memory, the School of the Americas washedits hands of the past by renaming itself Whisc. As the school's Colonel MarkMorgan informed the Department of Defense just before the vote in Congress:"Some of your bosses have told us that they can't support anything with thename 'School of the Americas' on it. Our proposal addresses this concern.It changes the name." Paul Coverdell, the Georgia senator who had foughtto save the school, told the papers that the changes were "basically cosmetic".

But visit Whisc's website and you'll see that the School of the Americashas been all but excised from the record. Even the page marked "History"fails to mention it. Whisc's courses, it tells us, "cover a broad spectrumof relevant areas, such as operational planning for peace operations; disasterrelief; civil-military operations; tactical planning and execution of counterdrug operations".

Several pages describe its human rights initiatives. But, though they accountfor almost the entire training programme, combat and commando techniques,counter-insurgency and interrogation aren't mentioned. Nor is the fact thatWhisc's "peace" and "human rights" options were also offered by SOA in thehope of appeasing Congress and preserving its budget: but hardly any of thestudents chose to take them.

We can't expect this terrorist training camp to reform itself: after all,it refuses even to acknowledge that it has a past, let alone to learn fromit. So, given that the evidence linking the school to continuing atrocitiesin Latin America is rather stronger than the evidence linking the al-Qaidatraining camps to the attack on New York, what should we do about the"evil-doers" in Fort Benning, Georgia?

Well, we could urge our governments to apply full diplomatic pressure, andto seek the extradition of the school's commanders for trial on charges ofcomplicity in crimes against humanity. Alternatively, we could demand thatour governments attack the United States, bombing its military installations,cities and airports in the hope of overthrowing its unelected governmentand replacing it with a new administration overseen by the UN. In case thisproposal proves unpopular with the American people, we could win their heartsand minds by dropping naan bread and dried curry in plastic bags stampedwith the Afghan flag.

You object that this prescription is ridiculous, and I agree. But try asI might, I cannot see the moral difference between this course of actionand the war now being waged in Afghanistan.


This is a flash movie - you may need to download a plugin for your browser- don't bother if you haven't got a sound card though.

I was a bit worried by the 'Bin Laden, nowhere to run, nowhere to hide' atthe end of this short movie - but the overall sentiment I totally agree with.


The information here on The Assassins, The Crusaders and the parallels withthe current demonising of 'Moslem Fundamentalism' is too spooky to ignore.....


Power Elite Public Information Service - - to join/leave list.

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See for more info.

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1. Bilderberg Steering Committee Member Clarke To Lead UK Conservative Party?

2. World's Only Bilderberg Pre-Conference Source Dries Up - Spotlight NewspaperCloses

3. Spotlight Busts Bilderbergers As They Meet On Guarded Island - Final SpotlightReport

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[Note: Ken Clarke's long-time position as one of the 30 man Bilderberg SteeringCommittee means he is at the heart of the conference agenda alongside HenryKissinger and David Rockefeller. Clarke is one of only two Brits on the SyeeringCommittee and decides who gets invited from the UK each year.]

If Ken Clarke makes it to be Tory leader, all three major UK Parties willbe led by men who want Britain to drop the pound for the single Europeancurrency.

Bilderberg Group executive committee member, Kenneth Clarke, has won thevote by Conservative Party MPs to decide who will replace William Hague asleader.

Clarke came first in a vote of the 166 Conservative MPs and Iain Duncan Smithwas second. They will now face a one member one vote election among the 300,000Tory party members with the final winner announced on September 12th.

Michael Portillo, the strong favourite at the start of the campaign and winnerof the two previous votes, is now out of the race after strangely highlightingthe need for a debate over the legalisation of cannabis and the teachingof homsexuality in schools. I say strangely because these were two proposalsguaranteed to turn many Conservative MPs and certainly a vast number of partymembers against him. If he had set out to destroy his own chances, giventhe attitudes of large swathes of the right of centre party, he could nothave chosen two issues more likely to do it.

The ideal situation for the Illuminati is to have Tony Blair (Labour Party),Kenneth Clarke (Conservative Party), and Charles Kennedy** (Liberal Democrats)as leaders of their parties at the time of the "referendum" on replacingthe pound sterling with the single European currency because with all threevehemently in favour of the Euro the pro-argument will dominate the referendumdebate.

It will be interesting, therefore, to see how Clarke's last hurdle, IainDuncan Smith, is treated by the media and the spinners in the leadershipcampaign that will now ensue. Smith says he is strongly against replacingthe pound with the Euro.


Liberty Lobby goes under, ends Spotlight publication - The Washington TimesAndrea Billups - 10July01

Liberty Lobby has closed its doors and its weekly newspaper, the Spotlight,has published its last edition after a federal bankruptcy judge last weekdismissed the group's latest claim for Chapter 11 protection.

The most recent ruling by U.S. bankruptcy Judge S. Martin Teel Jr. puts anend to a complicated eight-year battle between Liberty Lobby founder WillisA. Carto and his former associates at the California-based Institute forHistorical Review (IHR).

IHR sued and won a multimillion-dollar judgment on claims that Mr. Cartoillegally diverted funds from the institute's Texas parent company, the Legionfor the Survival of Freedom. Mr. Carto, a resident of Escondido, Calif.,founded the Washington-based Liberty Lobby in 1955. The nonprofit outfitand its publication, the Spotlight, funded by outside donations andsubscriptions, claimed to be America's key defender of patriotism and a hubfor grass-roots conservative activism. But they also have been criticizedas a fertile breeding ground for the views of anti-government extremists,conspiracists and racists.

Yesterday, as about 25 employees gathered personal belongings and wrappedup last-minute business at the Liberty Lobby offices, located at 300 IndependenceAve., a spokesman defended Mr. Carto and vowed to fight on. "Nobody is reallythat sad, but everybody is mad," said spokesman William Francis. "While LibertyLobby may be dissolved, nobody has given up here. We know that we did nothingwrong as an institution. Everybody has complete faith in Mr. Carto and howhe administered the funds."

While offering few specifics, Mr. Francis hinted that a new incarnation ofthe Spotlight was already in the works. "They may come in and shut us down,but the staff are fully committed to make new efforts to get something going.Over the last several days, we've had hundreds of phone calls to the office,pledges of hundreds of thousands of dollars to set up a new newspaper," hesaid. "We have a citizens army behind us." Mark Weber, director of IHR, saidthe ruling may signal the end of Liberty Lobby, but he predicts Mr. Cartowill endure with some other venture. "This is a welcome culmination of anexhausting, costly, bitter legal and public relations dispute," said Mr.Weber, who has been assailed in the pages of the Spotlight as a "rat," "weasel,""toilet bowl," "co*ckroach" and "devil."

Mr. Francis yesterday reiterated his claims that IHR plans to sell one ofthe Liberty Lobby's final assets, its subscriber mailing list, to such watchdogorganizations as the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-DefamationLeague, which have been critical of both feuding groups. "It's a lie," Mr.Weber said of those claims.

Liberty Lobby once sued the Wall Street Journal for having called theorganization "anti-Semitic." But Judge Robert Bork dismissed the suit in1984, declaring, "If anti-Semitism has a core, factual meaning, it wasdemonstrated here." Mr. Carto, a 74-year-old native of Fort Wayne, Ind.,has been called "the most influential anti-Semite in the United States."About 90,000 people are paid subscribers to the Spotlight, which in 1981had an estimated readership of more than 300,000.

The weekly's "favorite political targets included the Rockefellers, theRothschilds, Henry Kissinger, the Council on Foreign Relations and the 'Zionistentity' in Palestine," according to author Dennis King.

Mr. Carto played a key role in co-founding IHR in 1978. The Anti-DefamationLeague has called IHR "the world's single most important outlet forHolocaust-denial propaganda" Mr. Carto was ousted by IHR's board of directorsin September 1993 after the staff complained, among other things, of Mr.Carto's interference in editorial decisions for the Journal of HistoricalReview, an IHR publication.


- The last Spotlight Bilderberg report

SPOTLIGHT - Bilderberg is gloomy over setbacks in its plans for world governmentand the presence of an Arab leader suggests meddling in the Mideast liesahead.

By James P. Tucker Jr. -6th June 2001

STENUNGSUND, Sweden-Bilderberg took dramatic action to keep its program fora world government from possible collapse while planning some kind ofintervention in the Middle East.

While Bilderberg has always held its secret sessions behind heavy securityand armed guards, this year a SWAT team joined in patrolling the groundsof the Quality Hotel Stenungsbaden.

SPOTLIGHT reporter Christopher Bollyn was seized on private property by Swedishpolice, driven six miles into the wilderness and dumped. A European reporterwas held for several hours.

Tensions among Bilderberg and its armada of police, private security andpersonal bodyguards was high because of extensive coverage by Swedish mediagenerated by The SPOTLIGHT's early advisories.

This reporter spent hours being interviewed by newspapers, magazines andbroadcasters throughout Bilderberg's sessions.

Local coverage was persistent, day by day. The large number of reporterscollaborated to keep the gates guarded virtually 24 hours a day. Bilderbergrefused, even under the pressure of hostile coverage by major newspapers,to yield up its list of participants and the agenda.

However, participants were identified by sight.

Sources inside Bilderberg and people who move in Bilderberg circles backin D.C. provided more names and information on what transpired behind theguarded gates. From inside the resort, a source was finally able to provideThe SPOTLIGHT with a hand-copied list of names and the agenda - at greatpersonal risk.

Notably absent was Carl Bildt, United Nations envoy to the Balkans and hostcountry Sweden's former prime minister. A long-time Bilderberg luminary,Bildt was attending a meeting of the Aspen Society -an arm of Bilderberg-inBrussels.

Notably present was Mohammed Nash a shibi, finance minister in Yasser Arafat'sPalestinian Authority. He was identified by Roland Rossier of l'Hebdo magazine,who is doing an in-depth story of Liberty Lobby and The SPOTLIGHT's pursuitof Bilderberg over the years. Nashashibi's presence signals some interventionin the Middle East.

Bilderberg is fearful that the European Union might be coming apart whena few years ago it had expected Britain to be a full partner and embracethe euro by now. A new leader in Italy who plans dramatic tax cuts that wouldconfound the euro troubles them.

Further depressing Bilderberg is fear that "right-wing nationalists" in theUnited States will, with help from such countries as Brazil, block PresidentBush's Free Trade Area of the Americas from emerging as scheduled in 2005.

The secret group is determined that the Western Hemisphere become a singleeconomic and political entity like the Euro pean Union, where member-stateshave already surrendered most of their national sovereignty.

In a panic, Bilderberg ordered Europhiles in Britain's Conservative Partyto bring participation in the common currency to the top of the list ofpriorities as soon as the expected Labor Party victory in the June 7 electionsis official. It is already being privately discussed with Labor Party leaders.

The orders were transmitted by Kenneth Clarke, a Conservative member ofParliament and former chancellor of the exchequer. Clarke is dedicated toBilderberg's campaign for a world government. It was what one called "Maggie'srevenge" that prompted the Bilderberg panic.

While Bilderberg was hiding here, Margaret Thatcher, former prime minister,was speaking to a Conservative Party rally:

"The greatest issue in this election, indeed the greatest issue before ourcountry, is whether Britain is to remain a free, independent nation stateor whether we are to be dissolved into a federal Europe. There are nohalf-measures, no third ways and no second chances."

The Conservative Party and its candidate for prime minister, William Hague,had made a deal with the Labour Party to keep the issue of joining the commoncurrency out of the campaign debate. The Conservatives would publicly ruleout the euro only for the duration of the next Parliament.

This was fine for the Labor Party and Europhiles in the Conservative Partywho are committed to a federal Europe because two-thirds of the British peopleare opposed to giving up the pound or surrendering more sovereignty to theEU. The internationalists wanted more time to condition the British mindto accept the superstate and euro.

Lady Thatcher's outspoken opposition, in spite of her own party's admonition,forced Bilderberg to issue orders for Conservative and Labor Party leadersto bring the euro to the top of the priority list immediately after the election.They didn't want to press the issue this early in the face of popular oppositionbut felt their hand was forced.

Bilderberg referred to Lady Thatcher's intervention as "Maggie's revenge"because it had manipulated her downfall as prime minister because she opposedsurrendering sovereignty to the EU and joining the common currency. LadyThatcher later confirmed this in a personal conversation with a SPOTLIGHTreporter.

The effects of Lady Thatcher's strong, unscripted speech took a comical turn.Tony Blair, Labor's prime minister, felt com pelled to argue that it is"patriotic " to "share sovereignty" with the EU and "patriotic" to give upthe pound, a symbol of sovereignty, in favor of the euro.

Conservative candidate Hague had been hammering the Labor Party over itssupport of EU plans to "harmonize" taxes among the EU states. The Tory leadersaid the EU planned to "harmonize" taxes such as VAT, (value-added tax) andbroaden it to include books, transport and clothing. "More and more of therights and powers of the British people are being signed away," Hague saidat campaign rallies.

Labor and Liberal Party functionaries rushed out to denounce Hague's "scaremongering" and deny there is a plan to harmonize taxes. EU officials alsoissued denials.


Hague produced a "leaked document" from the EU that The Guardian of Europedescribed as "a document on tax priorities which did, as the Tories alleged,envisage harmonization of some taxes, including those governing transferablepensions and environmental taxes."

Bilderberg is fearful that Italy will rip another seam in the EU becauseof the election of Silvio Berlusconi and his conservative coalition in earlyMay.

The Bilderberg-controlled Washington Post called him "the biggest challengeyet to the young euro currency" on May 18. Post Publisher Donald Graham,like all his predecessors since 1954, attended the Bilderberg meeting here.

Berlusconi, though a multi-millionaire, is far removed from Bilderberg andits agenda. He has pledged dramatic tax cuts which, Bilderberg participantssaid, un dermine the euro. He was also denounced by Bilderberg for"anti-immigration views."

Bilderberg urged members from Italy to search for ways to prevent Berlusconifrom becoming head of government. Unfortunately, the process is slow. Italy'snew parliament did not convene until May 30. The new government must havea vote of confidence in both houses before it is sworn in, probably aroundmid-June.

Italians assigned to try to trip Ber lusconi are: Giovanni and Umberto Agnelli,father and son owners of Fiat; Franco Bernabe the nation's representativeon Balkan reconstruction; Paolo Fresco, chairman of Fiat and Giulio Tremorti,of the Chamber of Deputies finance commission.

Bilderberg was already concerned that "provincial nationalism" on the partof Americans would ultimately block the emergence of the "American Union"when the stunning news arrived that the defection of Sen. James Jeffords(Vt.) from the Republican Party would put Democrats in control of the Senate.

"Now we have to worry about those [Pat] Buchanan [expletive deleted] gangingup with the labor unions to stop the FTAA in a Democratic Senate," said one.

On the formal agenda, Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.) and newspaper tycoonConrad Black led a 90-minute discussion on "the New U.S. Administration"at 8:30 on Saturday, May 26.

President Bush was given high marks for promoting the FTAA, but all speakersexpressed disappointment that he rejected the Kyoto Treaty, one of the buildingblocks of Bilderberg's world government campaign. They also expressed confidencethat Bush could be pressed into backing some kind of "global warming" pactthat would enhance UN control of the world.

Richard Perle, assistant secretary of defense, then led a discussion called"Euro pean Security Defense Identity and Transatlantic Security." Perle attendedBilderberg meetings on behalf of President Ronald Reagan in the 1980s. Therewas debate, but no consensus on President Bush's plan for a missile shield.

Bilderberg participants then boarded the cruise ship Erik-which had a big"B" painted on a smokestack-for lunch and non-agenda deal-making.

In the afternoon, Henry Kissinger presided over a discussion of "The Riseof China: Its Impact on Asia and the World." Kissinger, through his internationalconsulting firm, Kissinger Associates, has extensive financial interestsin Red China.

It was universally agreed that the United States must "remain engaged" inChina and "not be distracted" by such incidents as crashing American planesin international air space. The importance of "opening Chinese markets" andsmoothing its path into the World Trade Organization was stressed.

It is important, Bilderberg stressed, especially for the benefit of Doddand Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.), that Congress erect "no barriers" to China'sentry into the WTO because of "petty reactions to some incidents."

Both Dodd, 57, and Hagel, 55, are participating for the third time. Theyare regarded by Bilderberg colleagues as potential presidents. They are fromopposite parties and Bilderberg likes to own both horses in a two-horse race.

Former President Bill Clinton was an obscure governor of Arkansas when heattended Bilderberg for the first time in 1991 at Baden-Baden, Germany.

The closing session on Sunday, May 27, addressed the subject: "What ShouldGovernments Do About Food Quality?" It was led by Franz Fischler, who representsAustria in the European Union. The conclusion was predictable: a UN bureaucracymust be established to make certain the global population has a healthy diet.

"Bilderberg is really dazed," said an inside source. "They thought by nowthe EU would be a full super-state with nation-states obsolete. Now theyare afraid the whole agenda could unravel." With the U.S. Senate "turnedupside down, they are afraid Big Labor will help stop the FTAA and the 'AmericanUnion' will never happen," the Bilderberg source said.

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This is an occasional (max. 1 per month) email list as part of the campaignfor an open press conference at and public awareness of Bilderberg and similarelite meetings.

See for more info.

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1. UK TV this Thursday - Brass Eye returns to Channel 4
2. Swedish lawyer demands removal of article from
3. Bohemian Grove protest action, July 14th, California--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Thursday 5th July 2001 - Channel 4 - 10:35pm-------------------------------------------- Channel 4 lawyers will be bitingtheir nails this week as Chris Morris returns for a one off update of hissatirical news show Brass Eye. Thursday night's programme is followed bythe first in a repeat showing of this classic satirical news series. Manybelieve complaints from powerful people including politicians about thecontroversial 1997 series led to the resignation of Michael Grade as ChiefExecutive of Channel 4.

The series was characterised by well-known figures being conned into believingfar-fetched stories. So convinced was Marin Amis MP by Morris's spoof drug'cake', which he even willingly described as '...a made up drug, made upin your kitchen' he raised the issue in the House of Commons.

In another item TV game show hosts Noel Edmonds and Nicholas Parsons deliveredheart-felt appeals for help about an elephant that had supposedly got itshead stuck up it's backside.

Brass Eye returns to Channel 4 this Thursday at 10.35pm - have your VCR atthe ready



This morning I recieved a personal legal threat relating to the bilderberg.orgwebsite. It is from Swedish lawyers Danowsky and Partners and demands I removea translated article from their Newspaper printed on May 13th 2001.

The article is currently at

There was a successful attempt last year to close the previous version ofthe website when an anonymous Freemason wrote to Demon internet about thepage

accusing me of "inciting hatred of an innoccuous society". Demon instantlyclosed the site.

Here is the text of the letter from Stockholm with my comments, followedby the article they want me to remove. I welcome suggestions about what todo.



Danowsky and Partners

Advokatbyra [advocates]

Hovslagartan 5

Box 16097, S-103 22 Stockholm

Telephone +46 8-614 64 00

Telefax +46 8-678 09 25


Stockholm 29-6-2001

Mr Tony Gosling
5 Warden Road

Re: The website with the address

Dear Mr Gosling,

I am writing to you on behalf of Peter Bratt and AB Dagens Nyhetter ("DN"),owner and publisher of Dagens Nyheter, the largest daily morning newspaperin Sweden [swoon]. According to information found on the you are the contact person regarding material presentedon the website.

On the website is reproduced an article, translated intoEnglish, which [is one of the best ever press pieces on Bilderberg and...]is the property of DN. The article is written by Peter Bratt and has beenpublished in the newspaper Dagens Nyheter on May 13th 2001. DN has not givenits consent to any use of this article on the website.

The reproduction of the article on the website is an infringement on thecopyright of Peter Bratt and DN. [even though the source is credited andlinked to and is being used on a not-for profit site]

Peter Bratt and DN now require that the article in question be removed fromthe website. DN expects a confirmation in writing no later than July 30,2001 that the article has been removed and will not be used on the websiteagain.

Yours sincerely,

Ulf Isaksson

Danowsky and Partners


Here, in full, is the English translation of the article they are tryingto remove from the site. My guess is that there is a fear about the articlebeing translated into English.

Thanks again to the kind Swede who translated it for us all.




13 May 2001 - Dagens Nyheter - Swedish Daily Newspaper - http://www.dn.sePeter Bratt

On the 24th of may the secretive Bilderberg-group starts their meeting inStenungsund, Sweden. Host for the meeting is the Wallenberg-group´spowerful corporation Investor which has booked the entire conference hotelStenungsbaden. More than one hundred of the world´s most powerful andwealthy people are gathering in total seclusion to discuss the problems ofthe world.. DN is the first newspaper able to disclose what is going on behindthe curtains.

The power-holders meeting at Hotel Stenungsbaden

The hotel - is situated on an island outside Stenungsund on the Swedishwestcoast. This is where the members of the Bilderberg-group is going tobe meeting from the 24. to 28. of May. In the spacious Bohus-salongs witha view over Hakefjord some of North America´s and Europe´s mostinfluential persons will discuss big politics and business. The meeting is“private”, so nobody needs to worry about being quoted in media.

Security measures

Investor is host of the meeting and has hired the entire hotel. The Swedishsecret police, SÄPO, is responsible for the Swedish participants - andresponsible for surveillance of the perimeters of the hotel and beyond. Prominentforeign participants have protection of their own respective state securityservices. These have contacted Säpo and required permission to carryarms. A person like Henry Kissinger still has protection of the US SecertService. Drawings over the layout of the hotel has been classified and thestaff of the hotel has been instructed not to discuss the meeting with media.

The delegations - each country sends a delegation of, usually, 3 persons:

1 prominent industry- or business-leader.
1 politician of high ranking (minister, primeminister, senator).
1 intellectual (an academic or chief editor, for instance).

Sweden often has had more than three participants, and this year probablywill have an extra surplus - being that the meeting is held in Sweden. TheUnited States has most participants because of it´s size. Individualparticipants are seated in alphabetical order, not delegation by delegation.

The “Chatham House-rule”:

Citing direct quotes is forbidden according to this rule, which was createdin 1927 by the Royal British Foreign Policy-Institute, whose seat is in theChatham House. Nobody is allowed to tell who said what. The purpose for thisrule is supposed to be, that every participant should be able to speak freely,without any risk of being criticised by their employer, by parlament - orby media.


Six “panels”, with three members in each, leads the conversations.Each panel lasts for the duration of approximately two hours. After anintroductionary speech of about ten minutes, the rest of participants choose- when they want to enter into the conversation - whether they want to speakfor one, three or five minutes - by raising one, three or five fingers.One-minute-speakers get to speak first.


NB. The above two items came with a graphic illustration of the seatingarrangements in the plenary - surrounded by 21 photos of certain namedparticipants (maybe you could get lucky and find this on the homepage ofthe newspaper: - or by getting a copy of the actual newspaper.PH).


Facts/ previous meetings in Sweden:

This year´s meeting in Stenungsund will be the fourth time that theBilderberg-group gathers in Sweden.

- The first time was in 1962 at Saltsjöbaden. At that time there were8 Swedes participating, headed by Stateminister Tage Erlander, industry-tycoonMarcus Wallenberg and the national labour union leader Arne Geier. The presswas astonished by the near total secrecy - and DN´s editorial describedit as ludicrous.

- In 1973 was the next occasion and again it was staged at theWallenberger´s Grand Hotel in Saltsjöbaden. Now Stateminister OlofPalme was attending together with Financeminister Gunnar Sträng andForeign Minister Krister Wickman. And, of course, Marcus Wallenberg.

- In 1984 the meeting again was held at Saltsjöbaden - and this timeWallenberg had been replaced by the boss of Saab-Scania, Sten Gustafsson.Palme was there again, and previous Army Chief in Command, Stig Synnergren,Peter Wallenberg from the SE-Bank and Hans Werthén from Electrolux.Representatives from “The Economist”, Le Monde and New York Timeswere included at that time. Palme explained to DN about the Bilderberg-meetingsthat “they are of great informational value and that is why I haveparticipated from time to time since 1965”.

The Bilderberg-group publishes an “information”-folder: The latestis dated January 2001. General Secretary and Chairman is Martin Taylor fromGoldman Sachs. In the Steering Committee´s Secretariat of 30 persons,Jacob Wallenberg (SEB) is the only Swede. The membership register includes110 names. Four of them are Swedish: Percy Barnevik (Investor), Sten Gustafsson(Saab-Scania), Björn Lundvall (Ericsson) and Marcus Wallenberg (Investor).Most strikingly is the fact, that all Swedes - with permanent positions inBilderberg - belong to the Wallenberg-empire.

INFILTRATION and NUCLEAR POWER has been on the agenda down through the years.

What can be found out from the agendas of the Bilderberg-meetings from 1954to 2000?

The Soviet Union, Communist infiltration, NATO, Nuclear Power, the Germanunification, the Satelite- states - these have all been standing topics ofdiscussion. Economic-, military- and police-coordination against the SovietUnion seems to have been the main theme. In 1969 one topic was the instabilityof the West, which logically must have concerned the 68-revolts. After thefall of the Iron-curtain, the topics have shifted to such as “threatsagainst Globalisation” and the unrest in the Balkans. In 1995 they wereasking whether the “IT-society is creating a new set of political behaviour?”. In 1997 they were worrying about “whether continual economicgrowth may threathen social solidarity in the West ?”. And last yearit was questioned whether rightist-extremism might pose a threat?

Main Article:


The Bilderberg-group is having a meeting in Stenungsund on the west-coast24 - 28th of May.

“The secret highpriests of capitalism and globalisation”, theircritics claim. “Nonsense”, says Minister of Trade, Leif Pagrotsky,who is going to participate - “the meetings serve a purpose to reduceprejudices and misunderstandings”.

The Bilderberg-group is often depicted as some sort of free-masons, wherethe powerful of the world, in secrecy, are drawing up the guidelines forhow capital may rule, without interference from either people or public scrutiny.

It sounds tantalising, but the picture becomes quite different when you speakwith persons who´ve participated frequently in the meetings.

On the Internet and in the newspaper files, even in the big internationalones, there is very little to be found about the Bilderberg-group. Whatyou´ll find is mostly the “run-of-the mill conspiracies” -not any accounts of what actually takes place at the meetings.

The group was formed in 1954, on initiative of the Netherlands - and wasnamed after the first conference- hotel, Bilderberg. It had a lot to do withtrying to strengthen the ties between USA and Europe in the face of the threatfrom the Soviet Union and communism. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands servedas the front figure.

Carl Bildt, who has participated in six meetings, says: “There are severalconferences of this sort of type, where people are gathered for a concentrateddiscussion on subjects of acute importance. Most of the time they are carriedout under what is called Chatham House rules, which means that you may usethe information given - but you must never tell who have told what. Thisis normal.

Bilderberg is an old and merited group. There are others which are somewhatmore dynamic. Discussions may be on a variety of subjects. Last year I remembera real battle over the sanctions against Austria. I am not going to beparticipating this year. I have to be at the Aspen-conference instead, whichhas a similar purpose, in the north of Italy and at the same time”,says Carl Bildt. Prophessor Anders Åslund, peace-researcher at theCarnegie Fund in Washington and previous economic advisor for the Russiangovernment, says: “Bilderberg is a private network of influential personsfrom Western Europe and North America. Approximately 110 people are participatingeach year. The idea is to have a discussion of the world´s big economicand political issues.

Every country has a coordinator, who is permitted to invite participants.In Sweden it has been from the beginning Marcus Wallenberg (senior) and lateron, Sten Gustafsson from Saab - and now it is Percy Barnevik. Normally, smallcountries are allowed to have three participants, but Sweden usually hasa few more. Carl Bild is admitted on an “international quota”.A typical delegation is comprised of one person from industry - a businessmanor a chief of a bank - one prominent politician, preferably a primeminister,a finance- or foreignminister, and some intellectual, who usually is an academicor some chief editor.

Swedish politicians don´t seem particularly interested in internationalissues - Björn Rosengren was present once in Portugal, and Leif Pagrotskyis one of the few who is genuinely interested. There are usually six panelson different subjects which are staged in two-hour sessions. All meetingsare held in a pleni-auditorium, the participants are sitting in alphabeticalorder - and also the panels are put together according to the principal:industry, politics, analysts. I find it to be valuable meetings with a strongdisciplin. The introductionary speaker usually confines himself to a tenminutes speech - and after that you may raise one, three or five fingerssignifying as many minutes. One-minute speakers get the floor first. Thisis no conspiracy - it is stimulating and one learns a lot. They are veryprominent participants, often strong personalities and in the duration ofthe meetings one will usually get the chance to speak with half of them.

Jurgen Schrempp (Daimler-Chrysler) is usually there plus Conrad Black (TheTelegraph, Canada) and Bertrand Collomb (Lafarge), the chiefs of the Germanand French National Banks, Giovanni Agnelli (Fiat) and the bosses of IMF,the World Bank - and the World Trade Organisation, WTO.

I usually end up sitting next to Bernard Arnault from the french luxury-firmLVMH and Paul Allaire (Xerox), because of the alphabetical order. VernonJordan is usually always there (Lazard Brothers) - and either the owner ofWashington Post, Katherine Graham - or her son. There are usually three senatorsfrom the USA - like John Kerry (democrat), Chuck Hagel (republican) andChristopher Dodd (democrat). Kenneth Clarke (previous British conservativeMinister of Finance) is often there. There are few representatives from labourunions, at most a couple from USA. But social democrats are usually wellrepresented through european politicians, such as Peter Mendelsohn. HenryKissinger or Peter Carrington is usually chairman. Percy Barnevik normallybrings along Marcus or Jacob Wallenberg - one year it was Tom Hedelius anda minister and an intellectual, like myself. But this year I am not attending.

The normal agenda covers Russia, Japan, China, big economic questions likethe cooperation east-west and the Balkans”, ends mr Åslund.

The Swedish Minister for this year is Leif Pagrotsky, who also attended lastyear. He explains: “Industry often has an odd perception of those ofus who are working in politics. Even in such a small country as Sweden -we are living in seperate worlds. When we are invited, I think we shouldparticipate and not remain standing on the sideline claiming that this isjust too conservative... Last year, I didn´t see many social democratsin the assembly, but it is good that persons like myself, from a small europeanparty on the left, get to meet senators from the USA - and vice versa”,says the Minister of Trade.

“When I have travelled the anglo-saxon business-world, I have oftenbeen met by a belief, that a Swedish socialdemocratic minister is some kindof half-communist, who hasn´t got any grasp on economy. It is very usefulto be able to air out prejudices and misconseptions. The fact, that the meetingsare secret, or rather, private - in the way that one doesn´t disclosewhat other people have said, is actually quite normal - this is the sameway of things within the EU and OECD, too.

What is not really good, is all the strange conceptions about theBilderberg-group that abound. Between the EU and the USA there have beena lot of suspicion and struggle. That is why it is important that representativesfrom both sides are given the opportunity to understand the reasoning ofthe other side. Last year year´s meeting was concerned with the expansionof the EU, the situation in Eastern Europe and the situation in the USA,before the presidential elections. What it will be this year, I don´tknow”, says Minister of Trade, Leif Pagrotsky.

Kissinger not welcome during the Vietnam - years.

Henry Kissinger was invited for the meeting in Saltsjöbaden in 1973.That was one year after Olof Palme´s scourching attack on the bombingsof the United States´ in Vietnam, which he compared to the nazi atrocitiesduring the Second World War. Foreign Minister Krister Wickman let the emmessaryof the USA know, that Kissinger´s visit was not appropriate and onlywould make matters worse - as both Palme and Wickman were going to participatein the meeting. And they would not be able to only “talk about theweather”... Kissinger became furious and ordered the State Department,Foreign Ministry of the USA, to give Wickman a genuine scolding. The StateDepartment leaked it to the press, that the Swedish government had informedKissinger, that he was not welcome. Now it became the Bilderberger´sturn to react. Prince Bernhard became so angry at the Swedish government,that he threatened to move the entire meeting. This, in turn, got MarcusWallenberg´s attention - so he rushed up to Olof Palme, who straightawaytelephoned prince Bernhard, and sent Sverker Åström on an errandto the American Embassy to assure them, that the whole matter, naturally,was a misunderstanding. The Swedish government hadn´t said that Kissingerwasn´t wellcome, of course not... Palme claimed the same thing in frontof the press.

But that it definitely was so - and that Palme was not telling the truth- is proven by documents, which DN´s Kurt Mälarstedt has locatedin Washington.

Peter Bratt.......................

(NB. The above item was accompanied with a photocopy of part of the document- sub-titled: “Furious Kissinger. Letter from the archives of the AmericanStatedepartment sent from Henry Kissinger to Ernst Beuget in theBilderberger-group´s council. PH).

"Schlaug a hard critic of the group"

The spokesman of the Swedish Greens (Miljöpartiet), Birger Schlaug,is one of the critics of the Bilderberg-group:

- Their motivation is, that the elite shall be able to act in secrecy. Itis not because they are evil, but because they believe in what they are doing.International capital wants to remove all obstacles to globalisation - andall obstacles to the right of capital to act freely without constrictionssuch as regard for the environment, social responsibility or human rights.Demands from local democracies are such obstacles.

- The Bilderberg-group is striving after a consensus, a mutual understanding,in their view of the role of capital. Both Liberals (Moderates) andSocial-democrats have subjected themselves to this view, or share it - howeveryou choose to see it.

- What I´m reacting to, is that the participants deny that the meetingshave such great significanse, when in fact they have amassed such an unheardof and uncontrolled power.”


You can print off the flyer from

Bohemian Grove:

Corporate globalizers and their political hench “men” are comingto Sonoma County. And it will be just MEN, 2,500 men -- no women allowed– gathered at Bohemian Grove July 14 for an annual discussion of theirfuture plans of corporate globalization and racist repression.The Grove isan elite summer camp of many of the top (male) figures in the Bushadmin-istration such as Dick Cheney & Donald Rumsfeld. CEOs of Fortune500 giants like DuPont, PG&E, & Bank of America, those responsiblefor creating and profiting off the power crisis,and other of the world’smost powerful and destructive individuals will be there. It was at BohemianGrove in 1942 that the atomic bomb Manhattan Project was planned.

Everyone opposed to corporate globalization and the Bush program should jointhe march at Bohemian Grove.

"Globalization" has become a buzzword, but what does it mean? For thecorporations and their politicians, it means “freedom.” Freedomof capital – particularly – to exploit the labor andresources of the world.They’ll break down or destroy anything that standsin the way of maximizing profits – whether it's labor unions orenvironmental regulations, public services or national independence.

At the same time, masters of globalization seek to "discipline" the workingand poor people of the globe, to force us to accept the dictatorship of themarket and the deteriorating conditions of work and life that it imposes.Theyuse the World Bank and IMF, the WTO and the FTAA to force austerity planson scores of developing and poor countries.Those who resist are subjectedto war, intervention, occupation and blockade – Iraq, Cuba, Palestine,Korea, Colombia,Angola, China, Mexico, etc. Now the Bush administration proposesa new Star Wars, pursuing nuclear first-strike capability in the guise of"national missile defense."

Prisons and Racist Repression — Globalization at Home: Globalizationis the program of the Bush regime abroad and at home.The slashing ofeducation,housing,health care, job training and other social programs isa form of domestic austerity. Union busting,eliminating affirmativeaction,attacks on women's rights and on the lesbian/gay/bi and transgenderedcommunities,and the wholesale destruction of the environment and environmentalstandards, are all part of globalization at home.

They’ve replaced jobs,housing and education with a booming racistprison-industrial complex.These concentration camps for the poor hold over2 million people. We must fight rising police brutality, the targeting ofcommunities of color, the death penalty and mass incarceration.

Let us make July 14 2001 a day of mass resistance against the modern monarchsof capital, a day when we say NO to corporate globalization, NO to thereactionary Bush pr ogram,and YES to meeting people's needs. Join us!

2pm - Monte Rio

(Approx . 5 miles W. of Guerneville on Hwy 116) Storming of the Bastille,the start of the Great French Revolution, July 14,1789 from SF! Call fortickets/info:

(415) 821-6545

Initial Sponsors:Bohemian Grove Action Network,Intl. Action Ctr., Green Action,West County Toxics Coalition,International Indian Treaty Council,SF NationalLawyers Guild,California Prison Focus & more Leaflet issued by InternationalAction Center

For more info visit

PROTEST Globalization

DEFEAT the Bush Agenda


Celebrate Bastille Day 2001 at Bohemian Grove

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2001 'Press Release' and 'participant list' with agenda

"I don't think it's true to say that we want to keep it [Bilderberg] out[of the public conciousness], we never wanted to get it in. We don't encouragepeople to mention it in the mainstream press because we don't encourage idlespeculation about what we do. ...... We forbid individual attendees fromgiving press meetings at our conferences, and we do that not because we'resecrecy mad, but because we want to control the politicians who come." MartinTaylor - Secretary General, Bilderberg - interviewed by Jon Ronson

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Typical Bilderberg 'doublespeak' this document is in fact neither a pressrelease nor a complete participant list. There is clear evidence from pastyears that politically sensitive participants are not listed. The list isnot available before the conference, so it is not a press release.



24 May 2001

The 49th Bilderberg Meeting will be held in Stenungsund, Sweden 24-27th May2001. Among other subjects the conference will discuss Defence, China/Japan,Russia, Europe, Productivity, Agriculture, Middle East, Globalisation.

Approximately 110 participants from North America and Europe will attendthe discussions. The meeting is private in order to encourage frank and opendiscussion. [and so that commitments made by politicians to businessmen andbankers can remain secret]

Bilderberg takes its name from the hotel in Holland where the first meetingtook place in May 1954. That pioneering meeting grew out of the concern expressedby leading citizens on both sides of the Atlantic that Western Europe andNorth America were not working together as closely as they should on commonproblems of critical importance. It was felt that regular off-the-recorddiscussions would help create a better understanding of the complex forcesand major trends affecting Western nations in the difficult post-war period.

The Cold War has now ended [and we must ask ourselves: was it real?] Butin practically all respects there are more, not fewer, common problems -from trade to jobs, from monetary policy to investment, from ecologicalchallenges to the task of promoting of international security. It is hardto think of any major issue in either Europe or North America whose unilateralsolution would not have repercussions for the other.

Thus the concept of a European-American forum has not been overtaken by time.The dialogue between these two regions is still - even increasingly - critical.

What is unique about Bilderberg as a forum is the broad cross-section ofleading citizens that are assembled for nearly three days of informal andoff-the-record discussions about topics of current concern especially inthe fields of foreign affairs and the international economy; the strong feelingamong participants that in view of the differing attitudes and experiencesof the Western Nations, there remains a clear need to further develop anunderstanding in which these concerns can be accommodated; the privacy ofthe meetings, which has no purpose other than to allow participants to speaktheir minds openly and freely. In short, Bilderberg is a small, flexible,informal and off-the-record international forum in which different viewpointscan be expressed and mutual understanding enhanced.

Bilderberg's only activity is it's annual conference.[you forgot the steeringgroup, which invites speakers and meets more frequently]. At the meetingsno resolutions are proposed, no votes taken, and no policy statements issued[at least none that are attributed to Bilderberg]. Since 1954, forty-sevenconferences have been held. The names of the participants are made availableto the press. Participants are chosen for their experience, their knowledge,and their standing; all participants attend Bilderberg in a private and notan official capacity. There are usually about 120 participants of whom abouttwo-thirds come from Europe and the balance from North America. About onethird are from government and politics, and two-thirds from finance, industry,labor, education, communications.

Participants have agreed not to give interviews to the press during the meeting.In contacts with the news media after the conference it is an establishedrule that no attribution should be made to individual participants of whatwas discussed during the meeting.

There will be no press conference. A list of participants is appended.

24 May 2001


Stenungsund, Sweden 24-27May 2001


Honorary Secretary General - Taylor, Martin J

Honorary Chairman - Davignon, Etienne

USA. Allaire, Paul A. - Chairman of the board of directors and CEO, XeroxCorporation

DK. Andersen, Bodil Nyboe - Governor, Central Bank of Denmark

GB. Balls, Ed - Chief Economic Adviser, Spads, HM Treasury

P. Balsemão, Francisco Pinto - Professor of Communication Science,New University of Lisbon; Chairman, Impresa SGPS; Former Prime Minister.

S. Barnevik, Percy - Chairman, Investor AB and ABB (Asea Brown Boveri Ltd.)

N. Bergesen, Jr. Finn - Administrative director, NHO (Confederation of NorwegianBusiness and Industry)

I. Bernabè, Franco - Chairman, Franco Bernabè Group; InternationalBoard of the World Economic Forum; Special Representative of the Governmentof Italy to the Balkan, Board member of Peres Center for Peace (President- Uri Savir).

F. Beytout, Nicolas - Editor-in-Chief, Les Echos

CDN. Black, Conrad M. - Canada, Chairman and C.E.O., Hollinger International,Inc.; Chairman, Telegraph Group Ltd.

F. Bon, Michel - Chairman and CEO of France Télécom

IRL. Bruton, John - Leader, Fine Gael; Former Prime Minister of Ireland;Vice Chairperson of the EPP and CDI

D. Burda, Hubert - Germany, Publisher, Burda Verlag (magazines) media

NL. Burgmans, Antony - Netherlands, C.E.O, Unilever NV

E. Cebrián, Juan L. - VC, Sogecable, S.A. (TV Broadcasting); CEO PRISA(El Pais)

F. Collomb, Bertrand - Chairman and CEO, Lafarge; Director, Total Fina ElfGroup (petroleum & chemicals), Atco; Supervisory Board, Allianz; Boardof Directors, Credit Commercial de France

CH. Couchepin, Pascal - Minister of Economic Affairs; Head of the Swiss FederalDepartment of Public Economy, (Swiss Federal Councillor)

INT. Courtis, Kenneth S. - Vice President for Asia of Goldman Sachs, (Japan)Inc.; International Research Council of the Center for International andStrategic Studies (CSIS) in Washington and Economic Strategy Institute inWashington.[Canadian]

IRL. Cox, Pat - President of the Liberal Democrat Group (ELDR), EuropeanParliament.

USA. Dam, Kenneth S. - Deputy Secretary designate at US Department of theTreasury, Council on Foreign Relations (New York)

B. Davignon, Etienne - Chairman, Société Généralede Belgique; Former Vice Chairman of the Commission of the European Communities

GR. David, George A. - Chairman, Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company SA.

USA. Dodd, Christopher J. - Senator, Democratic Party, Connecticut

USA. Donilon, Thomas E. - Executive Vice President, Law and Policy, FannieMae

I. Draghi, Mario - President of the Economic and Financial Committee, Councilof the EU - Director General, Ministry of the Treasury

USA. Eisenhower, Susan - Tufts University, Asst. Director, Communicationsand Media Studies; President, the Eisenhower World Affairs Institute

DK. Eldrup, Anders - Permanant Secretary, Ministry of Finance; Danish governmentrepresentative to SAS (airlines)

TR. Erçel, Gazi - Merkez Bank; former governor Central Bank of Turkey

USA. Feldstein, Martin - Professor of economics at Harvard University; Presidentand CEO, National Bureau of Economic Research.

INT. Fischer, Franz - E.U. Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development,European Commission

USA. Glickman, Dan - Former Secretary of Agriculture; Partner, Akin, Gump,Strauss, Hauer & Feld L.L.P.

USA. Graham, Donald E. - Chairman and CEO, The Washington Post Company

I. Gros-Pietro, Gian Maria - Chairman, ENI S.p.A.( Italian energy group)

USA. Hagel, Chuck - Senator, Republican, Nebraska

NL. Halberstadt, Victor - Professor of Public Economics, Leiden University;former Honorary Secretary of Bilderberg Meetings

S. Hedelius, Tom C. - Chairman, Svenska Handelsbanken; Vice Chairman of theBoard, Ericsson

FIN. Heinonen, Olli-Pekka - Minister of Transport and Communications

N. Heyerdahl, d.y., Jens P. - Group president and CEO, Orkala ASA

N. Höegh, Westye - Chairman of the Board, Leif Hoegh & Co ASA

NL. Hoeven, Cees H. van der - President, Koninklijke Ahold nv

CDN. Hunkin, John - Chairman and C.E.O., Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce

B. Huyghebaert, Jan - Chairman, Almanij NV

S. Johansson, Leif - President and C.E.O., AB Volvo

USA. Johnson, James A. - Johnson Capital; Vice-Chairman Perseus, LLC

USA. Jordan Jr., Vernon E. - Managing Director, Lazard Freres & co LLC[Senior Partner, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Field is a possible misprint]

USA. Kissinger, Henry A. - Chairman, Kissinger Associates Inc.; Former Secretaryof State

D. Kopper, Hilmar - Chairman of Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank A.G.

USA. Kravis, Henry R. - Founding partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.

USA. Kravis, Marie Josée - Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute Inc.

INT. Lamy, Pascal - EU, European Trade Commissioner

F. Lévy-Lang, André - Former Chairman, Paribas

USA. Lewis, Bernard - Emeritus Professor of Near Eastern Studies, PrincetonUniversity

FIN. Lipponen, Paavo - Prime Minister

CDN. Lord, Bernard - Prime Minister of New Brunswick

CDN. MacMillan, Margaret O. - Editor, International Journal, Canadian Instituteof International Affairs

GR. Manos, Stephanos - Member of the Greek Parliament & Former Ministerof National Economy; President of the Liberal Party

P. Martins, Guilherme. d'Oliveira. - Minister of Presidency

USA. Mathews, Jessica T. - President, Carnegie Endowment for InternationalPeace

NL. Melkert, Ad P.W. - Parliamentary Leader PvdA, (Labour Party)

E. Miguel, Ramon de - Secretary of State for European Affairs

F. Montbrial, Thierry de - Director, French Institute of International Relations

INT. Monti, Mario - European Commissioner for Competition (internal market,financial services, financial integration, customs, taxation)

D. Mosdorf, Siegmar - Secretary of State for Economics and Technology

USA. Moskow, Michael H. - President , Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

P. Moura, Vasco Graça - Member, European Parliament; 1st Vice President,Committee on Culture, Youth, Education, the Media and Sport

CDN. Monroe-Blum, Heather - Vice-President for Research and InternationalRelations, University of Toronto

F. Nallet, Henri - International Secretary, Socialist Party

ISR. Nashashibi, Mohammed - Former Roving Ambassador of the Arab League;Finance Minister for Palestine Authority; Author

D. Nass, Matthias - Deputy Editor, Die Zeit

NL. Netherlands, Her Majesty the Queen of The - Beatrix, the richest womanin the world

PL. Olechowski, Andrzej - Former presidential candidate; Leader, Civic Platform

FIN. Ollila, Jorma - Chairman of the Board and C.E.O., Nokia Corporation;Member of the board of directors, Ford Motor Company and UPM-Kymmene (largetimber/paper company)

NL. Orange, His Royal Highness the Prince of - [Bernhard?]

CH. Ospel, Marcel - President & Group Chief Executive, Union Bank OfSwitzerland AG (UBS - total assets $ 1,1 Trillion)

INT. Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso - Member of the Executive Board, European CentralBank; President of the International Center for Monetary and Banking Studies;Member of the G -7 & G -20 Deputies; Chairman of the G -10 Committeeon Payments and Settlement Systems

S. Padgrotsky, Leif - Minister of Trade

USA. Pearl, Frank H. - Chairman & C.E.O of Perseus LLC; Founder &Chairman, Rappahannock Investment Company and Counterpoint Press.

CZ. Pehe, Jiri - Director, New York University, Prague; former advisor toPresident Havel

USA. Perle, Richard N. - Resident Fellow, The American Enterprise Institutefor Public Policy Research; Chairman and chief executive officer, HollingerDigital, Inc.; Director, Jerusalem Post

GB. Pragnell, Michael P. - CEO Syngenta AG; Director, AstraZeneca plc

USA. Prestowitz Jr., Clyde V. - Founder & President, Economic StrategyInstitute (areas of expertise: Globalization, Asia, Technology Policy, BusinessStrategy); former senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment

A. Raidl, Claus J - CEO and Director, Böhler Uddeholm AG (steel)

S. Ramqvist, Lars - Chairman & C.E.O., Ericsson (world's third largestmobile phone manufacture); Board member, Skandia & Volvo

USA. Rattner, Steven - Investment Banker, Director and Managing PrincipalQuandrangle Group; US Treasury advisory committee on IMF matters; "old hand"at Davos meetings of the World Economic Forum; Chairman of New York Channel13

I. Riotta, Gianni - Co-Editor, La Stampa

INT. Robertson, George - Secretary General, NATO

USA. Rockefeller, David - Chairman of the International Advisory Committee,Chase Manhattan Bank; Member JPMorgan International Council; Founder andHonorary Chairman of the Trilateral Commission

E. Rodriques Inciarte, Matías - Executive Vice Chairman, Banco SantanderCentral Hispano

GB. Roll, Eric - Senior Adviser, UBS Warburg Ltd,

TR. Sanberk, Özdem - Turkish Ambassador to the U.K.; Director General,Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation (TESEV)

A. Scholten, Rudolf, A. - Member of the Board of Executive Directors,Österreichische Kontrollbank AG

D. Schrempp, Jürgen E. - Chairman of the Board of Management,DaimlerChrysler AG

DK. Seidenfaden, Tøger - Editor-in-Chief, Politiken - one of the biggestDanish newspapers

RUS. Shevtsova, Lilia - Carnegie Endowment for International Misery, VisitingProfessor, University of California at Berkeley & Cornell University

US/GB. Siedentop, Larry A. - Fellow of Keble College & lecturer on politicalphilosophy at Oxford University; Author of Democracy in Europe

GB. Sieghart, Mary Ann - Editorial writer and assistant editor, Times ofLondon

E. Spain, Her Majesty the Queen of, - Sofia

GB. Taylor, J. Martin - Chairman, WH Smith PLC, International Adviser, GoldmanSachs International

USA. Thornton, John L. - Director, Ford Motor Co.; President and co-CEO,Goldman Sachs & co Inc.; Member, Council on Foreign Relations and theBrookings Institution

S. Treschcow, Michael - President and C.E.O., Electrolux Group AB

F. Trichet, Jean-Claude - Governor, Banque de France

CH. Vasella, Daniel L. - Chairman & C.E.O., Novartis AG (Pharmaceuticals)

FIN. Virkunen, Janne - Senior Editor-in-Chief, Helsingin Sanomat

S. Wallenberg, Jacob - Chairman of the Board, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken

S. Wallenberg, Marcus - President and C.E.O, Investor AB; Vice Chairman ofthe Board, Ericsson

CDN. Whyte, Kenneth - Canada, Editor-in-Chief, The National Post

GB. Wolf, Martin - Associated Editor/Economics Commentator, The FinancialTimes

D. Wolff von Amerongen, Otto - Chairman and C.E.O., Otto Wolff Industrieberatungund Beteiligungen GmbH.


GB. Micklethwait, R John - United Stated Editor, The Economist

GB.Wooldridge, Adrian D - Foreign Corespondent, The Economist

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2. Reuters Article

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-------------------------------------------------------- 20:00 Sunday 27May - Channel 4 UK

In the final programme in his series on 'conspiracy theorists', Jon Ronsoninvestigates the mysterious Bilderberg Group.

Could this elite circle, said to include Peter Mandelson, Denis Healey andHenry Kissinger, really be ruling the world? In Washington DC Jon meets BigJim Tucker, regarded by the anti-Bilderberg crowd as a heroic trailblazer.

Jim has discovered the location of the next Bilderberg Group meeting andJon joins him in a quest for the truth, which leads to confrontations withunwelcoming security guards and a leisurely car chase. Will they get to thebottom of the Bilderberg enigma?


Secretive Bilderberg group meeting in Sweden from:

By Peter Starck - Wednesday May 23, 05:00 PM -

STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - EU enlargement and the bloc's military role, NATO'sfuture and developments in Russia and China will top the agenda when seniorWestern business leaders, politicians and a sprinkle of royalty meet in Swedenthis week.

The Bilderberg group, a semi-secret discussion forum for the Western world'spower elite, will hold its annual meeting in the town of Stenungsund on theSwedish west coast on May 24-28, Swedish newspapers reported on Wednesday.

A 900-metre long metal fence has been erected around Hotel Stenungsbaden,the meeting venue, to keep intruders away, regional daily Goteborgs-Postensaid, publishing a picture of the fenced-in hotel.

Anti-globalisation demonstrators are expected to protest outside and localpolice see the event as a useful training exercise ahead of the mid-JuneEuropean Union summit in the city of Gothenburg 50 km (30 miles) to the south.

The Bilderberg group, named after the hotel where it first met in 1954, wasformed early in the Cold War era in reaction to a growing Communist threat.Today, many critics see it as a conspiracy and an agent of a new capitalistworld order.

Bilderberg member Jacob Wallenberg, chairman of the board of commercial bankSEB and head of Sweden's influential Wallenberg family whose empire has afinger in most big Swedish industries, played down the group's importance.

"This is one of many meetings all over the world where decision-makers gettogether," he told the daily Dagens Nyheter, which earlier published themain agenda topics.

Invited as speakers, Bill Clinton and Tony Blair were groomed at Bilderbergmeetings before rising to fame as U.S. President and British Prime Ministerrespectively.

EU Commission President Romano Prodi, NATO Secretary-General George Robertsonand European Central Bank Governor Wim Duisenberg all have a past asBilderbergers.


"Even though no formal decisions are made...this group, together with manyothers, has contributed to shaping the kind of capitalism we have today andcemented the world's leading business elites together," Goran Greider,editor-in-chief of Dala-Demokraten, a regional Swedish daily, said in a livestudio debate on Sweden's TV4 television.

Bilderberg participants abide by the so-called Chatham House rule, whichforbids everyone present from disclosing what anybody else has said.

"The secrecy is regarded as very provocative. Men in power talk towards consensusbehind closed doors on timely issues on the political agenda," Ulf Bjereld,a political science professor at Gothenburg University, said.

Bilderberg members include former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger,U.S. Senators Christopher Dodd, John Kerry and Chuck Hagel, World Bank chiefJames Wolfensohn, France's central bank governor Jean-Claude Trichet andformer IMF heads Michel Camdessus and Stanley Fischer.

Also listed are the chairmen of car makers Fiat, Giovanni Agnelli, andDaimlerChrysler, Juergen Schrempp, former British finance minister KennethClarke, Dutch Queen Beatrix and Xerox Corp CEO Paul Allaire.

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After some technical difficulties - here it is:

1. Bilderberg 2001 - Conference Update
2. Bohemian Grove TV programme on UK Channel 4 tomorrow evening
3. A number to call if you think we should know more about Bilderberg andthe Bohos.
4. Carl Bildt has been invited instead to the Aspen Conference

Updates on the web at


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Archives: &


My contact at Radio Sweden says the Swedish Secret Service have confirmedthe Bilderberg meeting will be taking place on the hotel/island at Stenungsundnear Gothenburg on 24-27th May this year. We will only know for sure whenthe security services turn up to sweep the hotel and the black Mercedes carswith the characteristic 'B' on the front windscreen begin to arrive.

This conference venue is likely to become a no-go zone within Sweden as foreignmarksmen seal the entire island off from scrutiny of press and public.

Could it be that in this Bilderberg fortress the agenda, and even main decisionsfor the EU summit in Gothenburg three weeks later (14-17 June) will be decided?There will be a counter-summit conference taking place in Gothenburg overthe same June dates where I hope this will be discussed as an unacceptablepossibility.

Happily the Swedish mainstream press and broadcasing have taken an interestin the forthcoming Bilderberg conference (see below). If anyone can translatethese articles to English please send them to me for publication Swedish TV say they will run a piece on the conference nextTuesday (22nd).


Bilderberg bloodhound Jim Tucker is the most reliable contact for those wishingto visit/photograph or otherwise cover the conference. He will be arrivingon Tuesday, May 22 and staying at the Hotel Eggers-Best Western in Gothenburg.Their phone number is +46 31 806 070. Prices at Jim's hotel are $130 pernight for a single room or $80 per night per person for a twin.

If this is too expensive for you there are plenty of cheaper places to stayin Gothenburg or you may wish to stay closer to Stenungsund.

Youth hostels:

Vandrahem Slottsskogen, Vegagatan 21, 413 63 Göteborg, tel. +46 31 426520

Vandrahem Stigbergsliden 10, 414 63 Göteborg, tel. +46 31 241 620

Vandrahem Steningssund, pl 6109, 444 91 Stenungsund, tel. +46 30 382 120

The Gothenburg tourist office are there to help you on +46 31 293 000

Discuss your travel/hotel plans at the forum created for that purpose

Swedish Press Article


On the 13th May the large swedish newspaper "Dagens Nyheter" had a full pagearticle with a lot of facts and background on the meeting which is confirmedto be 24 - 28 of May.

1: The meeting is taking place on an island off the coast of Stenungsund- the island is called Stenungsön and is connected to the mainland byroad 160. No doubt the road will be closed to regular traffic.

2: The Wallenberg-group´s powerful company "Investor" is the host andis responsible for security at Hotel "Stenungsbaden".

3: Prominent foreign participants are protected by their own countries´security services and have requested permission from the Swedish secret police"Säpo" to carry arms in Sweden. Drawings of the layout of the hotelhave been classified and the staff of the hotel have been forbidden to discussthe meeting with media.

4: Carl Bildt will not (according to his own statement) be attending thisyear - since he is needed to participate at the Aspen-conference in the northof Italy (a similar meeting at the same time).

Carl Bildt's record of disaster in Swedish politics:
Cradle-to-Grave Discontent:

5: The swedish government representative who´ll participate this yearis Minister of Trade, Leif Pagrotsky (who just recently was greeted in theuniversity city of Lund with a pie in his face).

6: It is not certain yet - but was mentioned last night on the news in tvthat even mr Putin (besides Mr Bush) may show up at the EU-summit inGöteborg.


Bilderberg's Dutch phone number (possibly office too) has changed

Bilderberg secretariat's new telephone number in Holland is +31-71-528 0521(thanks to anon. Swedish journalist)


9pm tomorrow - Sunday 20 May 2001 - Channel 4 TV, UK.

Warning - this series could momentarily restore your faith in television.



9pm 20 May 2001 - Channel 4 TV, UK. (Bilderberg prog. scheduled for nextSunday)

Could it be that some of the elite leaders of the world - the bankers, thepoliticians, the media fat cats, even former presidents of the United States- are all in cahoots to deliver a New World Order, a clique with supremeforce promising destruction for all those who dare to oppose it?

According to some people, every year in a leafy outpost in Northern Californiacalled Bohemian Grove, a mysterious ritual takes place that is attended bysome of the most powerful people on the planet...

Jon Ronson follows Alex Jones, a hugely popular 26-year-old talk show hostfrom Austin, Texas, in his attempts to discover the truth behind these bizarregoings on. Is the ritual, which includes the burning of an effigy to a strangeowl-like totem pole, really as sinister as some would have it, or is it justa harmless symbol of renewal?

You can chat to Jon after the programme at

Unfortunate non-UK residents (don't take that the wrong way you Montanagunslingers) will have to book the next flight to London to watch this

- but it could be well worth it.


If you think secret meetings of the power elite are a serious topic forinvestigation please call the BBC +44 207 580 4468 and ask why they are ignoringthis entire aspect of global political and economic power whilst collectinga 'public service' licence fee from every TV user in the UK.

If you are a UK resident why not refuse to pay the licence until the BBCbegin to cover clandestine meetings of the power elite such as Bilderbertgand the Bohemian Grove?


What is Aspen?

Deep pow-wow

IF YOU want to think big thoughts in a beautiful place, get invited to Aspen.The famous Colorado ski resort is also the summer home of the Aspen Institutefor Humanistic Studies, a title designed to remind its seminar guests thatthey are there for a serious purpose. They discuss anything that is high-mindedbut not too abstract - corporate leadership, justice and society, economicpolicy, geopolitical relations - in seminars that last from a few days toas long as a month. The guests are a name-dropper's delight: that chap inthe tennis kit is William Colby, new boss of the CIA; the tall man toggedup to go fishing is Paul Volcker. They are joined by assorted politicians,academics, businessmen, ambassadors and journalists. For years, the institutetook its lead from a generous chairman, Mr Robert Anderson, former boss ofArco, an oil company. He has just been succeeded by a pukka academic, MrDavid McLaughlin, former president of Dartmouth College. The institute hasfound a way of reaching the pockets of the rich via the aspirations of theirheads: if they give enough, they are called Fellows of the institute andare allowed to sit in on the meetings (but not to talk).

from The Enonomist Elite Conferences Guide


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Could be more frequent postings to follow.

This year's page for updates

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It is strongly suggested, but not confirmed, that the Bilderberg Group ismeeting this year in Sweden. Last year they changed their minds rather late,and ended up on the street near Bruxelles, right in front of us, so I guessthey won't want to do that again. We can assume then that, either we aregetting a 'bum-steer', or this is correct. It sounds plausible enough, giventheir interest (read 'role') in EU matters, that they would meet in Gothenburg,just before the Summit. They have a tendency to do this with G7/8 as well.A larger than usual delegation the last two years also tends to support this.

It is quite interesting that Sweden is the choice. We saw (and photographed)a few Swedes at last years: Barnevik (Steering Committee), Bildt, Pagrotsky,Leif Johansson, Lars-Eric Petersson and Jacob Wallenberg.

See: and:

Also, Bildt would have met Esther Dyson at last year's meeting. That seemsinnocent enough, until you notice that he is suddenly chairing a major panelfor ICANN, the internet Domain Names organisation, which she was Presidentof until recently. I imagine Bildt will take over from Barnevik as SteeringCommittee member, and is a rising star in the elite. He is now well placedto influence the development of the internet, that delinquent medium theelite would love to control (as they control all other media). And IT isa growing aspect of these summits!

Just a small bit of elite politics I thought might interest you.

The location is apparently:



50 KM NORTH OF GOTHENBURG MAY 24-28 2001 Tel: + 46 303 726800

c. 50 km north of Gothenburg route E6

Given the growing interest, it is possible that a bigger welcome committeewill turn out this year. Tempted to go along myself - never been to Sweden!

Hej Då,


Bilderberg 2001 to take place in Sweden?


Previously reliable source, Jim Tucker from Spotlight has just announcedthis year's probable Bilderberg meeting date and venue and is calling forpeople to come and witness the event.

The Quality Hotel in Stenungsbaden [near Stenungsund], is 50 km north ofGöteborg [Gothenburg - Eng.], Sweden, close to Landvetter airport isthought to be the venue.


Ferries run to Göteborg from Newcastle-upon-Tyne(GB), Amsterdam(NL),Harwich(GB) and Kiel(D)


direct flights to Gothenburg from: Aarhus, Amsterdam, Basel, Belgrade, Billund,Brussels, Copenhagen, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Hannover, Helsingborg,London-Heathrow, London-Gatwick, Malta, Manchester, Munich, Oslo, Paris-Charlesde Gaulle, Prague, Sandefjord, Skopje, Teheran, Vienna and Zurich.

Göteborg-Landvetter Airport is situated close to the 40 trunk road betweenGothenburg (25 km) and Borås (40 km). The nearest village is Härryda.A motorway connects Gothenburg with the airport.

Check out Jon Ronson's new book: 'Them' through

and don't forget last year they gave us the run-around.

stay tooned,


This site campaigns for general press access to Bilderberg venues - and adeclaration from the organisers that the discussions are public, not private

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1. Bilderberg feature in London Guardian this Saturday (10th March 2001)
2. 'Imagine Yourselves to be Dictators of Europe' - Davignon, ERT, and theSingle Market programme
3. Bilderberg book delayed for 18 months (!)
4. Disillusioned MI6 spy Richard Tomlinson's book 'The Big Breach' availableonline
5. Bilderberger to head ICANN study at the heart of the net

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Rumour has it that The London Guardian - - willbe printing extracts from Jon Ronson's new book, 'Them' which looks at Bilderbergand the Bohemian Grove this coming Saturday (10th March 2001). There lookslikely to be a TV version too in the not-too-distant future on UK's Channel4. It remains to be seen whether or not this will be a good piece of journalismor a whitewash. But if Jon's previous work is anything to go by it shouldbe humourous and closer to the former!

It will be interesting to see whether or not the issue of Bilderbergerscolonising the European Commission, the management board or 'cabinet' ofEurope, will be dealt with. For me this is the most anti-democratic and deceptiveaspect to Bilderberg activities at the present.

Jon Ronson's website aboput 'Them' is at


The single market programme in the mid-80's was the sucessful relaunch packageof economic and arguably political integration in Europe. Jean Monnet, fatherof the EU had alwaysfelt it crucial to rein back monopolistic big businessbut the success of the single market turnedthis policy on itshead.The relaunch document (see below) was prepared for the EuropeanCommission by Philips Industries in Holland and researched by unnamed Philipsstaff. The staff were told to "imagine yourselves to be dictators of Europe."

Few realise how pivotal the 2001 Bilderberg chairman, Viscount Etienne Davignon,was in this process. As European Commissioner for Industry and the InternalMarket from 1977 to 1980 he looked for ways to put big business in the drivingseat of European policy.In 1985, as Industry Commissioner,hechallenged Pehr Gyllenhammar, CEO of Volvo, (also administrator ofUnited Technologies, Vice President of the Aspen Institute and one of thefive partners of Kissinger Associates) to organise a group of the top Europeanbusinessmen to lobby the Commission. Davignon argued that the Commissionwould be obliged to respond to the demands of some of the largest Europeanindustrialists. The Gyllenhammar group was to becomethe highly influentialEuropean Round Table of Industrialists or ERT, drawing up policy for Europe.

Extract follows from:

The Politics of Big Business in the Single Market Program, by Maria L. Green,The American University, Visiting Fellow, CSIA, Harvard University.

School of International Service, The American University, 4400 MassachusettsAvenue NW, Washington DC 20016.

Paper presented for the European Community Studies Association, Third BiennialInternational Conference, May 27 1993, Washington DC.

This is an essential document for anyone curiousabout the origins ofthe present policies and direction of the European Union. The above paperhas the following structure. The opening section of chapter, IV, is reproducedbelow.

Introduction I. The Early Years: The Rise of the Multinationals in ECPolicymaking II. The Origins of the ERT: Setting the Agenda for a New EuropeIII. The ERT and the French Connection IV. The Dekker Paper, the PoliticalAgenda and aConstituency for Delors V. The Delors Commission's PolicyAlternative and the Eurpean Council Vote VI. Ensuring the SEA's Implementation:The Internal Market Support Group (Committee) VII. Conclusions

IV. The Dekker Paper, the Political Agenda and aConstituency for Delors- extract----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Repackaging the message: The Dekker Paper

On January 11, 1985, in Brussels, Wisse Dekker, CEO of Phillips, unveileda plan, "Europe 1990", before an audience of 500 people including many ofthe newly appointed EC commissioners. The plan laid out in precise termsthe steps needed in four key areas - trade facilitation (elimination of borderformalities), opening up of public procurement markets, harmonization oftechnical standards, and fiscal harmonization (elimination of the fiscalVAT frontiers) -- to open up a European Market in five years. For the firsttime a plan was produced which identified some 50 measures needed to eliminatenon-tariff barriers to trade and to relaunch the European Market. The Dekkerpaper was revolutionary -- not only because it was proposed by the head ofa major multinational, but because it produced what had escaped nationaland European policymakers -- a simple plan for a unified market.

The Dekker paper was an internal Philips project led by Dekker's governmentaffairs representative in Brussels, Coen Ramaer. It was the result of thecompany's growing dissatisfaction with the inability of government officials-- national or EC -- to produce a concrete proposal for a European market.While Mitterrand was promoting an industrial initiative, there were no specificsto the French President's plan. Moreover, when the Commission did producea comprehensive package of proposals in late 1984, there was no outpouringof support for the initiative. The Commission document developed by CommissionerNarjes listed hundreds of pre-existing pieces of legislation -- ranging fromstandardisation to social actions to environmental issues -- deemed necessaryfor the creation of an internal market. Business leaders, while pleased thata package was produced, found the Commission package "unwieldy" and lacking"a precise time-table." Moreover, there was no strategy to ensure itsimplementation and no rationale for industrial growth. It became apparentto the heads of multinationals that industry needed to produce its own concreteprogram.

With Dekker's support, Ramaer assembled four Philips experts who had longdealt with the four key areas later outlined in the Dekker speech. As Ramaerexplains, he instructed the men to:

"imagine yourselves to be dictators of Europe and that you have decided thatthe job must be done in five years. And they [the experts] started out "butthis is impossible! Be realistic!" And I told them that I couldn't care lessif we were realistic or not.

Once they had picked up this idea, they found it fascinating. And they discoveredthat it could be done -- given the political will, of course." [Interview,September 24th 1992]

Some of the experts set up informal meetings with their counterparts in theCommission to discuss the project and to hammer out key problems. Dekkerstressed to Ramaer that the proposals had to be complete -- he did not wantthe outcome to be simply another speech on the necessity of European integration.

"Europe 1990" was not simply another speech. In addition to introducing aprecise agenda, the paper introduced a number of new conceptualisations ofwhat aunified European market might entail. In the trade facilitationarea, for example, the "ultimate goal" of the plan was to create "frontierswithout formalities for goods traffic and the replacement of paper documentsby data transmission via a telecommunications network used by traders,transporters, banks and statistical and tax authorities..." Of course, toimplement this strategy, member states would also be required to allow forthe development of a trans-European telecommunications network. The paperleft little doubt of the importance of creating a united European market.As Dekker noted in his introduction: "The survival of Europe is in fact atstake."

When the "Europe 1990" plan was presented, it was not for Brussels' consumptionalone. Dekker sent the plan, along with aletter, to the heads of governmentand state of the European Community. Oneletter went to The Rt Hon MargaretThatcher, January 7th 1985, from Dr. Wisse Dekker. The letter opens as follows"Europe's industries - both large and small - will have little future ifthe common market is not created as intended by the Treaties of Rome. Thiswe all know..." Dekker concludes by submitting "these proposals for theconsideration of youand your government, hoping that you will promotethe action necessary to get Europe out of the deadlock in which it hasbeenfor a number of years. You will agree that thisis an urgentmatter. There is little time left to correct the consequences of a lack ofdynamism inthe past decade.

[end of extract]

[from footnote - Margaret Thatcher refused to meet with ERT who were promoting'Europe 2000'.]


January 2001 - Book about Bilderberg 'delayed' - 'Private Capacity' by RenataAdler US publishers: Perseus Availablefrom Amazon and most online bookshops - IF it is ever published!

Public Affairs publishing are sending out mixed messages about the publicationof 'Private Capacity' latest information first here: {TG}

01Feb01 - Message 2

From: "Taft, Gene" <> Subject: FW: Renato'sbook

Mr. Gosling,

I'm not certain, but I think you are referring to Renata Adler's forthcomingbook on the Bilderberg conferences. If that is the case, the book is currentlyscheduled for publication in June 2002 and it is therefore significantlypremature for Ms. Adler to give interviews.

Gene Taft Director of Publicity PublicAffairs 212/397-6666 x234

02Jan01 - Message 1

Mr. Tony Gosling,

The publication of Renata Adler's Private Capacity, a book about the Bilderberggroup, has been postponed. The author is still writing but a new publicationdate has not yet been set.

Robert Kimzey Managing Editor PublicAffairs


"The Big Breach: From Top Secret to Maximum Security", is the spy book thatMI6 banned for nearly five years. Last month it was made available to youin the High Street, this month it is delivered free to your computer.

The book is in it's original published form and is available in the followingformats:

Acrobat PDF

Zipped - Unzipped -

MS Word

Zipped - Unzipped -


Zipped -


Sender: Grattan Healy<>[Green Party Energy adviser at European Parliament]

Grattan refers to both his and my commentary and pictures on last year'sBilderberg meeting just outside Brussels: Tony's Pages Grattan's



Dear friends,

My colleague Laurence, who deals with Info Society questions in our Committeeat the EP (ITRE), spoke to me earlier about ICANN, which I decided to takea peek at this evening. I was aware that Esther Dyson was involved in suchthings, as I came across her when she attended last year's Bilderberg meetinghere in Bruxelles. In fact she was the founding Chairperson of ICANN, andhas just retired from that role. On their page I noticed that Carl Bildthas been wheeled in to do a key study (see below)!

How curious, as we filmed him entering the very same Bilderberg meeting!!

I did wonder why Esther was present. It seems possible that the elite figurethey need to get a hand on this delinquent medium, since they pretty muchown

every other one. And it offers them a possible route to influence over whatis already a growing economic force, and may become a global political structure.So watch out!!

Note that Bildt helped set up a media company in Bosnia, and I had some notso flattering reports about that adventure!

Ciao, Grattan

ICANN Launches At Large Membership Study - Carl Bildt to Chair Study Committee

26 January 2001 (Marina del Rey, CA, USA) - The Internet Corporation forAssigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) announced today that it was commencinga comprehensive study of the structure of its At Large membership. The studywill be conducted by an At Large Membership Study Committee that will makerecommendations to ICANN's Board of Directors on how individuals can effectivelyparticipate in ICANN's policy development, deliberations and actions fortechnical coordination of the Internet.

Mr. Carl Bildt, the former Prime Minister of Sweden and noted United Nationsenvoy, will serve as Chair of the nine member Study Committee. An internationalstatesman and information technology advisor, Bildt's current duties includeSpecial Envoy of the Secretary General of the United Nations to the Balkans,Member of Parliament of Sweden, and Advisor and Board Member of several Internetand technology-related corporations.

"The Board's approval of the Study Committee and Carl Bildt's selection asChair is a demonstration of ICANN's commitment to finding an effective wayfor the perspectives of individuals in every country to be heard and givendue consideration," said Vint Cerf, Chairman of the ICANN Board of Directors."We are extremely fortunate to have someone with Carl Bildt's internationalconsensus building experience to lead this critical effort."

The Committee, which is chartered to seek input from all interested partiesand to work toward a broad consensus on ICANN's At Large membership, willuse multiple mechanisms for input, including public forums, mailing lists,and a public website. The Committee will encourage the participation oforganizations and individuals worldwide, including the development of independentstudies and analyses from across the global Internet's constituencies.

"ICANN's actions affect the whole world's Internet users, and I look forwardto the challenging task of forging a consensus on the best method forrepresenting this ever-growing constituency," said Bildt. "This will be aninternational cooperative effort, and I am counting on the participationof a diversity of Internet stakeholders that have an interest in ICANN tohelp us deliver a workable solution."

The Board invited Charles Costello and Pindar Wong to serve as the Committee'sVice-Chairs. Costello is director of the Carter Center's Democracy Program,and served as an outside monitor for ICANN's At Large elections held lastyear. Wong served as an ICANN Director and Vice Chairman of the Board during1999-2000. He also is an active Internet policy leader in the Asia PacificRegion, and Chairman of VeriFi (Hong Kong) Ltd., an Internet infrastructureconsultancy. The remaining members of the committee will be announced ata later date.

ICANN also announced the appointment of Denise Michel as the Committee'sExecutive Director. Ms. Michel has extensive experience in both private andpublic sector technology policy development, having served previously onthe staff of the U.S. National Science Foundation, the American ElectronicsAssociation and the U.S. Department of Commerce. From 1993-95, she was Sr.

Technology Advisor to the Secretary of Commerce, Mr. Ronald Brown.

Following public comment, the Board also adopted a charter for the studyto ensure a consistent base of expectations on the scope and details of thestudy committee's work. ICANN has posted the charter on its website at


Denise Michel

+1 310 823 9358

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