A proposal to help put college back in sports. Thoughts? (2024)

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  • Posted on Apr 2nd, 2023, 10:04 AM, , User Since 151 months ago, User Post Count: 131

    • Apr 2nd, 2023, 10:04 AM
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    NCAA would establish a fund to award college athletes who complete 4 years on the team at one school with further awards for graduating from the same. The awards need to be higher than most NIL.

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  • Posted on Apr 2nd, 2023, 10:26 AM, , User Since 73 months ago, User Post Count: 1565

    • Apr 2nd, 2023, 10:26 AM
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    wahoopa said... (original post) NCAA would establish a fund to award college athletes who complete 4 years on the team at one school with further awards for graduating from the sa...

    The NCAA, like any company, is gonna fight tooth and nail to not have anyone cut into profits by even the slimmest of a percentage of margins. I also don’t think the NCAA cares about talent leaving particular schools to still play on a NCAA member team. Maybe conferences could do it.

  • Posted on Apr 2nd, 2023, 10:31 AM, , User Since 150 months ago, User Post Count: 14202

    • Apr 2nd, 2023, 10:31 AM
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    Something along those lines was brought up on a zoom call just recently. Create an anuity for our athletes, incentivize it so the longer they stay the more they get.

  • Posted on Apr 2nd, 2023, 10:37 AM, , User Since 86 months ago, User Post Count: 9561

    • Apr 2nd, 2023, 10:37 AM
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    A group of athletes has made a proposal on how to improve college sports. Surprisingly a lot of what was proposed was not financial but more degree programs for athletes and healthcare/mental healthcare including after they graduate.

  • Posted on Apr 2nd, 2023, 10:47 AM, , User Since 116 months ago, User Post Count: 631

    • Apr 2nd, 2023, 10:47 AM
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    I don't mind the idea. But I wonder how this gets around the "paying players" idea.

    Here is my thought.

    1. An athlete has a CHOICE of either accepting NIL OR a scholarship. No athlete on scholarship can accept NIL. This forces the student athlete to make a very adult decision. Do I value the scholarship or not? Or am I better off on my own? How much NIL is Manning going to make? (Not to mention, he comes from wealth anyway). Is it "fair" to also give him a scholarship? Or is it more fair to reserve that scholarship for a student that is using college athletics for the traditional purpose, and let Manning pay his own way?

    2. NIL money is taxed to create a fund to provide for former student athletes. Eligibility will be based upon financial need. This sends a clear message to high NIL earners that you are on a TEAM, and that your success is related to your teammate's efforts.

    Side note: I am a true free market capitalist. Much of what I've shared above goes against anything I'd ever advocate for in the private sector. But competitive college athletics is a different beast, so I think about it differently.

    Thanks for reading!

  • Posted on Apr 2nd, 2023, 10:53 AM, , User Since 162 months ago, User Post Count: 14459

    • Apr 2nd, 2023, 10:53 AM
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    wahoopa said... (original post) NCAA would establish a fund to award college athletes who complete 4 years on the team at one school with further awards for graduating from the sa...

    So, a bonus for completing 4 years on the job?

    Versus getting paid in year 1, 2, 3 and 4?

    Do you hear yourself?

  • Posted on Apr 2nd, 2023, 10:57 AM, , User Since 162 months ago, User Post Count: 14459

    • Apr 2nd, 2023, 10:57 AM
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    UncleScoopy said... (original post) I don't mind the idea. But I wonder how this gets around the "paying players" idea.Here is my thought.1. An athlete has a CHOICE ...

    "I wonder how this gets around the paying players idea." So, you're acknowledging it's a job yet don't want to see workers renumerated?

    This kind of post is so paternalistic.

    And an additional tax on income solely for a new fund that the business (NCAA) should be playing? You are basically calling for a union pension fund funded by the union without a union being formed.

    Everything that's a business, is a business.

  • Posted on Apr 2nd, 2023, 11:18 AM, , User Since 249 months ago, User Post Count: 69101

    • Apr 2nd, 2023, 11:18 AM
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    NIL isn’t going away, nor should it.

    UVA, therefore, needs to embrace it and innovate in the space.

    The best way for that to happen is for Tony Bennett and Tony Elliott to be public and private advocates. The public part is self explanatory.

    On the private side, nothing would be more beneficial to the reality of NIL at UVA than the two main revenue program head coaches, but especially Bennett, embracing NIL with our largest donors and stumping for them to pour money / resources / advertising into Cav Futures.

    There’s no reason that we should not have several athletes endorsing ACAC fitness clubs (whale donor owner) across central Virginia at any time

    There’s no reason we shouldn’t have several athletes endorsing Ralph’s restaurant and/or other Thompson properties (Darden grad founder).

    And so on.

    We’ve done more in this space than I expected, to be honest, but we aren’t close yet. The coaches, but especially Bennett and then Elliott, can be and need to be the biggest advocates to our donors for this.

  • Posted on Apr 2nd, 2023, 11:35 AM, , User Since 162 months ago, User Post Count: 14459

    • Apr 2nd, 2023, 11:35 AM
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    Karl Hess said... (original post) NIL isn’t going away, nor should it. UVA, therefore, needs to embrace it and innovate in the space. The best way for that to happen is for Tony B...

    If Tony didn't go hard publicly about A12, why would he go hard publicly about this?

    You're totally correct, of course.

  • Posted on Apr 2nd, 2023, 11:48 AM, , User Since 116 months ago, User Post Count: 631

    • Apr 2nd, 2023, 11:48 AM
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    SteelReserve211 said... (original post) "I wonder how this gets around the paying players idea." So, you're acknowledging it's a job yet don't want to see ...

    No, I was simply acknowledging that is the current reality of things, and might the OP's proposed solution run afoul of that. Where did you see me take a position on that?

    Explain what you mean by paternalistic. I'm not saying it isn't, but just want to know what you think about it.

    All businesses are not structured in the same manner, least of all competitive sports. That is why even in professional leagues you see things that you would never see in the corporate world.

    This post was edited by UncleScoopy 1 year ago

  • Posted on Apr 2nd, 2023, 11:53 AM, , User Since 116 months ago, User Post Count: 631

    • Apr 2nd, 2023, 11:53 AM
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    Karl Hess said... (original post) NIL isn’t going away, nor should it. UVA, therefore, needs to embrace it and innovate in the space. The best way for that to happen is for Tony B...

    what makes you think that hasn't/isn't already happening and that our largest donors simply aren't on board with the idea?

  • Posted on Apr 2nd, 2023, 12:03 PM, , User Since 116 months ago, User Post Count: 631

    • Apr 2nd, 2023, 12:03 PM
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    SteelReserve211 said... (original post) So, a bonus for completing 4 years on the job?Versus getting paid in year 1, 2, 3 and 4?Do you hear yourself?

    happens all the time in the corporate world. its called deferred compensation.

    it nots clear whether the OP was arguing whether that would be in lieu of or on top of compensation along the way.

  • Posted on Apr 2nd, 2023, 12:18 PM, , User Since 52 months ago, User Post Count: 10124

    • Apr 2nd, 2023, 12:18 PM
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    UncleScoopy said... (original post) I don't mind the idea. But I wonder how this gets around the "paying players" idea.Here is my thought.1. An athlete has a CHOICE ...

    What about baseball where scholarships are limited? Need to ope up full rides across sports or at least more.

  • Posted on Apr 2nd, 2023, 12:20 PM, , User Since 52 months ago, User Post Count: 10124

    • Apr 2nd, 2023, 12:20 PM
    • 52 months
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    SteelReserve211 said... (original post) If Tony didn't go hard publicly about A12, why would he go hard publicly about this?You're totally correct, of course.

    Sorry what is A12?

  • Posted on Apr 2nd, 2023, 12:29 PM, , User Since 155 months ago, User Post Count: 4892

    • Apr 2nd, 2023, 12:29 PM
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    wahoopa said... (original post) NCAA would establish a fund to award college athletes who complete 4 years on the team at one school with further awards for graduating from the sa...

    I’m a cynic. When all this NIL and open market transfer was initiated, I accepted the fact that it is now both ruined and beyond repair, at least back to the way it was. And I’m not sure ‘more money’ incentives are a fix.

  • Posted on Apr 2nd, 2023, 1:28 PM, , User Since 77 months ago, User Post Count: 17493

    • Apr 2nd, 2023, 1:28 PM
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    There is a good reason the NCAA is of all things looking to Congress for help. As of now State governments may decide how things work differently in each state and any significant restriction on payments and player’s rights might be overturned in court. As bad as it sucks, Congress may be the only entity with the authority to fix this mess.

  • Posted on Apr 2nd, 2023, 2:07 PM, , User Since 163 months ago, User Post Count: 1207

    • Apr 2nd, 2023, 2:07 PM
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    UncleScoopy said... (original post) happens all the time in the corporate world. its called deferred compensation.it nots clear whether the OP was arguing whether that would be in ...

    Deferred comp, 401(k) match vesting, restricted stock vesting, longevity bonuses, GI Bill for military servicemen, public service loan forgiveness for public servants, teachers, and non-profit hospital workers…as a financial planner, I see this stuff happen all the time. There are plenty of examples.

  • Posted on Apr 2nd, 2023, 2:45 PM, , User Since 55 months ago, User Post Count: 7061

    • Apr 2nd, 2023, 2:45 PM
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    Colleges protecting their profits. Think about that. Then every strategy and argument is all about finding a way to suppress the players' value.

    Some time ago I did a little number crunching, back of a napkin type. I assumed players in P5 revenue sports would be designated employees and have a CBA that would include a set salary (legal if in a CBA) of something like $12,500 for each year, cumulatively, that the player is on the team roster. Take something like 25% of the revenue from the CFP to pay the salaries and employer side taxes and benefits (I think I used a plug in of 23% for taxes and benefits on top of the salaries), and you'd still have a sizeable annual fund to put into some kind of deferred comp, or profit share/401k kind of thing. Players would get medical and workers comp.

    The point was: The CFP pays something like $600mm now a year. On expansion, figures I've seen indicate an expectation of $2 BILLION a year. That's just football. The money is so big that you could do pay for all of that and not touch the distributions levels that schools are getting now, and in fact that would still increase. My numbers probably had big flaws but think about it. $2 BILLION. That doesn't include conference media deals.

    Come on.

  • Posted on Apr 2nd, 2023, 3:31 PM, , User Since 116 months ago, User Post Count: 631

    • Apr 2nd, 2023, 3:31 PM
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    mtroghoo said... (original post) Deferred comp, 401(k) match vesting, restricted stock vesting, longevity bonuses, GI Bill for military servicemen, public service loan forgiveness ...

    all good examples (FYI, you and I are in the same general industry). the sticking point is all of this applies to employees. It would be interesting to see how this might work with college athletes that are not, technically, employees (to my understanding).

  • Posted on Apr 2nd, 2023, 9:34 PM, , User Since 52 months ago, User Post Count: 2848

    • Apr 2nd, 2023, 9:34 PM
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    Karl Hess said... (original post) NIL isn’t going away, nor should it. UVA, therefore, needs to embrace it and innovate in the space. The best way for that to happen is for Tony B...

    A proposal to help put college back in sports. Thoughts? (17)People love to hate NIL these days when it’s wayyyy better than what we had before. Obviously no one wants recruits getting paid off to come to schools. But, the athletes who’ve had great college careers have ABSOLUTELY earned the right to make millions of dollars off their play. I’d rather have open corruption where there’s still a lot of good than under the table pay offs like it used to be.

  • Posted on Apr 2nd, 2023, 10:08 PM, , User Since 162 months ago, User Post Count: 14459

    • Apr 2nd, 2023, 10:08 PM
    • 162 months
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    UncleScoopy said... (original post) all good examples (FYI, you and I are in the same general industry). the sticking point is all of this applies to employees. It would be intere...

    Are these your employees? Cmon guys!

  • Posted on Apr 2nd, 2023, 10:26 PM, , User Since 116 months ago, User Post Count: 631

    • Apr 2nd, 2023, 10:26 PM
    • 116 months
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    SteelReserve211 said... (original post) Are these your employees? Cmon guys!

    I don’t understand the question/statement.

  • Posted on Apr 2nd, 2023, 10:34 PM, , User Since 249 months ago, User Post Count: 69101

    • Apr 2nd, 2023, 10:34 PM
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    SteelReserve211 said... (original post) Are these your employees? Cmon guys!

    He's not questioning whether they should be classified as employees. He's saying he's not sure if they are or are not currently recognized as employees under the law. Which they are not.

  • Posted on Apr 2nd, 2023, 10:52 PM, , User Since 249 months ago, User Post Count: 69101

    • Apr 2nd, 2023, 10:52 PM
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    UncleScoopy said... (original post) what makes you think that hasn't/isn't already happening and that our largest donors simply aren't on board with the idea?

    You're right that I don't know what they're saying privately. But their public comments are pretty lukewarm from what I've heard / read.

    If they are pushing it to major donors privately, then kudos to them. But also disappointing that their best sales job is not hitting home if that's the case.

  • Posted on Apr 3rd, 2023, 11:29 AM, , User Since 23 months ago, User Post Count: 5072

    • Apr 3rd, 2023, 11:29 AM
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    HSC_Wahoo said... (original post) Sorry what is A12?

    August 12. The right wing day of infamy.

  • Posted on Apr 3rd, 2023, 12:07 PM, , User Since 167 months ago, User Post Count: 26857

    • Apr 3rd, 2023, 12:07 PM
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    IWTL2019 said... (original post) August 12. The right wing day of infamy.

    A proposal to help put college back in sports. Thoughts? (23)

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A proposal to help put college back in sports.  Thoughts? (2024)


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